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Nibiru Planet X January 20, 2013, Wandering Planets and Rising Volcanic Activity is Proof of the Polar Shift!

Updated on July 15, 2013

Nibiru Planet X

How many more bizarre explanations will we have to endure before full disclosure of Nibiru Planet X occurs?
How many more bizarre explanations will we have to endure before full disclosure of Nibiru Planet X occurs? | Source

2nd Sun

Second Sun sightings are on the rise however they didn't begin until 2003 when Nibiru Planet X entered our solar system.
Second Sun sightings are on the rise however they didn't begin until 2003 when Nibiru Planet X entered our solar system. | Source

Second Sun from 30,000 Feet

This photo was taken from an airplane at 30,000 feet clearly showing a second sun.
This photo was taken from an airplane at 30,000 feet clearly showing a second sun. | Source

Chaiten Volcano 2008

The massive power of volcanic eruptions will soon begin to affect the Earth as a whole as this activity increses.
The massive power of volcanic eruptions will soon begin to affect the Earth as a whole as this activity increses. | Source

Volcanic Activity

As volcanic activity and earthquakes increase in size and frequency due to Nibiru Planet X in our solar system it threatens to expose the cover-up of the ongoing Polar Shift. In the 20th edition of my weekly series Nibiru Planet X January 20, 2013, Wandering Planets and Rising Volcanic Activity is Proof of the Polar Shift we will explore recent theories on climate change, wandering planets, volcanoes and earthquakes. We will review why these theories and events are designed to coverup the presence Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift.

The most recent theory making the rounds is down right laughable, it seems the melting ice sheets and climate change is responsible for the rise in volcanic activity and earthquakes. Some scientist are claiming that the melting ice sheets and rising ocean levels are in fact causing the rise in volcanic activity and earthquakes world wide, due to a distribution of weight from the land to the sea. This is an incredible theory considering the rise in number of large earthquakes began around 2003 and the ice sheets only began melting at a record pace in the last couple years.

The theory claims that as the weight of the land lessens and the weight of the oceans become heavier this allows the tectonic plates to shift, relieving pressure, which in turn allows the Earth's magma to reach the surface creating a rise in volcanic activity. To reasonable informed people this theory may sound plausible to a degree however if we take a closer look at this concept it becomes clear that this alone cannot account for the rise in volcanic activity and earthquakes.

The steady rise in volcanic activity and rise in large earthquakes began in 2003 when Nibiru Planet X entered our solar system. This time also coincides with the USGS downgrading earthquakes one level on the richter scale, NASA announcing to the world that the North Pole is moving 40 miles a year towards Siberia and the Bush Administration secretly sharing information to other world leaders of a rogue planet in our solar system.

These three pieces of information are routinely discredited and lied about in our main stream media (MSM). However what cannot be disputed is the rise in reports world wide on second sun sightings in 2003. A simple Google search reveals all of the second sun sightings began in 2003, not before. Because the second sun sightings have been explained as sun dogs (reflections of ice crystals in the upper atmosphere) and reflections from windows, it is important to note that these photos and sightings only began occurring after 2003 when Nibiru Planet X entered our solar system.

Only within the last couple of years have studies shown that the polar ice sheets are melting rapidly well beyond the predictions of all weather models concerning this phenomenon. Just recently have the theories concerning weight distribution as the reason for volcanic activity begun, which do not take into account the increase in volcanic activity before the rapidly accelerating ice melt. These studies are based on past volcanic activity during climate change as far back as 12,000 years.

What is being left out of this theory is that all of these phenomenon are symptoms of the effects of the Polar Shift and not the cause. Nibiru Planet X is causing the Earth's Wobble to increase, which in turn is causing the Earth's tectonic plates to shift, which in turn is creating more fissures and cracks in the Earth's mantel below the ocean's as well as on land.

