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Magnetic Field Between Relationships

Updated on October 28, 2013

The sun was always shining even though it was cloudy and rainy. Perhaps their love fulfilled them in a way that everything seemed just fine; until one day they noticed the distance between them apparently kept growing.

Laughter was an annoying sound from each other. Life habits were not shared, instead they became a stressed experience. Doubts started to arise about the decision to be made for the peace between both. Options are always more than one, each has its own issues.

Doesn't this sound familiar? It is a general picture between parents, siblings, families, friends, co-workers...etc. Any person can experience apartheid between relationships. What can be done to keep relationships unharmed, healthy; to live in harmony, or to discern the wise decision to be made?

There is a magnetic field between relationships. Understanding the magnet properties we also can understand human occurrences. Please give me time to explain myself before jumping to conclusions.

A person

A person is a natural human being. A person is an individual with a body that requires energy to maintain internal organization and to produce life. The body is composed with different organs that work together as systems.

The Limbic System is the area of the brain that regulates emotion and memory. It directly connects the lower and higher brain functions. It influences emotions, the visceral responses to those emotions, motivation, mood, and sensations of pain and pleasure.

A magnet

A magnet is a material capable of producing an external magnetic field and attracting iron (it can also attract cobalt and nickel). Magnets that manifest permanent properties may be natural, such as magnetite (Fe3O4) or artificial obtained from alloys of various metals.

In a magnet the attractiveness is greater at the ends or poles. These poles are called north and south, because they tend to orient the geographic poles of the Earth, which is a giant natural magnet.

Limbic System

limbic system
limbic system

Functions of the Limbic System

Frontal Lobe
Integrates all components of behavior at the highest level. Emotion and social adjustment and impulse control are also localized here.
Plays a critical role in motor function, consciousness, and the level of alertness in humans.
Has an important role in the formation of new memories about experienced events.
Assists in responses of fear and pleasure.
Olfactory Bulb
Processes information about odors.

Humans are gifted with an organized brain


Magnets and humans

The Earth's magnetic field is 100,000 times stronger than the body, and we are so dependent on this field that for astronauts to get away from them for long periods in space require artificial magnetic fields to maintain health.

Iron is an element present in hemoglobin which forms around 4% of human blood, and is a clear indication that the areas of the body exposed to a magnet have a certain reaction.

Magnets made ​​for an ankle injury, will draw more blood into the area, increasing the oxygen and nutrients to damaged cells. This creates a rapid acceleration in the patient's healing process. It alters the molecular structure of blood into the damaged area, creating miraculously, a regeneration of cartilage and bone.

The body is composed of 70% or more water, which can reduce or block the magnetic fields. A strong magnet placed on one side of the hand can easily deflect a compass needle on the other side of the same hand.


Humans are endowed with reason, whose supreme dignity is intelligence.

Humans are free individual in personal relationship with God, whose supreme virtue consists in voluntarily obeying the law of God. Humans as sinful and wounded creatures are called to divine life and the release provided by grace, whose supreme perfection consists in love.


One of the fundamental properties of the interaction between magnets is that same poles repel while various attract.

Another feature of the magnets is that the poles cannot be separated. If a magnet is broken into two parts you will not obtain a north pole and a south pole, but you get two magnets, each with a north pole and a south pole.

Interpersonal relationships

An interpersonal relationship is a reciprocal interaction between two or more people. Social relations, as such, are regulated by the laws and institutions of social interaction.

Every relationship involves interpersonal communication, which is the ability of people to obtain information about their environment and share it with others. The communication process consists of the emission of signals in order to publicize a message, such as:

  • sounds, gestures, and signs

Successful communication requires a receiver with the skills that will enable to decode the message and interpret it. If something goes wrong in this process, the chances of filling a functional relationship may fail.

Magnetic Field

An electric current generates a magnetic field around it. Inside a closed area small currents exist due to the movement of electrons containing atoms, each of which causes a microscopic or dipole magnet. When these small magnets are oriented in all directions, their effects cancel each other and the material has no magnetic properties, whereas if all the magnets are aligned they act as a single magnet and in that case it is said that the substance is magnetized.

For a magnet to lose its properties it must reach the "Curie temperature" which is different for each composition. Demagnetization also occurs by contact; whenever a magnet sticks to something it loses some of its properties. Strong shocks can dislodge particles causing the magnet to lose its power.



What can be done to keep relationships unharmed, healthy; to live in harmony, or to discern the wise decision to be made? The answer to this question is as unique, as the uniqueness in each one of us; and the uniqueness between each relationship. I will advise to consider:

  • God equipped us with an incredible brain which is very organized....use it.
  • Understand the meaning of having the privilege of being alive today.
  • Accept the challenge to live by real love; you are capable to do so.
  • Accept that each one of us is responsible to live in harmony.
  • Accept that we were made to be hooked to this Earth...make the best, while you are alive!
  • Embrace the fact that our bodies comprise an important role in life...take good care of it.

Blessings to all!

© Maria Magdalena Ruiz Ofarrill

Magnetic field between relationships


© 2013 Maria Magdalena Ruiz O'Farrill


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