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Purging and Clearing Techniques

Updated on February 17, 2013

Purging and Clearing Technique

These two words may sound strange for some if not most readers but in this hub I am modeling a type or technique of clearing our hearts, mind and soul from the spiritual, emotional and psychological rubbish that we have accumulated and stocked over the years in our “mental cabinet” within us.

We often wonder why no matter how we try or do our best we just fail to get what we want or to actualize our dreams or to achieve our goals. Situations in our lives such as financial difficulty, entangled relationships, non-challenging job, and even some perennial feelings of emptiness, among others, continue to repeat in a spiral manner in every turn of our lives.

These repeated and continuous nuances should be cleared out and completely eradicated from our lives in order for us to develop towards the completion of our being here in this life. Life should be lived and alive rather than just going along struggling and coping with whatever comes our way till the end.

Living our lives is a process and a series of choices from the smallest daily decisions such as whether to say yes or no and what dress to wear when a friend suddenly invites you to an unannounced casual dinner; or a major decision such as to abort an unwanted pregnancy or to keep the pregnancy going for nine months that may change your life completely because such decision would lead to another major decision affecting your job, income, relationships, etc.

Life should not be a continuum of a “problem-solving” nature; it should rather be a “creative” nature where every moment is a moment of creativity and a wholesome exploration and adventure in any areas.

No matter how seemingly brilliant and successful a person is in all his endeavors, if these rubbish are vacuumed in his core, then the time will come that it will just be one more “miss-take” for him and everything he had worked hard for will blow up and tumble down before his eyes.

Given all the preceding argument as valid, the following are two of some actual effective techniques I used in the spirit of fun; I am still using these when necessary:

1. Clearing through forgiving technique

2. Purging Via Inner Explorative Conversation.

Forgiving Technique; Writing a letter

In this technique I write down the name of the person who hurt me today or yesterday or in the nearest past; one person at a time. Then I write him a letter, the following is a simple example;

George, (husband)

You hurt me deeply. You yell at me and call me an idiot, an ignorant, worse you lie to me and betray my trust in you. You cheat me by having an affair with another woman yet you continue to lie and deny your wrong doings. Your betrayal to our marriage vows hurt me to the core and is draining my energy having lost my enthusiasm to function normally.

But now I made the decision, I am dissolving all these restricting energy that block me from my personal progress. I have to forgive you, I am forgiving you now. I forgive you and I let go of all the blocks between us.

I forgive you now; go your way as I go mine. I now bless you.

Then I read the letter as I ponder on its truthfulness; feel the hurt in the area where the hurting point is mentioned and allow myself to cry if I feel like crying. Then I feel the relief where the letting go is mentioned.

Finally, I tear the letter and burn it or throw it to the rubbish as a gesture of completion, then forget about it.

Having accomplished something brings a feeling of relief.

Purging: Inner Exploration

In this technique, I am writing down an inner conversation with myself concerning matters that are bothering me in the present. I have named my inner self Senotiza.

The following is an example of our conversation:

Me: Senotiza, what’s bothering me?

S (Senotiza): Hmmm, no formal address to me? Can’t you be a bit polite?

Me: I don’t even want to live anymore (expletives if you wish), what can being polite do with my disgusting life now?

S: At least be civil.

Me: Sh…answer my question.

S: And if I won’t?

Me: And why won’t you? What’s the use of your existence?

S: Hey Jenny, what’s boiling you now?

Me: Am so mad because I bought some lottery tickets today and I never won anything.

S: Wowooo! Lottery tickets huh…!

Me: Yes, because I want to be a multimillionaire.

S: Hehehe…hahhaahahahah…aren’t you being funny?

Me: Sh…don’t laugh at me, I am serious!

S: Serious in winning the major lottery jackpot or serious in becoming a multimillionaire? C’mon stop kidding me.

Me: Both, I want to become a millionaire by winning the lottery.

S: In that case, you are limiting your chances to become a millionaire, whereas if it’s the becoming a millionaire you focus on, you will have less frustrations.

Me: But I cannot think of any way to become an instant millionaire.

S: Just because you cannot think doesn’t mean that there is no other way. What about just pretending that you are already a millionaire? By the way, why would you want to be a millionaire? What are you going to do with such huge amount of money?

Me: Hmmm…I just want to experience having plenty of money, something like no matter how I spend, and my money is still intact.

S: Could be but what if you got your wish granted, do you have anything specific in your mind to spend on?

Me: Yes, first I will share my blessings to my daughter; she is now building a house so I’d love to contribute in the amount of P2M, then I also give her another P1M to buy her car and whatever she wants. I love my daughter and I want her to enjoy some goodness in life. Then my husband and I will travel within a year around the globe, hopping from one country to another, living in luxury hotels and resorts and meeting all my friends around the globe. I will introduce my husband to them. My husband had been working all his life and he is very generous to me; he deserves the goodness in life. I want him to spend the rest of his life with me full of joy and a fulfillment.

S: Hmmm…noble objective…go on, just continue imagining what you do with your money. I will be right back with some surprises for you.

There would be a lot of topics, more serious ones if you wish, in this type of inner conversation in the personal level. The idea is that you will discover what you really want and you will know from within you those things that are holding you back. It is okay to explore impossible areas. An idea or answer will just come out and you will be surprised when you will be opened to many possibilities. Just do this in the spirit of fun.

Life would never be boring once you had learned to adapt this technique in your daily life.

The only rule here is; just do it, don’t ask questions.


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