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Weekly 10 Best Movie Quotes #3

Updated on September 16, 2014

This is a weekly posting of ten movie quotes that have made a lasting, memorable impression with audiences. In no particular order, here is this week’s best movie quotes. There are links to earlier and later installments at the bottom.

Remember to vote for your favorite quote at the bottom!!!

Also, If you have a quote that you’d like to see make the list, make a request in the comments section or let me know through a message. If it’s worthy, it will show up in a future post.


Tony Montana (Al Pacino) - Scarface

"Say hello to my little friend!"

This quote has been parodied more times than one can count and for good reason. On a cocaine induced last stand, Tony Montana goes down guns blazing with an M16 following the death of his henchmen and kidnapped sister. The famous catch phrase is uttered by the drug legend as he takes down Sosa’s lackeys, while receiving numerous shots from his foes. But the cocaine keeps him up until he is mortally wounded at close range. Tony’s rampage ends with his corpse toppling down his own staircase and into a fountain.


Doug (Chris Kattan) and Steve Butabi (Will Ferrell) – A Night at the Roxbury

Doug Butabi: “So anyway, I was standing there waiting to use the pay phone.”

Steve Butabi: “Yeah, he was, seriously.”

Doug Butabi: “And this guy who was on the phone, turns around and tips his hat like this.”

Steve Butabi: “And who do you think that guy was?”

Doug Butabi: “Emilio Estevez.”

Steve Butabi: “The Mighty Duck man, I swear to God, I was there.”

Doug Butabi: “Of course you were, you were the one who yelled the Breakfast Clubber's name.”

Steve Butabi: “I was like, "Emilio!"

As with all of the lethal methods to pick up chicks that the Butabi brothers possess in their arsenal, this story is heard more than once during the duration of the film. However, if you’re a fan of the movie, you already know that it never gets old regardless of the number of views. The account of their encounter with “the Mighty Duck man” comes complete with clever expressions and antics. It is the chemistry of the pair and the way all of those factors come together that makes this scene a highlight of the film. Honestly, what club-going woman could resist?


John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone)- First Blood

“Nothing is over!”

The misunderstood Green Beret was merely peacefully passing through town, when the local police decided to arrest him. Little did the cops know that they weren’t brutalizing an average drifter, but an elite Special Forces soldier from Vietnam. Using guerrilla style tactics from his service, John Rambo fights off his oppressors in the forests of Washington. When his former mentor, Colonel Sam Trautman arrives and attempts to convince the soldier that the battle is over, Rambo responds with this unforgettable line. True to his word, Rambo’s struggle against the mounting forces was far from over.


Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg)- Zombieland

“No, it had to be a clown. And it had to be Wichita, for me to finally understand, that some rules are made to be broken. Time to nut up or shut up.”

The four survivors' trek through Zombieland is a comical and at some points intense experience. The developing relationship between Columbus and Wichita (Emma Stone) finally flourishes when the awkward young man decides to face his greatest fear (clowns) to rescue his lady and her little sister (Abigail Breslin). Always bound to his rules that keep him alive in the post apocalyptic, zombie infested world, Columbus decides that Wichita is worth breaking his most important rule (#17 "Don't be a hero", which becomes "Be a hero"). Tallahassee’s (Woody Harrelson) unique words of wisdom are the final part of this hero's inner monologue. Afterwards Columbus finally gets to fulfill his innermost desire and brush Wichita’s hair from her face, before the pair lock lips.


Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) - The Shining

"Here's Johnny!"

Somewhat cliché, but probably a little overdo, the demented caretaker of the Overlook Hotel makes this weeks list with this classic line. Driven by rage and evil, following a failed altercation with his wife Wendy (not the most appealing person to be secluded with…what too far?), Jack stalks his family through the hotel. This line is delivered following the deranged, ax-wielding, ghost influenced, psychopath’s forced entry into the family’s living quarters. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this quote, and it’s guaranteed to not be the last.


Alan Garner (Zach Galifianakis) – The Hangover

“You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!”

The comedy that instantly hooked audiences with its memorable lines, hilarious antics, and superb acting, contains various quotes that could’ve easily made this week’s list. However, no one can deny that this little speech delivered by Doug’s estranged brother-in-law, Alan, didn’t leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s the peculiar, unorganized nature of the speech, the slight girlish laugh during the intro or the simple fact that Alan attempts to conclude it with a knife and blood pact, I know that this scene is permanently implanted in my subconscious.


Police Chief Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) - Jaws

“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

This one liner is as classic as the movie its in and sets the mood perfectly for the plot transition that occurs. After all, I always think of Jaws being broken down into two parts. The first half is about the monstrous man-eater terrorizing the beach and preying on swimmers, while the second possesses an entirely different feel. The solitary, secluded, open ocean purveys the perfect eerie environment for the three men to hunt the shark, while it preys upon them. Perhaps they should have taken a bigger boat, as Brody finds himself on the crow’s nest a couple of feet above the water before his final showdown with the beast at the film’s conclusion.


Astronaut Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) - Apollo 13

“Houston we have a problem.”

Tom Hanks seems to spring up in my quotes quite a bit, but what can I say, the man can act and is frequently cast in larger than life roles. Playing Astronaut Jim Lovell on this occasion, Hanks brings viewers along for the doomed, hellish trip of Apollo 13. Although having issues from the start, this line marks the transition from Mission Control guiding them to the moon to just getting the astronauts home safely. Looking back on the film, this phrase was delivered perfectly by Hanks, but was also one hell of an understatement.


Tuco (Eli Wallach)– The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

“When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.”

This film defines the word classic and propelled the western genre's already steady popularity forward. Not much can be said about the line because it’s so simple and well executed. In a way it pays tribute to the long showdowns that usually occur during westerns, which are by no means absent from this film, but also mocks them as well. Tuco (the Ugly) was just enjoying a bath, when a gunman catches up with him and rants about searching for him and, instead of finally putting an end to his prey, is gunned down while his guard’s down. This quote sums up the entire scene and I couldn’t have said it any better myself.


John Shooter (John Turturro)- The Secret Window

"You stole my story."

Not wanting to ruin any of the twists in case you haven’t seen the film, Mort Rainey (Johnny Depp) secludes himself to his cabin after catching his wife having an affair. An established author, Mort attempts to finish his story and pick up the tattered pieces of his demolished life. However, a mysterious Mississippian shows up at his door claiming to have written a story, which Mort already published and is being compensated for. Pressure begins to escalate throughout the movie as heinous retaliations begin to arise following Mort’s persistent claims that he is the true author of the story. The film comes to a head at its climax and if you haven’t seen it, this suspense is at least worth one visit.


Apparition of Babe Ruth (Art LaFleur) - The Sandlot

“Remember, kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong.”

This movie brings back so many great memories of renting a movie from the local video store (an experience now a thing of the past) and watching it with my entire family. It is one of my favorite movies from my childhood and for good reason. Anyone whose seen it knows there’s a plethora of memorable quotes, which will come back to at some point, but this one is certainly the most powerful in the film and relays a great message to kids. Besides the go big or go home quality that it possesses, the vision of Babe is explaining that your heart will always lead you in the right direction. If you haven’t seen the film, the kids love baseball and play it nonstop, while frequently referencing Babe Ruth and his many nicknames. So it’s only appropriate that Benny Rodriguez (Mike Vitar), who’s the bravest of the group, sees the apparition of the homerun king to inspire him to go retrieve a missing signed ball from the infamous “beast.” If you haven’t seen the movie, I say check it out and if you have, it’s definitely worth a revisit, even if you’re an adult now.


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