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Hardcore Biker Turns In Leathers To Be Stay At Home Mr Mom

Updated on August 1, 2009
Mr Mom and Proud Of it
Mr Mom and Proud Of it

Run Forrest Run...

living in a tent, the wind in my hair, I roamed the country on top of my motorcycle, life was good, peace and tranquility was the word of the day... Then my mother asked me to come home my stepfather was not doing well with his alzhemiers... she needed to work could I please watch him during the day...

So I left the sunshine of florida and headed for new jersey... Once there my life drastically changed.. Winn my stepfather, and I spent time together... but it was tough... I really missed the road.. the freedom... Yes I got out once in a while... but my life was changing and as I would learn for the better...


One Saturday Night

Bored, not knowing what to do, scrambling to find that peace from the road again, I went to a coffee shop held by a local church.. I said hello to a pretty young lady and she ignored me... I few seconds later that same young lady turned to me and asked did you say something to me...

See my wife is deaf in one ear and didn't hear me when I said hello... so we talked all night... she offered to bake me a cheese cake for 2 weeks from then.. I had a ride for a charity the following weekend and would be out of town...

I rushed back and made it the following week, and she said with a surprised look you arent suppose to be here.. I just had to see her.. So I rode hard and fast to get back... We had a blast...

So for a week or so before the wedding my wife and new daughter teased me and kept saying run forrest run... I may not have the wind in my hair... I may be settled down... but everyday is a challenge... You can read all about our Biker Wedding

From Hardcore Biker To Loving Mr Mom

Now I really didnt have a job.... I sold websites on ebay... it was enough to keep gas in the bike.. the bills paid... but no wheres near enough to support a family... I never built my business to a real income... My life was on the road...

My wife is a special education teacher... she works with medically fragile children ages 17 to 21.. she loves them like our own... picks things up when were shopping for them... but in the end makes more then enough money to support the family we have now...

See she has two daughters.. the older one is 21 and can be a challenge... the younger one is 15.. and has had a rough childhood...

So my wife and I agreed that she would work full time.. I would become Mr Mom and take care of my stepfather, my daughters needs, the house chores and try to build a business...

Needless to say this was a major change from living in a tent and riding a motorcycle as free as the wind blew...

Although it was hard in the beginning... Not so much coming off the road... I had been off the road for a year at this point... But being organized enough with my time to get everything done...

So as a man, I struggle with the fact that my wife supports me...I had to have a job of some kind... so I now drive a school bus... it gives me a little comfort knowing my wife doesnt do it all...

I am currently building a business again on ebay... I keep the house chores caught up for the most part... I try to visit with my stepfather twice a week... he loves to go for coffee and ride around... OHHHH and now my wife and I watch our grandson 3 nights a week...

I may have thought being on the road... free as the wind... no resposiblities except where to lay my head... was the bikers dream.... but I have found being Mr Mom and getting out on the bike one in a while makes me much happier....

In the future I will be writting about my daily adventures, tips and tricks for other Mr Moms out there, funny stories with my stepfather, and how I am able to build a home based business in my spare time...

Now am off to pick up my niece, feed my daughter, and go to the school to see my wife in a talent show...

Maybe I will have more time to write this evening but am not making any promises...

From the life of Mr Mom, hardcore biker wearing an apron


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