The increase in the Earth's Wobble is moving the Earth's atmosphere and ocean's into regions of the planet that they normally would not experience, which is creating climate change and melting the polar ice sheets and glaciers. This climate change is melting the polar ice sheets from below in the water as well as above in the air which is raising ocean levels. The increase in fissures and cracks in the Earth's mantel is releasing dangerous gas (including but not limited too methane and carbon dioxide) and magma into our ocean's, land and atmosphere raising the ocean and atmospheric temperatures, as well as ground temperatures.

The increase in earthquakes world wide is directly related to the rise in volcanic activity as this then allows more magma to reach the surface. Often what is known as harmonic tremors (microearthquakes) occur directly before volcanic eruptions. Earthquake swarms as they are known by experts are often the precursor to volcanic eruptions such as the 8,000 tremors that happened right before the recent volcanic eruption of El Hierro in the Canary Islands late last year.

Global Warming and Climate Change happens before, during and after volcanic eruptions but are not the cause of them but are merely symptoms of a far greater cause which is the magnetic force of Nibiru Planet X.

Second Sun

Instant Climate Change

Volcanoes create instant climate change by generating air pollution on a grand scale.
Volcanoes create instant climate change by generating air pollution on a grand scale. | Source

Cognitive Dissonance

The increase in tectonic plate movement world wide is the reason for many of the ongoing natural disasters that are affecting the planet as a whole. Even small earthquakes and tremors can cause train derailments, mud and landslides, natural gas explosions, bridge collapses, cracks in roadways, dams bursting, rivers flooding, coastlines to sink and of course sinkholes to form. Large earthquakes can cause tsunami's, such as the one in Indonesia in 2005, volcanic eruptions, building collapses, large scale flooding and mountain building.

Because the MSM is the source of most reasonably informed people's news and information these events have been managed and kept out of the public's attention. By simply censoring stories or reporting them days after the event The Powers That Be (TPTB) have prevented the public from recognizing the full scope of these events. This is also true on the internet when large earthquakes are reported on some obscure sites and yet are not picked up by Google or if they are, they are pushed back to page 25 or higher which discourages the casual researcher from finding them.

By releasing reports from scientist claiming that the recent increase in volcanic activity is due to the melting polar ice and posting these stories repeatedly on all major news sites it creates the impression among reasonably informed people that the mystery is solved. TPTB know from past manipulation of the news that most reasonably informed people will look no further for the truth, settling on the first piece of information that fits their world view, this is known as cognitive dissonance.

This what wikipedia has to say about the social phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance.

The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements.[1] It is the distressing mental state that people feel when they "find themselves doing things that don't fit with what they know, or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions they hold." [4] A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality, creating a sense of equilibrium.[5] Likewise, another assumption is that a person will avoid situations or information sources that give rise to feelings of uneasiness, or dissonance.[1]

Cognitive dissonance prevents most reasonably informed people from looking past the first explanation of the truth as any other theory would give rise to discomfort, disbelief and anger from realizing that they have been lied to.

So when stories, theories or concepts are fed to the public in the form of scientific study, many reasonably informed people latch onto these ideas for dear life, defending them with vigor and resolve. This prevents them from continuing to look for the truth and remain in denial to the full implications of such events.

Humanity has been conditioned for generations in the form of television, radio, newspapers and more recently with the internet to show contempt prior to investigation. A common tactic by paid commenters on the internet is to attack any theory that might reveal the truth by attacking the messenger. They will use anger and insults to distract readers from the truth of a story or discourage them from engaging in constructive discourse in the comments section.

When you see tactics such as this in MSM reports you will know that the author is too close to the truth and TPTB have recognized this and are attempting to sway public opinion. When the phrase conspiracy theory is used it is often a signal that elements of the story have some truth in it. The public has been conditioned to scorn, ridicule and scoff at any idea, concept or story that is raised by anyone that is labelled a conspiracy theorist.

In this way The Powers That Be have prevented many reasonably informed people from recognizing events, concepts and ideas that might change their world view and look further for the truth. To be honest I used to be one of these reasonably informed people and until I began to look beyond the first explanation of the truth, I readily accepted many versions of the truth that although made sense didn't feel right.

