Since New Years Resolutions are rarely maintained how do you inspire yourself to

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  1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
    SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years ago

    Since New Years Resolutions are rarely maintained how do you inspire yourself to achieve goals?

    I have bucket list goals, life goals, parenting goals, crafting goals and more. My journal is the place to keep them listed and chart my progress. Why do we have trouble keeping on track when we set goals for ourselves? Psychology says a pattern repeated for 21 days in a row will "brand" itself on us and we can then maintain it. It worked for me with making the bed. What would you like to make a habit/pattern in your life?

  2. profile image0
    Faisliandposted 11 years ago

    You really don't inspire yourself to achieve your goals. It's more of pushing yourself. When you start on a New Year's resolution, set an incentive for yourself, such as buying yourself something you really want or going to that movie you always wanted to watch. Most people won't do something unless there's something in it for themselves and you won't do it either unless you get something in return.

    1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
      SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow that's a little cynical. (-;  But too often that is very true. So my goal this year is a trip to Africa & I have to stop spending to achieve it. I hope that reward system works for me. Dee

  3. Stickypony profile image66
    Stickyponyposted 11 years ago

    I don't make goals I know i can't achieve, gets me a better success rate wink

  4. suravajhala profile image68
    suravajhalaposted 11 years ago

    I dont believe in making resolutions for a special occasion.  Most of the time as you said we dont maintain it. 

    But, if you dont have a goal (be a career goal or some other goal),  its nothing but a directionless journey.  When you are at  cross roads, your goal provides you the right direction.

    1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
      SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree that career or life goals are directionless. If you take classes to improve your abilities & increase your skills, etc. you can better position yourself to move up the ladder or be kept on when others are let go. Dee

  5. Tusitala Tom profile image65
    Tusitala Tomposted 11 years ago

    I use affirmations.  Some of the affirmations I use I've used for years.  They do become ingrained within our subconsious minds and, once in there, form the 'thinking habits' which cause us to notice and take advantage of opportunities created by the new way of thinking.

    It is said there is no such thing as co-incidence and I believe that.  Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.   Preparation implies lots of thinking.   Everything is subject to natural laws, many of which are beyond our ken.  However, there are some laws it really pays to be aware of. 

    For example:  We bring into our lives that which we think about most.  Or, the law of Law of Life is the Law of Belief.   "As above, so below, as within so without."   Which means, of course, what we think/visualize/imagine consistently (and long enough) in our minds manifests into our lives as our reality.   What is within (subconscious mind) what is without (matter)   What is above (our subconsicous mind) what is below (our life circumstances)

    Ponder it well.

    1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
      SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So please clarify for me how negativity plays a role in this mindset? I just started a new business & believe w/ hard work & consistency it will be successful. How do occasional doubts affect the outcome? Dee

  6. mikejhca profile image93
    mikejhcaposted 11 years ago

    I make goals that inspire me to take action.  New Years Resolutions that involve losing weight are hard to keep.  Lets say I want to lose 10 pounds.  Wanting to lose weight does not cause me to lose weight.  I need to do something.  My resolution could involve diet and exercise.  That is pretty boring.  It does not inspire me at all.

    Biking to one of the best beaches in Canada is a New Years Resolution that inspires me.  I like going to the beach and the beach is far away.  Before I can bike to that beach I need to bike to other places like provincial parks and beaches.  With all that biking I don't need to make weight loss resolutions.

    I pick a goal that inspires me to take action and pick actions that I want to take.  Biking to a provincial park and spending most of the day relaxing at the beach once a week in the summer is the sacrifice I make for a lean, muscular body.

    1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image64
      SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What a great way to accomplish a goal and not sabatoge yourself b4 you even start. I'm planning a trip for Oct so I have to start building up my strength now to be able to walk and enjoy it. Thanks. Dee

  7. getitrite profile image71
    getitriteposted 11 years ago

    I find that the only thing that works for me  is the Nike motto "JUST DO IT"

  8. expertscolumn profile image65
    expertscolumnposted 11 years ago

    I try to discipline myself by being alone with the thought, and allowing the thought of my new  resolution grow with me.


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