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If I've Told You Once, I've Told You Twice

Updated on September 25, 2011

My Childhood

I was blessed to have had what I consider to be the most wonderful childhood. So many memories of so many happy times. Family picnics, vacations to Oklahoma, California and Texas, swimming at the beach, swimming in lakes, sleigh riding, ice skating, watching the old horror movies with my mom, snuggled together on the couch with our snacks, weekends with my grandparents, walks in the garden with my grandfather, picking fruit for my grandmother so she could bake her wonderful pies, roller skating, dances, birthday parties, carnivals, carousels, becoming 'blood' sisters with my best friend and the list goes on and on.

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Upon Growing Up

As I sit here today, a grandmother myself, I've been doing some reflecting.

Have you ever stopped to consider all the things your parents told you while you were growing up? I have.

What I find interesting, now that I am a grandmother, is that I find myself saying the same things. Things I swore I would never say to my children, should I have any. Well, I not only said them to my children, but am now saying them to my granddaughter as well. Surprise!

It's been 23 years since I lost my mother. One day I was sitting in my living room. As I was sitting on the couch doing something, I glanced up, and I saw my reflection on the tv screen. The only thing is, it wasn't me looking back at me. It was my mother. In that instant, I thought, wow, I look just like her. When I was growing up, depending on whom you asked, some people thought I looked like her while others thought I looked like my father.

In any case, I grew up hearing all the things that I'm sure most parents have been saying since the beginning of time. I think that once you become a parent, the things your own parents said to you get are put on instant replay, and, shocking to you, you find yourself sounding just like your own parents.

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Sage Advice?

Here are many of the cautions and bits of counsel I remember being told.

Note: Some of these are memories of my dear classmate, used with permission.

Sit down.

Sit up straight.

Stand up.

Stand up straight.

Wait till your father gets home

Don't slouch.

Be good.

You're grounded.

Do your homework.

Clean your room.

Stop biting your nails.

The answer is no.

Because I said so.

Do as I say, not as I do.

Eat your dinner.

Eat your vegetables.

Drink your milk.

Go to your room.

Clean your room.

Don't talk back.

Don't raise your voice.

You can't go out until your homework is done.

Pick up your clothes.

Walk the dog.

It's time for bed.

Go to sleep.

No tv tonight.

Turn off the tv.

It's time to get up.

Wash the dishes.

Answer me.

Tell the truth.

Comb/brush your hair.

Brush your teeth.

Wash your hands.

Don't chew with your mouth open.

Don't speak unless spoken to.

Take your medicine.

Walk, don't run.

Stop squinting.

Stop squirming.

Stop cracking your knuckles.

Don't cross your eyes or they will stay that way.

Stop picking your nose.

Get a tissue.

Make your bed.

Say please.

Say thank you.

Say excuse me.

Be quiet.

Don't interrupt.

Get off the phone.

Look both ways when crossing the street.

Nobody likes a sneak.

Nobody likes a liar.

Don't bring home any babies.

If I had two cents for every time I've heard that story I'd be rich.

Do you think I was born yesterday?

Do you think money grows on trees?

Don't let that money burn a hole in your pocket.

The early bird gets the worm.

I hope when you grow up you have kids just like you.

You think you're so smart.

Raise your voice again and you'll get a spanking.

Beauty is only skin deep.

 Your Input 

So, dear readers, I'd be interested to hear if you've heard any or all of these, or, if you've heard others, please share them here. Enjoy!


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