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Switched At Birth -- The Trouble With Angelo

Updated on September 11, 2012

The episode is primarily about the reaction to the news that Regina married Angelo and the trouble that results from the impulsive move. We also get to see the side of the forgotten victim in the Simone and Emmett cheating scandal. And Bay makes the acquaintance of a female street artist known as Medusa.

Regina texts everyone to come to John and Kathryn's and she drops her little bomb about marrying Angelo. She doesn't think it's going to be any big deal, while privately Kathryn says she doesn't want to lie to the government over Angelo and Regina's paper marriage. Regina thinks it's going to be no big deal and Bay will be able to get to know her father. She thinks she and Angelo can live apart and it won't affect her life, at all. When she and Angelo have their interview with the INS she finds out how wrong she is when the agent informs her he's handing the case over to the fraud division for further investigation.

Regina also thought there'd be no problem with Patrick about her paper marriage, since he basically said he just thought of marriage as a piece of paper. He, however, doesn't feel that blase' about it when she announces to him she married Angelo.

Her impromptu marriage for Bay also causes problems with Daphne when Daphne takes on extra shifts at the restaurant so she can stay away from home. With Angelo having to move in with her and Regina, home is the last place Daphne wants to be. When she accidentally knocks over a dish of plates and runs off, Chef comes to comfort her and tells her she can call him Jeff.

Finally, when Regina goes to an AA meeting, she runs into a woman. At first, I thought maybe she recognized her from somewhere else. Then I think Regina acted the way she did because she suspected the woman was an INS agent watching her.

Regina decides she's going to go to the judge and tell her the truth. Me, I'm wondering how naive she truly is if she thinks the judge will give her a free pass for committing fraud on the Federal Government. Ultimately, Kathryn says Angelo can move in with her and John, so Daphne won't have to live with him. Of course, John just loves that idea since he really can't stand Angelo.

I guess the biggest shock in this whole mess was that Angelo and Regina were never married. I could have sworn they were married and divorced. Audriana who created this whole mess by turning in Angelo in hopes of getting Angelo out of Regina's life for good, suggests Regina married Angelo for herself and not Bay, because Angelo is Regina's addiction.

Bay finds an abandoned bus she wants to put some of her street art on, but the family crisis at home keeps interrupting her. Ultimately, another street artist finishes what she started named Medusa. When Bay takes Toby to see her work he shows her Medusa drew a picture frame on the other side of the bus for Bay to finish her art work. Something tells me Medusa will end up being Toby's new love interest.

Toby is disgusted when some schoolmates put up a website about Simone calling her a slut. When she learns Toby defended her, Simone tries to get back together with him, but he blows her off. He also blows his top when he runs into Emmett at his house. When Emmett touches his shoulder he knocks him to the ground. He admits to Bay that no one has asked him how he feels about the whole Toby and Simone cheating scandal. In short, he's become the forgotten victim in this whole mess.

Emmett was at the house because he and Daphne were putting together a trailer to submit their horror movie, Dawn Of The Deaf, for a contest at the annual Scare-A-Thon. While editing it, Daphne wants to know why Emmett didn't tell her he had sex with Simone. She gets annoyed when his excuse is because she's perfect and he didn't want to admit how badly he messed up.

Finally, John has to deal with another player beating his Hall Of Fame record. He eventually forces himself to come to terms with it and agrees to be interviewed about it. Meanwhile, Bay confronts Audriana for causing this whole mess by calling up the INS and turning in Angelo. If she thinks her grandmother is going to beg her forgiveness she has another think coming. Audriana has no regrets and tells Bay that Angelo will never change.

So, as we leave this nuclear family a new member has been added, who will surely cause more problems.


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