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Wildlife- Need to protect them

Updated on May 8, 2010

In this beautiful planet "EARTH", it is the

duty of the human to maintain the ecosystem. But this does not give the

power to rule over other living beings. We all know that, living beings are

composed of living matters and these are sensitive. For example, we are

sensitive to touch, we can smell, distinguish colors. Just think about this. No

one in this world like to suffer the pain. It is also the case of animals and

other living creatures. They all need to stay alive and have to taste the

"FREEDOM". If we are put in a cage, and do not have freedom, what will be

our feeling. We will be surely pained. This is same to all living creatures.

They also suffer pain,in some situations they are suffered more what we


So all the living creatures are to be looked and

carefully maintained. This is the duty of the Humans. Humans are special

creatures. They can think, have more complex body design, have four

hampered heart, can speak, can cry out when pained, may have revenge

etc.. Human brain is the most powerful weapon. The technology, which is

brought up by human brain, should also work for other living creatures.

Hunting, poaching etc. reduced the number of animals. Some are extincted

due to human activities. Over 81,000 species of fauna and 47,000 species of

flora are found in India so far. Of the estimated 47,000 plant species, about

15,000 flowering species are endemic to India. Some estimates suggest that

at least 10 per cent of India's recorded wild flora and 20 per cent of its

mammals are on the threatened list. Some of them are Cheetah, pink-headed

duck, mountain quail, forest spotted owlet and plants like madhuca insignis

and hubbardia heptaneuron.

This beautiful planet should be protected. The species

which are at verge of extinction should be carefully preserved and the

deforestation level should be reduced to some extent. Let us have a look at

these problems about this.

Save Animals and Wild creatures

Building National sanctuaries, Wildlife Conservation

Parks and small parks are good responses to this evil issue. But to ensure a

good healthy ecosystem, some other factors are also need to be over-looked.

First of all, The officials should ensure that proper sanitation is made for the

animals. Many Wildlife sanctuaries and other Parks fail in this. Anyway, this

is the base of any Parks. Proper food has to be given to the animals. And also

they need to ensure that healthy food is given. Another thing is that, when

this food is given. If they are given at proper intervals, the animals will feel

good and will be active. If the respective officials fail in this, the animals will

be haunted by deadly diseases, because for any creature it is necessary to

consume food to be well. Think when we do not eat food for 1 day. Our

health level will be decreased and the immunity will also be reduced. This is

same to animals also. Further, if no healthy food is provided, the organs will

be attacked by micro-organisms easily as in the case of human. In a zoo,for

example, there will be a flow of people. If the animals are attacked by the

diseases, surely these will be also affected in human. The cages which the

animals are kept should be kept clean as sometimes the people will catch

these cages or they will just touch. The cages should be anodized so that

corrosion will not take place. If the cages are corroded, they should be

cleaned at any cost. The life of the people should also be safeguarded. The

cages of the animals should be locked tightly.

These are good responses but how we can ensure

FREEDOM for these innocent creatures. National Sanctuaries ensure

protection to these animals but some of the greedy natured people try to

haunt the animals for their well-being. Generally, these national sanctuaries

are in large area and to safeguard the entire place, it will be too difficult and

dangerous. So caring some areas cannot be overlooked. In case of protected

forests, the animals ensure freedom but not protection. In this ecosystem one

should depend upon other animals for their survival only. This is the only

common habit for these animals. Food is necessary. The food should be in

taken to carry out various inter cellular functions. If they failed in this

process, they would die. So those animals which belong to these kind of

forests should be able to get preys. These preys are those animals which

belong to these forests. This dependence of animals in the ecosystem is

necessary for the ecological balance. Generally this ecosystem is comprised

of various tropic levels. The plants are the primary producers of energy. This

is consumed by various animals. Then comes the omnivores and the

herbivores animals. So this inter-linked relationship between animals in this

FOOD CHAIN is very necessary for the good of the ecosystem. If plants are

numbered low, the primary consumers will get low energy. In a food chain,

moving from previous to successive levels, the energy that gets for each

successive levels will be get reduced. We, the humans occupy the top

position of the food chain thus get low energy. So if we do not conserve

forest and wildlife the energy that we get will be lessened.

The next problem is that of the oxygen intake. The

trees are the group which give out oxygen. Think, if the number is reduced.

The trees also help in bringing rain. So reducing in their number shows of

increasing the global temperature and ecological instability. We need to

protect these trees. But people all are forgetting these kind of basic concepts.

Our mind all are consumed in the necessity of profits. Cutting of trees is

necessary but with this phenomenon there should be afforestation. Not only

deforestation should be fostered, but afforestation should be also . With

cutting of trees, there should be planting of trees. If these living beings are

not protected then the stability of humans will be also in danger. All the

living beings in this ecosystem are mutually dependable. So, we should try

our level best to conserve our wildlife and forest for our and common good.