The biggest contributing factor that lead me away from this habit was when I got sober almost nine years ago. To accomplish this I had to keep an open mind and use critical thinking, which lead to a spiritual awakening of the educational variety. By changing the way I thought and filtering information this lead me to an educational awakening of the spiritual variety.

Then one day while reading a book online that had been censored from public consumption (prevented from being published) called the Terra Papers by Robert Morning Sky I had an epiphany that pushed my thinking to the next level and made me realize that everything I had ever been taught was a lie.

While this book really has no proof or startling conclusions that might propel the average reader to the next level of mental dexterity, it allowed for all the previous information I had read to fall into place. The single most mind altering concept was that it is a book written through the eyes of an Alien, so while the content is fantastic and surreal, the perspective is what lead to my epiphany.

Only a person with an open mind would be willing to accept any of the book's information as the truth. Regardless of whether or not you believe the tale is beside the point, the perspective is what allowed me to grasp the truth on a wide variety of concepts and ideas that I had read elsewhere. It propelled my way of viewing ideas, concepts and theories and allowed me to look beyond reasonable explanations for events that didn't quite add up.

The thought has occurred to me that I was on the verge of this mental break-through and that it wasn't so much the material of the book that lead to the epiphany but simply the way in which I filtered the information, I had learned to feel the truth instead of searching for it logically.

Rising Volcanic Activity

The rise in volcanic activity cannot be disputed merely the reason for these events.
The rise in volcanic activity cannot be disputed merely the reason for these events. | Source

Instant Climate Change

Volcanoes create climate change but are not caused by climate change.
Volcanoes create climate change but are not caused by climate change. | Source

Wandering Planets

Recent scientific studies have discovered many wandering planets in the Universe that do not fit what mainstream science defines as a planet. This is another attempt by The Powers That Be to condition the public in such a way as to allow them to reveal Nibiru Planet X at a later date. By releasing this information in a vague way it will prepare humanity into accepting information without realizing the full scope of its implications.

This information is not new and has been around since 1995, coincidentally the same time the website Zeta Talk began. I believe this information is being released now to the public as a way for TPTB to hedge their bets. By allowing this information to surface in such websites as Nature it conditions mankind into accepting the premise that indeed rogue planets do exist.

Here, we report the discovery of a population of unbound or distant Jupiter-mass objects, which are almost twice ( ) as common as main-sequence stars, based on two years of gravitational microlensing survey observations towards the Galactic Bulge. These planetary-mass objects have no host stars that can be detected within about ten astronomical units by gravitational microlensing.

That Nibiru Planet X is such a planet there can be no doubt and although the public has not been allowed to 'see' information on such planets does not mean it does not exist. Recent television shows such as The Event introduce to the public this concept as a way of also conditioning the masses into acceptance of this information.

The MSM (main stream media) has not been allowed to use Zeta Talk as a reliable source of information to prevent the public from recognizing the vast amount of accurate material at this site. Remember the MSM and TPTB as well as government institutions such as NASA want the public to rely solely on them for any information and data on Nibiru Planet X so that when they do make the announcement it exists, they will be look to for leadership, advice and information.

Earthquakes in the Ring of Fire

Large earthquakes in the Ring of Fire are on the increase.
Large earthquakes in the Ring of Fire are on the increase. | Source

Rise in Volcanic Activity

There is no escaping the rise in volcanic activity world wide and no one is disputing this however by confusing the public as to the reason for this it allows The Powers That Be from disclosing the true cause for these events. What must be considered is that revealing the presence of NIbiru Planet X to the public will bring about many questions that cannot be answered truthfully without revealing a conspiracy of silence and cover up.

This of course begs the question as to why those in the know would want to prevent the public from becoming aware of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system. As Frank Herbert wrote in his classic science fiction book Dune "Fear is the Mind Killer", meaning that TPTB fear that the public will panic when they realize the truth.

What they also fear is that once Full Disclosure does happen many will realize that this planet didn't just suddenly arrive in our solar system and has been here for some time. This fear of the public realizing they have been lied to has galvanized The Powers That Be from releasing all they know about this planet because they are afraid of public reaction.

