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This Is Dedicated to the over 500,000 Children in Foster Care

Updated on August 30, 2013

"This is dedicated to the over 500,000 children in foster care." Those words were the opening lines of one of the most magnificent stage plays, actually a One Woman's Show, that I've ever seen, entitled Somebody's Someone from the book by the same Title Somebody's Someone, A Memoir, by Regina Louise. I am straining at the reins to tell you what I saw, but I can't, you will have to experience it for yourself. That's right 'experience' it, because you don't just see it, it is an experience. This was a roller coaster ride that I will gladly take again and again. Oh, I want to tell you about the whole experience, but you will just have to have this experience for yourself. Back to that later.

Let me tell you how I got here. My friend Tricia asked me to go with her to a play, and immediately, I said "yes." You see I love stage plays. However when she picked me up, I saw the flyer stating, "A One Woman play, written and performed by Regina Louise in honor of Foster Care Awareness month," well, I was a little disappointed. A one woman play. Oh no, and I was sleepy too, never mind the fact that I was starving. What have I gotten myself into. I was so prepared to let out a snore or two, and I warned Tricia to that effect. She laughed, but I was serious. A stage play can sometimes keep me awake, but not one woman. I have never, and never intended to go to a one woman show. I thought, to sit and listen to one woman talk by herself for over an hour, well let's just say I was not looking forward to that, to put it mildly. When we arrived at this little "boutique" style theater, named Zephyr, (can you say zipper), again, an, Oh no.

What happened

Oh, but let me tell you, after we walked into the theater (comfortable, cozy, and intimate) A pleasant surprise. The surprises didn't end there. The play begins, and, out of the darkness, comes, one of the most beautiful and melodic voices you've ever heard. Okay, I'm waking up now, but let's see if this holds. After that beautiful song, (which she wrote), I thought "well here it goes, get ready for a snooze." Regina started talking, and suffice it to say, I am still awake five hours later, writing about the experience. I was totally mesmerized. She talked at length about her life in the foster care system. Just to let you know, she is not an actress. To hear someone tell their story first hand, especially with the horrific things she went through, is just, well I can't adequately express my feelings. She made us laugh, she made us cry, and most of all she completely woke me up and quelled my hunger pangs. I sat totally mesmerized afraid to move for fear I might miss something. I hung on every word, phrase, inflection and expression.

Most of the story was to say the least a very sad one. Through it all, though, she seemed to have one of the most upbeat spirits of anyone I have ever seen. I am deliberately not telling you what the story was about, because you need to see it when it comes to your town. However, before then you can buy her book. I have yet to read it, I just got it tonight. I will begin reading it tomorrow. If it's anything like the play, I will wreck the pages with my tears.

On a lighter note, I have just discovered the joy of small, intimate theater entertainment. I will probably be going back to this theater in the near future.

The book

In her book, Regina sheds light on a system sorely in need of fixing. Fixing is not an adequate enough term. It needs a complete overhaul. I have never been personally acquainted with anyone who has been through the system, so I have never really heard of the horrors that are visited upon these young ones. Then to be unceremoniously ousted at 18, is just unconscionable. Maybe when the play is seen around the country more can be done to begin to repair this broken system.

Even reading the book will, I'm sure, shed some light on it, maybe, to begin the healing. In my amateurish opinion, this should be a movie for all to see. This is a story that needs be told , and even though Regina does such a beautiful and wonderful job, with her performance, again the plight of the over 500,000 foster children need to be given mass attention. So first I'd like to encourage everyone to go out and buy the book, Somebody's Someone, A Memoir, by Regina Louise. I have no stake in the this, except for the fact that I would like to see something done about the Foster Care System, and maybe, if after reading this book, things can begin to happen. I'm not sure where to get the book, maybe at your local bookstore or the Internet, but, it is a must read. More than that the play is a must see.

A little about Regina

Regina is a very lively and animated, beautiful young woman. Very compassionate, highly intelligent, and that comes across in her writings. See, I said a little, you'll just have to read the book. I could heap more accolades upon her, but if I say any more there will be no need to read the book.


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