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Racist Hollywood Can’t Break the 20% Casting Rule: Out Sourcing Hollywood

Updated on January 17, 2012

Should Hollywood Be Outsourced?

After watching the Golden Globes arrogant insensitive decadent display of wealth knowing full well children were being sold into prostitution for food right outside of Hollywood was what I loath about the Democratic Party entirely. And they ate, drank and were merry and it made me wonder if all of those actors were over paid, unpatriotic, anti-American, anti-Israel who should be outsourced immediately. For all the humanitarian work Hollywood claims to do it is very rarely ever with their own money but they lean on the average person to donate and then claim tax shelters so they can hoard their wealth. I remember after the earthquake in Haiti happened. I have spent over 11 years caring for a medically fragile child who also has autism without a day off and I also cared for my Mother with end stage cancer and I got a call from Hollywood. We want your donation. Julia Roberts makes 20 million dollars a picture. Cut a check Julia and stop bothering me. Leonardo Dicaprio makes 90 million dollars a picture but I have noticed he is wise enough not to call my house for money.

So Hollywood personifies what I hate about the Democratic Party which is their complete hatred of this country.

And finally Hollywood acknowledged some black actors and actresses in their awards ceremony. But they have stuck to their firm rule of not hiring a cast of more then 20% black people with the except of a few movies. Movies which I love might I add like the Color Purple. Mark Walhberg is about the only Hollywood actor I have seen that breaks the 20% rule in his roles in movies. Even the infamous George Clooney in his Oceans series sticks to the 20% rules. So I found it more then incredulous that on the eve of MLK day Hollywood claims they have lead the country integration. Please Hollywood and in particular the movie industry can’t break the 20% rule and before the 1980(s) the only time a black actor could get a job was as a criminal. Hollywood is part of the problem. So I say dump the fascist brew with the exception of Mark Walhberg and Leonardo DiCaprio who seem to have enough sense not to pretend to be humanitarians and are willing to work in integrated films.

But I also think that Hollywood could easily find actors who would work for far less money, who are sensitive to Americans and Israel that could pay their taxes and work in integrated films. Personally I would recruit actors from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Indochina, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, South America and India. I would also recruit from Africa as there are many very talented people who could carry these films as well as these just as well and be loyal to America and Israel while paying their taxes in the USA.

It is obscene to make 20 million dollars for 3 months work. No one is that talented. The president of the United States doesn’t make that kind of money. And then to knuckle over the average person for your own personal charity when you have millions if not billions of dollars in tax evasion schemes is just ridiculous. Most of the actors haven’t even graduated from college.

Barack Obama speaks about this country having a share plight. Well if Barack Obama was serious then he would make certain those communists in Hollywood feel the pain just as much as the rest of us. And they don’t. If anything Hollywood has made more money off this war and both George Bush and Barack Obama then they could have ever hoped for. And they should be ashamed of themselves.

News flash for Clooney no one believes you or your buddies are humanitarians but criminals who should be arrested. Clooney where is all the money for Haiti? Actually that question could be laid entirely at Hollywood’s feet. And Colin Firth who has never been a child who has gone hungry, Ricky Gervais, as stupid and rude as he is, isn’t the same as what this country has had to endure. It is not the same as endure a natural disaster and having to have a limb amputated without anesthesia at the age of eight years old.

I can’t stand the awards show as they are so self promotional, self gratuitous and obscenely opulent. It is like clones of Barack Obama. Greedy, self promotional, out of touch, insensitive people who have never had to do a real days work in their lives but live at the expense of others. And Hollywood sells children into military service which is a crime.

So I think Hollywood would be much better of outsourced like the rest of the country. Then Clooney can figure out how he can pay for Como which is an Albatross without preying on the good nature of the American people. I notice Italians don’t watch the awards shows. Actually Europe really doesn’t watch television or movies. So there is no market for Hollywood in Europe. We are their only market.

So after watching then insensitivity, grandiose, self gratuitous Golden Globes who claimed the pride of uniting with the African American community without acknowledging that they still can’t break the 20% rule and have produced negative stereo types until the last 30 years and then only a few good ones, I was disgusted. I thought those are Barack’s people the ones who don’t work, avoid their responsibilities, who are anti American and anti-Israel and are talent less worthless people and I thought how replaceable they all are. And no wonder the country is in a decline with Hollywood running the White House.

Really the next time Julia Roberts or George Clooney try to get cash from me my first question will be…”What makes you think you are so grand you deserve 20 million dollars a picture?”. My second question will be…”Why so racist that you can’t break the 20% rule?.” I know Julia will claim the Pelican Brief broke the 20% rule but it didn’t I checked the cast list. My third question will be…”Have you paid all of your taxes?” And my fourth question will be…”Why would I give a millionaire which in all reality we are probably talking about billionaires a dime?”.

And Brad Pitt is really a humanitarian George. I loved his “American is racist speech after hurricane Katrina when Pitt is particularly guilty of not being able to break the 20% rule. He hasn’t even done it in his own family which he has control over. Why would I give Brad Pitt who lives in a 90 million dollar mansion money for his foundation? He should sell his mansion and pay for his ambitions out of his own pocket and pay his taxes which he is avoiding by living in France. I think Hollywood and Congress share the same popularity ratings. Personally, I had free movie tickets which I ripped up after seeing the Golden Globes as I couldn’t imagine supporting people who are and continue to be anti American criminals in our society.

The Illumanti in Hollywood

And just for the record, Brad Pitt isn’t illuminati. I have the records of the families which are and Brad Pitt is not one of them. Actually to be in Hollywood is to be a gypsy and be of a good family line. The only one who is even close is Natalie Hershlag. Reese Witherspoon isn’t even of that particular order. The rest are less then zero.

Hollywood Foreign Press

Now let’s get a brother and sister from Haiti and Africa in Hollywood and from all those countries I mentioned earlier and let’s let the Hollywood Foreign Press really be Foreign for the first time ever. I mean come on the Netherlands isn’t foreign I was there when I was a teenager. Let’s allow the blacks, indans, Asians and the rest of the world drink from the golden fountain of Hollywood and I bet our international relations would change in an instance.

So producers here me now it is time to outsource Hollywood because all of your actors are overpaid and unmarketable.


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