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8 Ways You Can Encourage Your Child - How To Encourage Your Children

Updated on February 20, 2022
Hope Wilbanks profile image

Hope is a freelance content writer, specializing in mental health and wellness, personal growth and development, and content marketing.

Children need a lot of support and encouragement. As they grow, they develop their own thoughts and opinions. It is important to remember that as a parent, you should encourage and promote this individuality, not squash it.

The world is changing so fast that kids rarely have the opportunity to just be kids anymore. They face and deal with rising peer pressure from all over the place. Frustration and discouragement can set in quickly, if we as parents aren't watchful.

Here are a few ways you can encourage your child in any situation. Try these, then post a few of your own tips for encouragement in the comments below.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels | Source

How to Encourage Your Child

1. "Job well done!" So many times we give our children responsibilities, like chores, but forget to let them know when they've done a great job. Our children need to hear those words of encouragement, especially from their parents, when they've done a nice job.

2. "Thank you!" Just as they need to hear when they've done something good, kids also need to hear their parents say thanks, too. Hearing that positive reinforcement will make them proud of the good things they've done, and excited to do even more.

3. "I understand." All too often kids turn to their friends or peers with their problems. And even worse, many kids simply stuff their feelings and problems deep down inside and don't talk to anybody at all about what's bothering them. Sometimes a kid just needs a parent who is willing to listen and be understanding. Simple understanding provides the encouragement a child needs to learn how to problem-solve.

4. "I'm sorry." Believe it or not, apologizing to your child can be very encouraging. When your child can see you be willing to be humble enough to apologize for something you did wrong, they'll know that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them.

5. "I was wrong." Despite what you might think, your children also need to know that you aren't right all the time. They need to know that adults don't have all the answers either, and that sometimes you do or say things that are wrong. When you're wrong, admit it.

6. "I love you." No matter how young or old your child is, they're never too old or young for you to tell them you love them. Give them a big bear hug and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Then watch their whole attitude change right before your eyes. Your love will provide the encouragement they need in those crucial moments of sadness or discouragement.

7. "I'm always here for you." Something I tell my daughter often is that no matter how bad things are, or how terrible something is she's done, she can always come to me and talk to me about it. Your children need to know that you'll always be there for them, regardless. It provides encouragement for them to reach out to you, instead of lying or hiding things from you. It also lets them know that your love is deeper than anything else in this world.

8. "Let's have some fun!" Finally, one of the best ways to encourage your child is to get out with him/her and just have some fun. Ask what he/she wants to do. Let your child's imagination take charge and get out and have some fun together.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2008 Hope Wilbanks


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