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The 13 best Sci Fi Movies ever!

Updated on August 27, 2015

First, what is Sci Fi?

Sci Fi is of course an action, horror or suspense movie that revolves around a scientific explanation. If the Science is not there, then the movie falls under one of the three genres I just mentioned! Science, of course has many sub studies or courses. For example, Astronomy, Biology, studying the future, and experimentation of many types are all sciences.

Movies like Star Wars and Beast Master leave the Science out where Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, and Alien, do not. Alien and The Terminator could be considered horror but they are scientific enough to qualify. Therefore, I consider Star Wars and Beast Master to be fantasy, and vampire and zombie movies to be horror, and not Sci-Fi.

Those I left off.

Go ahead, beat me up for not listing some of these. The nature of every list, is that some worthy choices make it, some don't!

Here they are-

I hated to leave off ...

Alien Nation- Terrance Stamp was great and I liked it. But the greatest of all time...I struggled with.

Jurasic Park- Top 20? Yes! I almost squeezed it in, but Sci Fi has been around a long time and there were too many classics to leave out!

E.T. was another top 20. It was more kiddy and a family movie. Almost!

Battle beyond the Stars- George Peppard, Robert Vaughn, and John Saxon almost made it!

Robo Cop- Love this one! One of my favorites!

Those that deserve a mention...

The Thing from another World- 1951- This was a suspenseful one about a big, strong, alien, that was not afraid of anything on Earth!

Scanners- This was fun and creepy!

Space Hunter- Molly Ringwald and Michael Ironside teamed up as unknowns!

The Fly (1986)- I loved this one. The cast was just about perfect and the development of the creature was better than the original. The sequel however, stunk!

The Terminator 2 1991 (T2) - A new model and a new reason to fear the future! Val Kilmer was supposed to play the evil terminator but Arnold said he would quit if he had to work with Val. Robert Patrick got the role and the rest is history! IMBD must not like this one because the say it came out in 1996! That is odd.

Newer Classics-

The Edge of Tomorrow- Tom and Emily were great together, and the alien did not look human at all! We always see aliens with 2 arms, 2 eyes and 2 legs. That's hardly alien.

Gravity- This one may be remembered decades to come.

The Increadible Hulk- The Ed Norton version was probably the best of Hulk I have ever seen.

The Avengers- I saw this as at least close to Sci Fi even if not truly. You have aliens, and freaks of Science like The Hulk and Capt. America, etc. Superhero movies blur the line a bit in my opinion.

Godzilla 2014- It caught some criticism, but Sci-Fi movies rarely win the Oscar! This was cool and very close to being classic Godzilla. The only real differences were that it was Americanized and modernized. What is wrong with that?

The best!

Here are my 13!

Feel free to chyme in on the bottom and tell me your favorites!

13. Invasion of the Body Snatchers- (1956) The old black and white was almost horror, but makes the list because it was scientific. Like Alien, and The Terminator, it was intense and could be classified as horror I suppose.

13.They Live- The Rowdy One plays a drifter that stumbles on to a disturbing plot, and into a fierce rebellion. How far will he go to change the fact that "They Live" ?

12. Men In Black - The chemistry of the cast and the story itself, made this so much fun! The sequels were not as good, but bad either. Here is my interview with the "Farmer's Wife".

11. Alien 1979- This also made my scariest movie list too. A terrifying force waits for a mining crew in the far reaches of outer space. They first see it when it explodes from a crew member's abdomen! This scared all watchers, as no movie like this had ever been released before 1979. F.Y.I., sadly, Prometheus stunk!

10. The Thing 1980- Kirt Russell and Kieth David provide muscle to an arctic exploration that is not what it seems. The encounter something from another world and , as our friends on Seasame Street would say "One of these things is not like the other".

9.The planet of the Apes 1968- Charleton Heston has a bad, bad day. It is about to get worse when he finds out the truth about his home land!

8. Star Trek 2 (The Wrath of Kahn) 1982- Khan was a superhuman with an army just like him. Can Cpt. Kirk, Spock, and the crew stop Kahn's evil plan? The early 80s ruled this genre!

7. Frankenstein 1931- Boris Karloff- A long time ago, in a country far away, a brilliant young scientist forged ahead with an illegal and very risky experiment. It went wrong, very, very, wrong. The result was too awful to talk about at this time!

6. Star Trek 2009- A full reboot of the classic voyage!

The fear ridden five!

5. The Terminator 1984- A futuristic force comes back to the 80's! The 80's were never the same!

4. Blade Runner 1982- Harrison Ford and a great supporting cast, made this a classic for the ages. It was a great look at a possible future for Earth. If you haven't seen this one, you are missing out!

3. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1967- A classic from an era not known for great Sci Fi!

2. Forbidden Planet- 1956- Leslie Neilson, of all people, and Walter Pigeon head up a great Sci Fi journey into the dangerous unknown. This was not your typical low budget Sci Fi flick from the 50's! It had a big cast and a budget that matched it.

1. The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951- Gort and cast pay us a visit. This was intense and the world may have changed a little because of it. I liked the remake, but the original was excellent!


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