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S T Alvyn

Joined 9 years ago from New England

  • 17
  • 18
  • 15
  • Online reviews—a blessing or a curse?

    Online reviews—a blessing or a curse?

    7 years ago

    Reviews and opinions are everywhere on the internet, but are they good for business or in the best interests of the public?

  • The rise of the free e-book

    The rise of the free e-book

    7 years ago

    The e-book has transformed the lives of many, making books accessible to all and free. New writers offer their books for free and classics in the public domain are available for all to enjoy.

  • Using a pseudonym, A.K.A. or a 'nom de plume.'

    Using a pseudonym, A.K.A. or a 'nom de plume.'

    7 years ago

    Choosing to use a pen name, pseudonym, stage name or an a.k.a. has its pros and cons, but why do people choose to use an alternate persona and are the cons worth it?

  • To believe or not to believe—that is the question…

    To believe or not to believe—that is the question…

    8 years ago

    What we believe in stems from our childhood from what we see, hear and read. Our beliefs are challenged, influenced and change during our life as we question 'What do we really believe in?'

  • Dream Myths-Our hidden desires and fears

    Dream Myths-Our hidden desires and fears

    9 years ago

    Dreams delve into our inner subconscious, revealing what we hold back in real life. By understanding and acknowledging what our dreams are telling us, we can face our fears and follow our desires.

  • 10 Life Lessons from the Jedi Grand Master Yoda

    10 Life Lessons from the Jedi Grand Master Yoda

    9 years ago

    Jedi Grand Master Yoda inspires us all with his words of wisdom, we can learn much from him in our lives and how we look at things. His cryptic wisdom has great depth, once we are ready to listen.

  • 10 things you may not know about Nathaniel Hawthorne

    10 things you may not know about Nathaniel Hawthorne

    8 years ago

    Hawthorne was deep thinker and his work exemplified his frustrations and beliefs in human nature and the spiritual world. Only after his death was his work appreciated and understood how he had wished.

  • 10 tips for using the bus in Northeast USA

    10 tips for using the bus in Northeast USA

    7 years ago

    Traveling by bus is fast and cheap with Wi-Fi, air conditioning and reclining seats. The increased competition between the routes has enabled people to commute and travel more frequently. My lowest fare was a free ticket for a 50 cent booking fee from Boston to New York at lunchtime.

  • 8 things to know about Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts

    8 things to know about Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts

    7 years ago

    Gloucester on Cape Ann is known as the other Cape; it's a city filled with history and authentic charm, 35 miles from Boston. A working fishing port, lined with beaches and a rocky coastline where the sunrises are worth getting up for and the sunsets have a magical quality.

  • A survival guide to volunteering

    A survival guide to volunteering

    7 years ago

    Volunteering has become a business and it takes more than an altruistic nature to get accepted in some organizations. Don’t be disillusioned, by understanding how volunteering works you can enjoy your experience and be prepared for the pitfalls.

  • 10 Secrets from behind the Beauty Counters

    10 Secrets from behind the Beauty Counters

    7 years ago

    Beauty counters aren’t as frightening as they seem. Rather than run past the counters, once you know how things work behind the scenes you can have fun and enjoy and experiment with new products.

  • The Beauty of Vitamin C

    The Beauty of Vitamin C

    7 years ago

    Vitamin C is a natural beauty booster. It can save your skin from the perils of winter and protect it from the damaging sun rays. There are creams, serums, capsules or powders; how do you choose?

  • 8 things to know about Salem, The Witch City

    8 things to know about Salem, The Witch City

    7 years ago

    Salem may be renowned for the notorious Witch Trials of 1692, but there is more to see and learn from this inaugural New England city. Easy to get to and to navigate, it was also the birthplace and home to Nathaniel Hawthorne.

  • The 24/7 Culture

    The 24/7 Culture

    7 years ago

    Has being available 24/7 for work or friends become acceptable? It is expected from some sectors of society, but becoming slaves to technology is dictating our lives and behaviors. The unspoken rules evolve as we balance what society demands and maintain a control over our own needs.

  • Regrets and Decisons

    Regrets and Decisons

    7 years ago

    We all have some regrets and have made questionable decisions at some point in our lives. Making mistakes is part of life and learning to recognize them is part of the growing process, however, society is creating a standard that isn’t human forcing people to cover up mistakes or to find a...

  • What is Destiny or Fate?

    What is Destiny or Fate?

    8 years ago

    What is Destiny or Fate? Can we avoid it or control it? Understanding why Fate intervenes and what the purpose of your Destiny is can alleviate the fears and make the journey of life less rocky.

  • Revisiting Narnia through adult eyes

    Revisiting Narnia through adult eyes

    8 years ago

    A fresh look at the morals and dilemmas in The Chronicles of Narnia, through adult eyes and how they still exist today. C.S. Lewis’s predictions of humanity and the frailties of mankind through his tales of Narnia are shown through the eyes of innocent children. A world where he tells us it is...


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