The future is in our hand. Once done, it is difficult to undo. Now we have

to take initiative. This type of doings should be terminated

immediately. Save our Earth. That should be our agenda.

Many communities still are engaged in the

wildlife protection. Those living in the forest areas take care of their

habitat. They will not do anything bad to the forest, except little

deforestation. But often the government officials are trying to get rid

of them from these places. Then they will be involved in the

deforestation system. Many communities still worship some animals

and consider them as followers of their God. The tribal people

depend upon forest produce. If they are barred in entering these

forests, their habitat would be destroyed.

Time for Tiger protection

According to a new World Wildlife study published

in the journal' Climatic Change',one of the world’s largest tiger populations

would be disappeared by the end of this century because of rising sea levels

caused due to the climate change which leads into the destruction destroy

their habitat along the coast of Bangladesh in an area known as the

Sundarbans. Latest studies show that only only 3,200 tigers are alive in the

wild and they are placed in the threatened list. WWF officials suggest that

the facing threats of these species should be focused and the need for urgent

international action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “If we don’t take

steps to address the impacts of climate change on the Sundarbans, the only

way its tigers will survive this century is with scuba gear,” said Colby

Loucks, WW F's deputy director of conservation science and the lead author

of the study. "Tigers are a highly adaptable species. The expected sea level

rise in the Sundarbans will result in the outpace of the ability of the tiger to

adapt. According to the study, an expected sea level rise of 11 inches above

2000 levels may cause the remaining tiger habitat in the Sundarbans to

decline by 96 percent, pushing the total population to fewer than 20 breeding

tigers. Think of the situation!

If an immediate action is not taken, the wildlife and

the natural resources that sustain millions of people may disappear within 50

to 90 years in the Sundarbans. “The mangrove forest of the Bengal tiger now

joins the sea-ice of the polar bear as one of the habitats most immediately

threatened as global temperatures rise during the course of this century,” said

Keya Chatterjee, acting director of WW F's climate change program.

To avert an ecological catastrophe on a much larger

scale, we ought to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to be prepared for

the impacts of climatic change. In 2010, as the Chinese Year of the Tiger, US

has no better time to pass domestic climate legislation and to reach an

effective international agreement. The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World

Heritage Site ,shared by India and Bangladesh at the opening of the Ganges

River and is the world’s largest single block of mangrove forest. Mangroves

are found at the inter-tidal region between land and sea and not only help in

breeding grounds for fish but to help to protect coastal regions from natural

disasters such as cyclones, storm surges and wind damage. Providing the

habitat for between 250 and 400 tigers, the Sundarbans is also home to more

than 50 reptile species, 120 commercial fish species, 300 bird species and 45

mammal species. While their exact numbers are unclear, the tigers living in

the Sundarbans of India and Bangladesh may represent as many as 10 percent

of all the remaining wild tigers on Earth. Using the rates of sea level rise

projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its Fourth

Assessment Report (2007), the study authors said an 11-inch sea level rise

may be realized around 2070, at which point tigers will be unlikely to survive

in the Sundarbans. However, recent research suggests that the seas may rise

even more swiftly than what was predicted in the 2007 IPCC assessment.

In addition to climate change, the Sundarbans

tigers, like other tiger populations around the world already face tremendous

threats from poaching and habitat loss. Tiger ranges have decreased by 40

percent over the past decade, and tigers today occupy less than seven percent

of their original range. Scientists fear that accelerating deforestation and

rampant poaching could push some tiger populations to the same fate as their

now-extinct Javan and Balinese relatives in other parts of Asia. Tigers are

poached for their highly prized skins and body parts, which are used in

traditional Chinese medicine. The 2010

Year of the Tiger

will mark an

important year for conservation efforts to save wild tigers, with WWF

continuing to play a vital role in implementing bold new strategies to save

this magnificent Asian big cat.

Recommendations in the study include:

Locally, governments and natural resource managers should take

immediate steps to conserve and expand mangroves while preventing

poaching and retaliatory killing of tigers.

Regionally, neighboring countries should increase sediment delivery

and freshwater flows to the coastal region to support agriculture and

replenishment of the land;

Globally, governments should take stronger action to limit greenhouse

gas emissions;

“It’s disheartening to imagine that the Sundarbans – which means

‘beautiful forest’ in Bengali – could be gone this century, along with its

tigers,” Locks said. “We very much hope that in this, the

Year of the


the world will focus on curtailing the immediate threats to these

magnificent creatures and preparing for the long-term impacts of

climate change.”

Lion- the gorgeous animal

The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the

genus Panthera and member of the family Felidae. Wild lions currently exist

in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia with a critically endangered remnant

population in Gir forest in India, having disappeared from North Africa and

Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000

years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after

humans. They were found in most of Africa, much of Eurasia from western

Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.

Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild, while in captivity they can

live longer than twenty years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than ten

years, as injuries sustained from continual fighting with rival males greatly

reduce their longevity. They typically inhabit savanna and grassland,

although they may take to bush and forest. Lions are unusually social

compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of related females and

offspring and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions typically

hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates. Lions are apex and

keystone predators, although they scavenge as opportunity allows. While

lions do not typically hunt humans selectively, some have been known to

seek human prey.

The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a possibly irreversible

population decline of thirty to fifty percent over the past two decades in its

African range. Lion populations are untenable outside of designated reserves

and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood,

habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of

concern. Lions have been kept in menageries since Roman times and have

been a key species sought for exhibition in zoos the world over since the late

eighteenth century. Zoos are cooperating worldwide in breeding programs for

the endangered Asiatic subspecies.

Visually, the male lion is highly distinctive and is easily recognized by its

mane. The face of the male lion is the widely recognized animal symbol in

human culture and tradition. Depictions have existed from the Upper

Paleolithic period, with carvings and paintings from the Lascaux and Chauvet

Caves, through virtually all ancient and medieval cultures where they

historically occurred. It has been extensively depicted in literature, in

sculptures, in paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and


Forest and conservation

For the survival of human beings, a smooth approach is essential, to be

adopted as regards protection of the plant kingdom as well as the wildlife

with regard to the peaceful and mutually beneficial co-existence of all.

Conservation of forest is certainly a necessity that requires to be addressed as

a priority.

To prevent ecological imbalance better action plan has to be formulated. In

response of achieving this many legislation have been enacted in India and in

many other countries. At the international level also the world international

organizations are concerned with the coping with the situation worldwide

They have joined hands towards finding a lasting and sustainable solution by

deliberating on the subject in various conventions like that in Rio-De Janeiro

and the latest Doha round of talks. These are truly welcome moves taken by

the world community.

Coming back to India, there are legislations galore to deal with the situation

by way of wildlife protection, forest conservation,environment protection

laws etc. No doubt, the aims and object of such legislations are in tune with

the call of the hour. Forests are being denuded haphazardly. Deforestation in

a rampant manner by various elements has depleted the forest areas forcing

the wild life to lesser domains and as a result of this rampage of human

habitat by wild pachyderms and other animals have become a regular

phenomenon in certain areas.

Forests are being encroached by people who have been displaced from their

original habitat for various reasons like construction of huge electricity

generating dams, ethnic clashes, floods caused by breach of river

embankments and dams etc. Being forced to the wall by making these people

devoid of shelter, at a time when even the United Nations Organization gives

much priority to providing shelter to the homeless, they are compelled to

establish their habitat by waging war with the nature by way of deforestation

and environmental degradation.

The Union of India has passed the Forest (conservation) Act making it

mandatory to obtain prior approval of the Union government for using forest

land for non-forest purposes. Even for cultivation of tea, rubber, spices, and

medicinal plants among others. In this regard, there is bar imposed in Dereservation

of any reserved forests. For grant of any approval for such acts of

using forest areas for non-forest purposes, an Advisory Committee is

constituted under the statute. It thus connotes that with prior approval of the

Central government, forest areas may be utilized for other purposes.

In Assam, India, in the not very remote past, the democratically established

government demolished a great area of human habitation by engaging tuskers

in the name of clearing reserved forest land from encroachment. Ironically

enough, the area has been under human habitation for quite a long span of

time of some decades. Many multi- storied buildings, school buildings,

community halls, prayer halls, libraries and many more established gardens

etc were razed to the ground causing loss of property worth several billions

belonging to the citizens of the welfare state. It is also a point to be noted that

there was no forest as such for about half a century in the area. It was an act

of high handedness on the part of the government for some hidden political

agenda. However, after a huge furore that erupted after the incident, the

eviction operation was stalled in the long run; but the damage was already


By accounting to the incident, it should be asserted that laws are made for the

greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people and therefore,

human considerations must receive precedence over everything else. In a

democratic country where welfare of the people is of paramount importance,

the powers that be at the first instance must take recourse to explore the

possibilities for providing protection to the people rather than giving primacy

to preservation of forest over human beings. If human beings are sacrificed

for protection of forest, only forests will remain and human beings will be

extinct. This needs to be kept in mind by all the people .

Thinking about humans is not the real life. Thinking about all living creatures

should be taken in concern. This could be achieved by creating awareness

programs. Students can do this in a variety of ways. The positive attitude

towards forest and wildlife conservation should be achieved. Government

should do this. Severe punishment laws should be implemented against

hunting. The contractors should not be allowed to cut trees in huge amount.

Also tribal people should be allowed to live in the forest areas. By

implementing proper technological and global systems, we can control the

impact of the social evil, produced due to the mis-behavior of the human, can

be terminated to some extent.

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