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MCQs - Clubbing

Updated on September 17, 2015

Clubbing of Fingers



Clubbing is the enlargement of the soft parts of the terminal phalanges (fingers). There will be both longitudinal and transverse curving of the nails in clubbing. There will also be dilatation of the arterioles and capillaries in the affected area.

This hub has a few multiple choice questions on the topic "clubbing". Answering previous years' question papers is a great way to prepare just before the exams. This hub will be useful for medical, nursing and allied health students.

The swelling of the terminal phalanges in clubbing occurs due to fluid collection in the:

  • Nail

  • Interstitial spaces


    Answer: Interstitial spaces

Did you know?

Stimulus for clubbing is believed to be hypoxia. Hypoxia leads to opening up of deep arteriovenous fistulas which increase the blood supply of the fingers and toes causing it to hypertrophy.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease does not usually cause clubbing.

When two fingers are held together with nails facing each other , a space is seen at the level of proximal nail fold. This is lost in case of clubbing which is a positive Schamroth’s sign.

Pseudo clubbing is seen in hyperparathyroidism due to excessive bone resorption and and resultant disappearance of the terminal phalanges.

Clubbing of the fingers is usually associated with which of the following pulmonary disease condition?

  • Asthma

  • Emphysema

  • Pneumonia

  • Bronchiectasis


Answer: Bronchiectasis

Clubbing of the fingers is associated with which of the following cardiac condition?

  • Angina Pectoris

  • Cardiac Failure

  • Cyanotic congenital heart diseases

  • Myocardial Infarction


Answer: Cyanotic congenital heart diseases

Clubbing of the fingers is associated with which of the following disease condition of the alimentary tract?

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Gastritis

  • Gastric Carcinoma

  • Peptic Ulcer


    Answer: Crohn’s Disease

Parrot beak or drumstick appearance indicates which of the following grades of clubbing?

  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV


    Answer: III

Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is characteristic of which of the following grades of clubbing?

  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV


    Answer: IV

Schamroth’s sign of Clubbing


Clubbing is a deformity of the fingers and fingernails that is associated with a number of diseases. The picture shows clubbing of the fingernail.


Obliteration of the angle of the nail bed indicates which of the following grades of clubbing?

  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV


    Answer: II

Softening of the nail bed indicates which of the following grades of clubbing?

  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV


    Answer: I

The positive sign for the presence of clubbing is:

  • Brudzinski’s sign

  • Kerning’s sign

  • Schamroth’s sign


    Answer: Schamroth’s sign

Clubbing of the fingers or digital clubbing may be classified into primary (i.e., idiopathic or hereditary) or secondary which is due to various underlying diseases of different systems of the body. Investigations, treatment and follow up of patients with clubbing mainly focus of the underlying disease.


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