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What would be the only thing you would not tell your adolescents you did when you were their age?

Updated on April 5, 2012
Beata Stasak profile image

Beata works as a qualified primary school teacher, a councillor for drug and alcohol addiction and a farm caretaker for organic olive grow.

Teenagers live in their own world...

One of the most important lessons I have learnt in my years as a mother is to keep the lines of communication open with my kids. Sometimes it is hard to talk to them, especially when they are teenagers.
One of the most important lessons I have learnt in my years as a mother is to keep the lines of communication open with my kids. Sometimes it is hard to talk to them, especially when they are teenagers.
Often they don't look like they are listening to you. But that's the time when it's most important to find a way talk to them - not to lecture them, but to tell them things you think are important for them to know.
Often they don't look like they are listening to you. But that's the time when it's most important to find a way talk to them - not to lecture them, but to tell them things you think are important for them to know.
Their attitude towards tomorrow tends to differ according to how they feel about today. That, in turn tends to depend on how they feel about yesterday.
Their attitude towards tomorrow tends to differ according to how they feel about today. That, in turn tends to depend on how they feel about yesterday.
We all make assumptions and teenagers are the expert in that field. When you start to tell them things they jump ahead in their minds to see if they can get to the end of the sentence before you...
We all make assumptions and teenagers are the expert in that field. When you start to tell them things they jump ahead in their minds to see if they can get to the end of the sentence before you...
They were so sure you were going to say something else, they probably felt cheated by that unexpected word...they burst out in anger, they can not control...
They were so sure you were going to say something else, they probably felt cheated by that unexpected word...they burst out in anger, they can not control...
You can only imagine what were going through their head, but you stood your ground and it was also good, it reinforced your parenting position, you were making the right was a powerful experience of living with a teenager...
You can only imagine what were going through their head, but you stood your ground and it was also good, it reinforced your parenting position, you were making the right was a powerful experience of living with a teenager...
This experience teaches us that best rarely occurs. Always apparently, there will be some kind of compromise to contend with. If we are wise and fortunate parents, we may look back...
This experience teaches us that best rarely occurs. Always apparently, there will be some kind of compromise to contend with. If we are wise and fortunate parents, we may look back...
...and realize later that it is just as well things didn't turn out the way we hoped. That said, sometimes, just sometimes we do get what we want...
...and realize later that it is just as well things didn't turn out the way we hoped. That said, sometimes, just sometimes we do get what we want...
and teenagers listen to us, for a short miraculous moment and respond the way we expect them to do...if this is one of those times, cherish it....
and teenagers listen to us, for a short miraculous moment and respond the way we expect them to do...if this is one of those times, cherish it....
...because it changes back to 'teenager's normal behaviour' quicker than you think, do not let catch you unprepared...when it happens to me, I turn to art...
...because it changes back to 'teenager's normal behaviour' quicker than you think, do not let catch you unprepared...when it happens to me, I turn to art...
Entertainment is about distracting people from the disappointments of their daily lives. Art, on the other hand, had such an impact on people that strange things can happen in their souls,
Entertainment is about distracting people from the disappointments of their daily lives. Art, on the other hand, had such an impact on people that strange things can happen in their souls,
mysteries can become clear, opaque things can become evident, the complicated becomes simple, what is probable becomes necessary, but most of all, art is about uniting people.
mysteries can become clear, opaque things can become evident, the complicated becomes simple, what is probable becomes necessary, but most of all, art is about uniting people.
If I can not communicate with my teenagers we write to each other. Writings seem to become better as we learn more about ourselves through our writings. Through our writings we both realized...
If I can not communicate with my teenagers we write to each other. Writings seem to become better as we learn more about ourselves through our writings. Through our writings we both realized...
that we all constantly strive to find an honesty in what we do. It's not about being the best, I try to explain to my teenagers, it is about finding the integrity behind the story and within the story...
that we all constantly strive to find an honesty in what we do. It's not about being the best, I try to explain to my teenagers, it is about finding the integrity behind the story and within the story...
and letting it out as gracefully and easily as's about finding your own unique voice, after all, it's not about us, it's all about the story.
and letting it out as gracefully and easily as's about finding your own unique voice, after all, it's not about us, it's all about the story.
I let them know through my writings that I choose to have them because I love to be a mother. I also am very lucky to be surrounded by amazing people, my teenagers.
I let them know through my writings that I choose to have them because I love to be a mother. I also am very lucky to be surrounded by amazing people, my teenagers.
Joy comes form living next to people you love. The rest just falls into place. As time goes on, I am enjoying parenting more and more, and getting more and more relaxed.
Joy comes form living next to people you love. The rest just falls into place. As time goes on, I am enjoying parenting more and more, and getting more and more relaxed.
Being a parent, just like being a writer, takes a lot of dedication. If you don't put in the time, you won't go the distance. I am a parent trying to make a difference in my childrens' lives...
Being a parent, just like being a writer, takes a lot of dedication. If you don't put in the time, you won't go the distance. I am a parent trying to make a difference in my childrens' lives...
I am a writer trying to make art. Only time will tell if I succeeded. Only I can do for now is try...
I am a writer trying to make art. Only time will tell if I succeeded. Only I can do for now is try...

