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My Three Ultimate Wishes

Updated on January 13, 2012

Three Ultimate Wishes

To be
To be | Source
To do handicarafts
To do handicarafts | Source
To do Painting
To do Painting | Source
Public Speaking
Public Speaking | Source
My family
My family | Source
To do My last class in teaching
To do My last class in teaching

Just Three Wishes for Me

The adage "it is free to dream" has the biggest impact in my life. I am a dreamer and I achieve my goals in being so. "Life is but a dream" after all.

If my readers notice that I often, if not always, use my own personal experiences in my writings then they are right. My philosophy is my own life or vice versa, I live it. I don't discuss things by theory alone, without first doing them myself. In my three Master's degrees, I learned that the more varied subject matters one studies, the more he also learns that he knows nothing at all; and so he has to go back to himself, asking such questions as "Why am I studying this, and this, and that?". The basic thing to learn in life and this is in fact the only thing that matters before anything else, is Plato's famous "I think therefore I am."

Each of us is unique and each of us is the only one who is living his/her own unique life experiences. If I have to write, I will write only all about me and my experiences so that when readers see the facts of life that I am living, they may agree or disagree or model me or just junk me; everybody has a choice. No one can take all so we can only "take it or leave it" in the presence of any stimulus.

What I am trying to convey is that each of us has some secrets or methods on doing things effectively. We all are winners and successful in certain areas or fields of specialization in this life, otherwise we won't be here any more. We may differ in our choices and methods when we do some specific things but we all succeed eventually if we persist. And we can only persist on those things that we are interested about because it has something to do with our personal goals and pleasant (or painful?) experiences.

The idea is we learn by examples. I am a teacher for many years and I found out for a long time now that the most effective teacher is the one who models his/her teachings. The best teacher is the one who knows what he is talking about because he experiences them. Remember I achieve my goals in the spirit of fun, in a dream.

Going back to my three wishes which are packaged by three major areas as follow;

1. To Be

2. To Do

3. To Have

Model in me

The model in me
The model in me | Source

To Be

My First ultimate wish is the self-actualization on my pursuit of self-awareness. Self-actualization to me means to reach the peak of knowing the purpose of my life. It's the knowingness and the feeling of fulfilment and completeness. It answers the questions; Who am I? What is the purpose of my being in this life. Am I already contented in what I had achieved? What other things would I do or have so that I can say "Mission accomplished" when I return to my Maker. Will He say "Well done my child?" But these are in the "religious point of view.

In the material sense, my "To Be" is to stretch to the peak and beyond the limits my capacity and my degree of willingness to share my self, my life, and my services and time to humanity. I know it's ambitious but it is actually nothing compared to the reality that is just dormant within us.

Simply stated, my wish here is; I wish to be the person that I am meant to be before I go back to the dust. I know that I am much better than I had already been.

To Do

To do; My Arts
To do; My Arts | Source
To do; Public Speaking
To do; Public Speaking | Source
To have; My beloved grandchildren
To have; My beloved grandchildren | Source
Perfect Marriage and Family Relationship
Perfect Marriage and Family Relationship | Source
Home for me and my husband where we live together happily ever after.
Home for me and my husband where we live together happily ever after. | Source

To Do

My second wish is "To Do".

After being cleared of who I am and my true purpose in this life then my energy will just flow naturally towards doing exactly what I love to do as my perfect self-expression.

My wish here is to complete into perfection what I had started doing ever since. I had been inclined to deliver public speaking, lectures, seminar-workshops, writing, the arts, dancing, teaching, handicrafts, designing, selling, fashion, socializing, and a lot more.

My ultimate wish here is to focus and specialize one that I am really best at and to leave them as legacy to my children and my grandchildren even to my students and to all my love ones and friends.

To Have

My wish to possess is very simple; I just wish to be a MILLIONAIRE, literally and symbolically. It's free to dream and I am a dreamer. I had dreamed all those things that I had been a success and they all came to me easily and effortlessly.

I am a millionaire in love from people around me; children, grandchildren, relatives, colleagues and my husband.

I am a millionaire in all that I achieved; Education, career, children, marriages, to mention just a few.

All my dreams come true because I am a believer.

I dreamed of my son to become a millionaire and he is.

I had dreamed of my grandchildren to be in a very expensive school and they are.

I dreamed of my daughter to be a professional and to have a loving husband and beautiful children and that is exactly how it is.

I dreamed of looking 35 at 57; that is exactly what everybody says to me now. (my first top photo and some of the photos were taken just yesterday. I am a fifty-seven-year-old-grandma of those three children the eldest is first year College taking up Architecture.)

I dreamed to marry the perfect mate for me, I described him thorougly in my dream and he came to marry me.

If I was able to manifest the dream I dreamed, why can't I do that now?

My dream of being a millionaire, doing what millionaires do and, having the millionaire life is as good as I am already. I dream therefore I am. I think therefore I am.

Like I said in the opening of this hub; I use my experience as an integral part of the philosophy I live by. I am not bragging, I just humbly attest to the universal truth of "what you sow is what you reap".


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