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Worship Of The Mysterious Breast(edited)

Updated on August 2, 2014

Milk Anyone

What Breast?

The worship of the mysterious female breast, poets have written about them, both painter and sculpture have illustrated them with great detail. Yet, in the medical community they are a continuous source of wonder. Along with the poets, painter and sculptures the modern media has turned the female breast into an item of worship vs. the symbol of femininity. There is so much attention on the beast as a symbol of sexual admiration that the real purpose is nearly forgotten. The art of breast-feeding is in some cases ignored even though doctors have concluded that breast-feeding is healthier for the newborn. A great deal of focus is on the external beauty of the breast yet; the real beauty lies in the mysterious function of the female breast.

Milk production

The milk produced by the female breast is a near perfect link between paternal life and independent continuation on earth. The significant of the female breast is in its descriptive name” Mamma” stemming from the Latin word for breast and is one of the first sound uttered from the child’s mouth. The complex mechanism of the breast remains unclear. The breast of the newborn is capable of certain activities.

The structure of the breast can provide a better understanding of what takes place Each breast contain between fifteen and twenty milk producing systems. Each system resembles a tree reversed without the roots with the trunk emerging at the nipple. Just under the nipple the fifteen to twenty trunks widen and the branches create milk cisterns. The branches are ducts for travel and storage of milk, while the leaves are the cells designed for milk manufacturing. Before puberty, the system is mini version of itself.


Once the ovaries begin to function two distinctive hormones are produced. One is estrogen; this initiates the development and growth of the duct system, the second progesterone. This stimulates the growth and proliferation of the milk producing cells. The action of these hormones sculpture what will cause man to ogle and salivate like Pavlov dog without the bell until adulthood. The visible sign continues for as number of years.

The first visible sign of this internal activity is a small cone like projection. Then as the glandular tissue develops a concealing layer covers it. Gradually the nipple enlarges to fit the mouth of the infant, and a pigment zone (the areola) surrounds the nipple. This area is equipped with sebaceous glands to prevent drying and cracking while the mother is breast-feeding.

Pregnancy set in motion a series of events that are performed by the body with mathematical precision. As early as the second month the breast begin to enlarge that area around the breast (the areola start to darken) this is evidence of pregnancy. Several days after the delivery of the baby the mother secrets a yellowish viscous, nonnutritive liquid called colostrums. This liquid serves as a mild laxative and eliminates mucus and other waste from the infant’s digestive tract. This is just one of the reasons the medical community are firm believers that breast-feeding is healthier for a baby. If the media would place more emphasis on the internal working of the breast then maybe the female breast would retain credit for what its real contributions are. Then women could walk down the street with their breast exposed and men in particular would not embarrass themselves by staring right into the cleavage of a woman versus her face when having a conversation. Nevertheless, there remains more fascination mystery about the female breast.

There is an indication that within the colostrums are antibodies that protect the newborn from disease during its first few days on the planet. It is absolutely necessary for the infant to have food, it is at this juncture the mother pitturary gland start to secret prolactin, and this is the hormone that initiates the milk production. This chemical prolactin is believe to have several duties suppress both sexual and menstruation. As long as this prolactin is produced and nursing continues conception is decreased. The milk produced by female breast is extraordinary and chemist is unable to duplicate it.

They may however come close with certain newborn formulas on the market, unfortunately there is no real data indicating this belief. The milk from the breast is tailor made for the newborn. So consequently, milk from a cow is tailored for a calf that will double in size after 60 days whereas a newborn will take 120 days. A calf’s milk contains twice the amount of protein and 4 times the amount of calcium and five times the amount of phosphorus s needed for a human. The exact means of this production remains a mystery

The milk factory

This process mystifies the scientist because there is but one element to draw upon for this production, blood. The conversion of blood into milk is an astounding accomplishment. It is estimated that 400 ounces of blood needs to circulate for the production a single ounce of milk. The components of blood are 180 degrees opposite of milk that adds to the mystery. The breasts also have the ability to step up the process of milk production in order to meet the nutritional need of the newborn. So we have marveled at the accomplishment and mysteries of the breast. The next time a person is staring down at your breast versus looking at you as some questions? For instance Mr. while you are staring at my breast can you tell me how they produce milk? And please stop salivation like Pavlov’s dog. A semi comical video is added at the end along with a poll please take the time to participate.


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