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Beyond Breast Tenderness and Morning Sickness: Unusual Symptoms of Pregnancy

Updated on January 27, 2011

Although every woman's pregnancy symptoms will vary slightly, there are many common symptoms of pregnancy. These can include missed period, nausea (morning sickness), bloating, breast tenderness, headache, and many others. To learn more about the common early signs of pregnancy read Am I Pregnant? Early Signs of Pregnancy.

While each woman will to some extent need to determine whether or not her symptoms are usual or unusual, this article provides some information about symptoms other woman have experienced. Anything unusual should be discussed with a health care provider. The more information you have, the easier these nine months will be.

Because some unusual symptoms can be indicative of serious complications in pregnancy, it's important to visit your doctor immediately and seek medical advice. Never ignore unusual symptoms.

Most Common of the Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms


Mild anemia is very common. It occurs in about 20% of pregnant women. The blood-cell count decreases in the blood, resulting in fatigue. While mild anemia doesn't hurt the baby, your doctor will probably prescribe iron supplements. You may also be instructed to increase your iron intake through your diet with iron-rich foods like spinach, baked potatoes, and kidney beans.

Pre-EclampsiaExcessive swelling, especially in the legs can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, a serious condition. Additional indicators of pre-eclampsia are hypertension and protein in the urine, as determined by medical tests. Other noticeable signs include persistent headaches, blurred vision, flashing light, and upper abdominal pain


Only about 8% of pregnant woman will develop pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, or hypertension. Blood pressure tends to come back to normal after childbirth.

Bigger, Faster, More!

If you're experiencing any of the typical symptoms of pregnancy, but in a bigger way, you may be carrying twins. Woman who experience faster weight gain, quicker uterus growth, brutal morning sickness, and excessive fatigue are often pregnant with multiples.

Vaginal BleedingVaginal bleeding is a common indication of a possible miscarriage. A miscarriage may occur with minor to heavy bleeding, possibly including blood clots and other tissue.

Pelvic Pain

Abdominal or pelvic pain can be a sign of something serious: tubal ectopic pregnancy. This occurs when the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus. Other signs of ectopic pregnancy include vaginal spotting (light bleeding) and pain that worsens while coughing or moving bowels.

Other Weird Symptoms of Pregnancy

  • Excess saliva
  • Frequent nosebleeds and/or nasal congestion
  • Increased vaginal discharge
  • Metalic taste in the mouth
  • Gassiness
Click Here for More Pregnancy Resources

Disclaimer: I'm no doctor, just a mom who has been there and done that. This article cannot substitute professional advise from your physician. Please consult your doctor before using any advice listed in this article.

Other Signs You May Be Pregnant:


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