Lets take a look at some of the more recent volcanic activity world wide as this has now become clear and present danger to the public.

Etna Volcano • Italy • January 19, 2013 • Strong stromboli activity continues at the Bocca Nuova crater including lava bombs and earthquake tremors.

Stromboli Volcano • Italy • January 14, 2013 • Lava flows continue to collapse the rim of the crater with strong explosion occurring every thirty minutes, with pyroclastic flows being generated.

Kilauea Volcano • Hawaii • January 16, 2013 • Continuous eruptions have generated lava flows that reach the sea in six different locations. Lava flows are spilling over from both lava lakes as they rise in elevation. Strong earthquakes (4.6) have been felt across the island as pressure increases.

Medvezhia Volcano • Russia, Kurile Islands • January 17, 2013 • A minor eruption warning has been issued for this volcano known for its high temperature fumaroles (or openings). A strong steaming thermal anomaly has been detected recently at this site of lava domes and adjoining caldera.

Tolbachik Volcano • Russia • January 16, 2013 • Continuous eruptions combined with active lava flows are reported at this site with many strong tremors.

Here in the United States local earthquakes in Alaska at Mount Spurr, Iliamna, Four-peaked, Akutan and Makushin volcanoes have local residents concerned. Further south in the Mammoth Mountain region of California a swarm of small earthquakes and tremors were generated with larger earthquakes occurring near the Konocti Volcano.

Popocatepetl Volcano • Mexico • January 10, 2013 • This volcano continues to exhibit activity in the form of explosions and a steady stream of gases and ash plumes.

In Nicaragua and El Salvador many volcanoes continue to show signs of activity since they awoke late last year. San Cristobal, Masaya and Concepcion in Nicaragua are still generating tremors and small earthquakes while venting ash clouds. Regional earthquakes are still being felt in the area near San Miguel volcano in San Salvador.

Further south in Ecuador, Columbia and Chile/Argentina many volcanoes are beginning to awake and show signs of increased activity.

Meanwhile in Papua New Guinea on January 12, 2013 a sub-Plinian eruption sent an ash plume ten miles into the atmosphere from the Manam Volcano.

As one can clearly see their is no shortage of information on the increase in volcanic activity world wide, a growing concern for The Powers That Be as these kinds of events will begin to affect travel and air quality globally. Using the explanation that rising ocean levels from global warming may distract some researchers from the truth, for the most part these kinds of geographical events are linked to earthquakes and tectonic plate movement.

The reason for the increase in tectonic plate movement is from the extreme Earth Wobble created by the magnetic force of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system.

Wandering Planets

Now that wandering planets have been disclosed to the public can Full Disclosure of Nibiru Planet X be far behind?
Now that wandering planets have been disclosed to the public can Full Disclosure of Nibiru Planet X be far behind? | Source


Regardless of what one chooses to believe is responsible for the rise in volcanic activity one thing is for sure these events are escalating globally. Hopefully in this article Nibiru Planet X January 20, 2013, Wandering Planets and Rising Volcanic Activity is Proof of the Polar Shift I have shown that these and other global events are now far too common to ignore as being caused by just climate change.

The recent revelation that wandering planets do indeed exist and have been known by mainstream scientist for at least twenty years if not longer should provide enough evidence that Nibiru Planet X is real and not some doomsday prophecy designed to sell books and promote movies.

Our planet is changing rapidly and it would behoove the common man to begin to pay attention to these changes and begin preparing for these geographical upheavals before it is too late. The most important factor will be the exchange of information as it has become clear we can no longer trust our governments and institutions to reveal the truth.

On a side note I noticed today that the Sun no longer sets in the West but more NorthWest, so if your out about during sunset get your trusted compass out and take a reading, you will be surprised to say the least.

I will endeavor to write some follow up articles to this one Nibiru Planet X January 20, 2013, Wandering Planets and Rising Volcanic Activity is Proof of the Polar Shift as the overwhelming amount of evidence of the polar shift now has created a need for a more detailed explanation of the events unfolding.


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