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Photo Gallery of Yellow Flowers

Updated on April 20, 2012
Photo 1
Photo 1 | Source
Photo 2 - Dahlia
Photo 2 - Dahlia | Source
Photo 3 - Yellow Coneflower
Photo 3 - Yellow Coneflower | Source
Photo 4 - Yellow Daylily
Photo 4 - Yellow Daylily | Source

Cheerful Yellow Flowers

Yellow flowers are wonderful for so many reasons. They are bright, cheerful, and seem to light up a room or any gloomy place. They are an incredible accent flower to other colors as well. This may be my favorite reason for liking them as much as I do. If I am honest, I don't think I am naturally drawn to the yellow, but then again they bring out my most favorite colors. Those are the cooler tones like blues, purples and greens. Regardless, this is my little dedication to the yellow flower, no matter what kind it is. These are photos of yellow flowers that I have taken over time in various gardens.

Photos of Yellow Flowers

Photo 1 - This is really more of a macro shot of some small yellow flowers. The backdrop turned a blue on its own like that, I believe we were close to water and the sky was reflective of course too. I love the two colors together even though you can't see the background. These bright little beauties are so attractive as well to wildlife like bees and butterflies and more of course.

Photo 2 - A creamy yellow dahlia flower. I love how the petals curve and create the awesome pattern here that I so often take for granted. Dahlia's come in so many colors that its a true joy to just learn more about them. For our purposes here, this is the yellow, no other colors involved. I think its beautiful. Who could ever outdo nature?

Photo 3 - Yellow cone flower with narrow, thin petals. Its partly the simplicity of this flower that I love so much. There is nothing fancy going on here. Just a pretty little cone flower. I hope to grow more colors of cone flowers in the future, to include this one as well. Before now it has just been the purple ones.

Photo 4 - The yellow daylily flower. These are some tough, faithful little flowers that come up again and again. They need water and enjoy some sun, but even if they don't get it are not quick to die. When you live where I do and it gets so hot in Summer and cold in Winter, you come to appreciate these things all the more. Very cheerful in a shaded garden where most of mine grow.

Photo 5 - A yellow hibiscus with some pink in the center. I really love this coloring together, and I always have. I hope to find some of these in the future to have in my garden. Then I need to remember to bring it in, in the Winter months.

Photo 6 - Yellow plumeria flowers. I normally see these in pinks, and I very much love those ones too. These were new to me, and I was so happy to see them! For lack of better words, they have a really creamy look and feel to them even. Just a beautiful flower, in my opinion.

Photo 7 - Yellow water lily growing in a pond. There is pretty much nothing that I don't like about a water lily. They have to be some of the most interesting and amazing flowers out there. I love them in all colors, but this yellow one is very pretty.

Photo 8 - Light yellow pansy flowers. There is nothing "pansy like" about these tough little flowers though. They can survive a cold chill, even a quick overnight layer of ice! Did you know that? Its the heat they don't like too much of. They can be thoroughly enjoyed earlier and later in the seasons in the Midwest. Its the extreme heat that gets them down.

Photo 9 - These remind me of a yellow butterfly weed. The more close up you get to this flower, the more you can enjoy its unique design as well. Bees and butterflies will be close by if you plant these. I have had some butterfly weed for some time in my butterfly garden. I have really enjoyed it though it was the pink variety. The yellow would be just as wonderful, and they are tough plants.

Photo 10 - A bright yellow tulip is a great way to end a photo gallery of yellow flowers. I adore tulips, and the bright ones add so much "splash" to spring gardens!

Photo 5 - Yellow with some Pink, Hibiscus
Photo 5 - Yellow with some Pink, Hibiscus | Source
Photo 6 - Yellow and Creme colored Plumeria
Photo 6 - Yellow and Creme colored Plumeria | Source
Photo 7 - Yellow Water Lily
Photo 7 - Yellow Water Lily | Source
Photo 8 - Yellow Pansies with Blue, as contrast
Photo 8 - Yellow Pansies with Blue, as contrast | Source
Click thumbnail to view full-size
Photo 9 - Yellow flowers with beePhoto 10 - Yellow  tulip with red and black.
Photo 9 - Yellow flowers with bee
Photo 9 - Yellow flowers with bee | Source
Photo 10 - Yellow  tulip with red and black.
Photo 10 - Yellow tulip with red and black. | Source


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