Is American gun law outdated and innapropriate for modern society?

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  1. Silver Fish profile image75
    Silver Fishposted 11 years ago

    Is American gun law outdated and innapropriate for modern society?

  2. chef-de-jour profile image97
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    I don't know the details about US gun law - and I suspect that the majority of citizens in the US don't know either! - but one thing that does stand out to foreigners is the history and emotion attached to the gun in the US. You guys seem far too rigid in your right to protect home and self simply because it's part of your constitution - written when you were at war with the British!!!!

    I think this attitude is out of date and needs reform. Have a debate about this emotive issue and fast. Just how easy is it to get a gun in the States? Far too easy I think. To deter a thief you keep your doors locked, to deter a mentally unstable adult with mass murder on his mind you lock the guns away!!! A thief will not risk being caught if deterrents are put in his way;same with a mentally suspect mass murderer - keep the guns out of reach and he won't be able to carry out killings. Simple.

    Start the debate now and take it to all political levels, before another Sandy Hook occurs.

  3. Alberic O profile image55
    Alberic Oposted 11 years ago

    I used firearms as a hobby and in my profession in the military. Firearms can be effectively used in a defensive situation and you may not hear about it on the news overseas but there are a number of cases that has happened. However, there are some dumb and scary people ruining it for responsible gun owners.

    I propose the following to keep the law up to date. First, mandatory safety courses and tactics courses (for those planning to carry) will be mandatory for those owning firearms. For my job, I had to go through these courses plus more advanced courses. Law Enforcement goes through similar courses as well. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to pass these type of courses either. If you don't, you shouldn't operate a firearm.

    Also, any person diagnosed with dangerous mental disorders such as antisocial personality disorders and paranoid schizophrenia will be banned from buying firearms or ammunition. The moment a psychiatrist diagnosis the person, it will be entered into the FBI criminal history background check to screen the buyer for mental and criminal history. This is NOT chastising the mentally ill. When you own, carry or operate a firearm, you are held to a higher standard.

    1. Silver Fish profile image75
      Silver Fishposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Would it not be simpler to ban guns? The freedom to use firearms as a hobby is hardly a human right.
      In the UK guns are tightly controlled. Police do not carry guns, neither do most criminals. Deaths from firearms are rare.

    2. Alberic O profile image55
      Alberic Oposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No. A firearm, like any other weapon is an extension of the body. There have been a number of cases (more in the US than other parts of the world) where people used guns to defend themselves from armed attackers and groups of criminals.

    3. teresapelka profile image79
      teresapelkaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Alberic O,

      I'd be interested in your opinion on my 'school gun hub',

    4. Alberic O profile image55
      Alberic Oposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Please see your hub's comment section.

  4. teresapelka profile image79
    teresapelkaposted 11 years ago

    Facing someone armed, it is always better to have a weapon oneself.

    Feel welcome to see my hub

    1. Silver Fish profile image75
      Silver Fishposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Surely it is better for neither to have guns.

    2. teresapelka profile image79
      teresapelkaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There is no one and nothing to provide for eternal peace and understanding among humans in this world, yet. Neither having a gun, the primitive muscle mass would prevail... wink

  5. AngelitaRose profile image59
    AngelitaRoseposted 11 years ago

    Any person diagnosed with dangerous mental disorders such as antisocial personality disorders and paranoid schizophrenia will be banned from buying firearms or ammunition. and could be removed or changed(amended) to reflect modern society.


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