Driven to the brink of suicide

by uncaring parents,

by vicious bullies

at school

is not something

any parents

want to brag about.

Having the last laugh

is still not enough,

having lived

every kid's worst nightmare,

you are happy

just travelling through life,

teaching your children

to be open-minded

to be comfortable

with other people

and other children,

who don't fit

the popular







to help

young people

to stand for themselves

is easier



your own story,

the suicide

you nearly

didn't survive.

The graduation

from primary school

to high,

no longer,

the oldest in a school,

you'd known for half a decade,

the youngest again

the most vulnerable,

in scary,

unfamiliar territory,

heaving with hormonal kids

fighting for their place

under the sun.

Complicated by desire

for the opposite sex,

dreaming about having

a ready-made set of friends,

trying to be the same

like everyone else.

Gangs of pubescent girls,

slaps and punches,

group assaults,

fighting over

the same


cool guy,

you didn't really

care about,

all you wanted

is non-cool dude,

the nerdy,

smart guy,

who dared

to dream big,

without following

the crowd.

With innocent naivety

you condemned


to be different,



every level






you copped it





from the bottom

could get away

with bullying


Your care-givers


you have done

something wrong

to be getting that kind

of attention.

"Pretty and obedient girls

are not bullied at school,"

was their answer to you.

They forced you

to go to school,


and scared.

You couldn't learn,


watching your back.

"You're a weirdo

and you're never

going to be anything,"

ringed constantly in your ears

but you were determined,

not to let the bullies win.

And yet,

you were lonely,

the injuries

to your self-esteem

were worse than the pain,

harming yourself,

hiding in your room,

slicing your wrists,

you phoned your only friend

before you lost

your consciesness.

"She is attention-seeking,"

was a new brand name for you.

Your care-givers

labeled you 'difficult,'

but you managed

to get through,

you kept your dignity

and you finished the school.


with the benefit

of hindsight,

you are able to see

those few schools' years

as character building.

It made you

who you are.

You are glad,

that the attempted suicide

wasn't successful,

you are glad,

that you followed your dreams

having your own teenagers now,

you would never dare

to tell them this story...

too painful, too shameful, too close to your heart...

But also you never tell them

to put up with bullying,

or reassure them that it is "character building",

or tell them to ignore it and it will go away.

Whether they are victim or a bystander,

they have to report it

and force parents and school to deal with it,

because their lives are at stakes,

teenagers live now,

their years of high schools

are everything they care about,

friends are everything,

they can help them up

or pull them down...

Listen to them,

and deal with their worries,


bullying is serious,

can not wait,

later is sometimes too late.


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