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How to Write a Strong Resume Objectives Statement (With Examples): Tips for an Impressive CV

Updated on July 7, 2015
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Chris Telden's B.A. degree in sociology focused on effective quantitative and qualitative methods of cultural analysis.

Job applicants frequently have difficulty writing the objectives statement part of the resume. As a job seeker, you may wonder what is supposed to be included in the statement of objectives - also called the statement of purpose or the goals statement. Here you'll learn exactly what goes into this short but essential paragraph in your CV.

The main purpose of the objectives statement is to tell a prospective employer in three lines or less how your career goals make you the best applicant for the job. That's certainly a challenge. With these tips, you can come up with a professional, strong statement of purpose for your resume that demonstrates that your career goals are in line with the job you're applying for.

Note that the terms "statement of purpose," "statement of objectives," "career goals statement," and the like all refer to the objectives statement of a resume or curriculum vitae.

What to Include in a Statement of Purpose

The statement of objectives should be 2 to 3 lines long and include:

  • The job title
  • Your immediate personal career goals
  • Your long-term personal career goals
  • Your personal qualifications for the job.

It may also:

  • Include the name of the organization
  • Make reference to specific job tasks
  • Restate the goals of the company in terms of personal goals

A sample resume objectives statement:

"To play an essential role at Tangled Weave Dog and Cat Groomers as a Groomer's Assistant 3, helping to groom and care for the animals and performing administrative work as needed. Putting my Veterinary Assistant certificate to use, I hope to learn the everyday tasks involved in pet care with the aim of eventually operating my own grooming business."

Another more concise sample statement of objectives for a CV:

"To work toward a long-term career in the puzzle making industry with Puzzle It Out, Inc., developing my lifelong interest in creating puzzles into a professional enterprise."

A third sample that emphasizes career goals in line with the company's vision:

"To challenge myself with a new career in mold removal at Mildew It for Three. Traveling as the job demands, I plan to spend at least two years building up experience and helping make Mildew It for Three the most efficient and successful mold removal company in the region."

12 Tips on How to Write an Effective Statement of Objectives

  1. The best resumes are easy to read and highlight your qualifications concisely. The same is true of the statement of objectives. It should clearly, and in as few words as possible, say what your career objectives are.
  2. Write a separate objectives statement for each job you apply for. Yes, this means creating a different resume for each job.
  3. Target your statement of purpose to the job you want to apply for. Your career goals may be open-ended, but in a statement of objectives, you want to be very precise and commit yourself to specific goals that match the specific job description.
  4. Don't try to include everything in the objectives statement. For example, if you just got your degree, you may be thinking of several different career goals you might explore. Don't include them all--just the ones that are relevant to the job for which you're applying.
  5. Work backwards to identify the career goals to include on your CV. Figure out what kind of career goals the prospective employer would approve of first. Then, and only then, assess your own career goals and find a way to present them in the resume in terms of the specific job requirements.
  6. Complete sentences are not necessary for objectives statements. They often begin: "To make a difference..." "To work toward..." "To develop my skills in..."
  7. Use positive language always. Instead of writing, "I'm not sure what I want to do, but I know I want to work in the field of business management," write, "I'm excited about utilizing my B.A. in Business Management to explore the many different career paths at The Bigwig Organization."
  8. Learn the buzzwords. Certain key terms can substitute for other, less positive terms. Instead of mentioning that something is hard, say you look forward to the "challenge." Instead of saying you don't know what you want to do, say you want to "become a key player."
  9. A few words are better than lots of words. The hiring committee will want to scan your statement of purpose quickly.
  10. Stay away from highly personal goals that are not related to performing the job. Your ambitions to have a kid or make enough money to retire young won't impress a prospective employer, so don't include them in the goals statement on the resume.
  11. Sound definite and positive always. Don't use wishy-washy language, like "I'm not sure" or "I don't know" or "wait and see." Remember, on a CV you're not committing to taking the're just trying to get the call for the job interview.
  12. Proofread carefully. Although complete sentences are not necessary, proper capitalization and end punctuation (periods) are.

Lastly: Avoid Cramming Everything Into Your Resume

Many job applicants assume a resume is supposed to summarize everything about them. That is a myth.

The sole purpose of a resume, also known as a CV, or curriculum vitae, is to get a prospective employer to call or email you for a job interview. When you send in your CV for consideration, you hope the hiring team or Human Resources employee will match the skills and objectives on your CV with the job description and find you suitable enough to interview.

Therefore, your resume should capture the highlights about you that make you a good candidate for the job. In other words, don't be exhaustive. Be selective.

If you've made your resume clear, concise and positively worded, you're more than halfway there.


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