Does your name drive your destiny? Does calling your child by name shape future

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  1. poeticmentor profile image75
    poeticmentorposted 12 years ago

    Does your name drive your destiny? Does calling your child by name shape future accomplishments?

    Some say naming a child is very important to their destiny.  Are there any examples of people whose name drove them to greatness. Names are symbolic and often shape the attitude of a child growing up.  Is this true?  What if I called my son "dumb bow" all his life? Would he subconsciously take on all it's traits? What do you say?

  2. Eileen Goodall profile image82
    Eileen Goodallposted 12 years ago

    I think there is the self-fulfilling prophecy along the lines of when you call your child 'naughty' that they may then see themselves in terms of 'I am naughty' rather than what they were doing was naughty, also they may also not be able to see that there is another option than that of being naughty.  Or indeed if he has the type of personality that is more forceful he might against the label in order to prove everyone wrong.  I know there have been feminist studies into the concept of the 'good girl' and how much stress that places girls under when their actions aren't within what a 'good girl' should do and be. It's a very thought-provoking question and perhaps it would make a good hub if anyone wants to write about it.

  3. sroberts9 profile image79
    sroberts9posted 12 years ago

    Yes, I am a strong believer of this.  What you are called is what you become.  I don't know if you are a male or female but, if you are a mother, you know while being pregnate you look for names for your child - upon your search you try to find a name that you "like" - the liking for most Mom's has a meaning behind it.  For example you were named after your grandmother - because she was a strong, smart woman.  Or you were named after the police officer who helped  get us to the hospital when I was in labor.  Each name - should have substance to it or a "meaning" behind it.  Because each child will ask the question to their parents "Why did you give me this name." Hopefully, you will be able to give a good answer - not oh, I don't know, it just sound good.  I saw a young single Mom with her newborn baby one day and I commented how beautiful the chid was - and she said thanks, my husband and I helped her on to the bus as it was very cold and she clearly did not know how to get the stroller and the baby on the bus without help - so we helped.  As we talked I asked her what the baby's name was and she replied something.  The name was unfamiliar to me and so I asked her what does that mean?  She said, "Nothing, it was just something I made up."  It does not mean anything.  When she said that to me, something just said to me - that's not good - what will you say when she asks you one day what it means?  What will you say to her?  Nothing?  So, me and my big mouth said, please don't tell her that, make up a meaning that means something beautiful, lovely, smart, successful so she will grow up with a meaning to her life.  We mature Mothers have to make it our life's calling to help these New Young Mothers if our grandchildren and great grandchildren are to have a chance.  Please help me in this task.  God bless.  Good hub to get one thinking!

  4. poeticmentor profile image75
    poeticmentorposted 12 years ago

    Wow. I had to smile at  you sroberts9. I am a parent and I contemplated my son's name the whole nine months before he entered this world.  He is God's gift to me so I called him Hassan. He is now 16 and is doing awesome things. I am also an educator and I work with teenagers both male and female, it is an equal responsibility and we must also guide them both so that our young males are strong enough to lead a family again, the way they are suppose to.  The future generations will need a lot of guidance especially with them naming their children after cars, alcohol and celebrities.  They are just unaware,  I will help you enlighten them.  I teach life skills and spirituality through my own program I started about five years ago. My big mouth got me about 20 teens all seeking hope in this label filled society. They want to fit in like we all do, yet what will they be called on earth, better yet what will they answer to? You did right by letting her know that a child's name does matter. Thank you. When a person hears their name being called, it does dramatically effect them, whether we are aware of it or not & especially over many years. Thank you for commenting I am working on a hub around this topic and wanted some input. If you read a few of my other hubs they will definitely keep your mind flowin'.
    Blessings 1

  5. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    If you call your child by a negative title, sure, I can see where it comes into play.

    But no one ( known to me) have ever named their child:
    good for nothing
    chicken shit

    NO.......these are not names, they are insults.

    But tell me, which are these names are negative, or positive?



    Would I have been somehow  different, if my name had been Sara, Nicole, Simone?

    I fail to see the common thread.......

  6. profile image0
    VeronicaInspiresposted 11 years ago

    I think it can have some influence over their accomplishments and destiny. Especially, if it's Biblical. I believe in giving kids powerful names – names with purpose and meaning.


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