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What is gluten sensitivity? And what are the gluten intolerance symptoms? Gluten free recipes included

Updated on February 13, 2018
MSantana profile image

She loves to write about science, the natural world and peoples questions about life. She has degrees in Biology, botany and Ecology.

by Mirna Santana

From "Eating gluten free is easy: my favorite gluten free recipes." This is the title of a recipe book I have been working on. It is great that I have the opportunity to test some of the recipes here. This one is: simply delicious fried potatoes!
From "Eating gluten free is easy: my favorite gluten free recipes." This is the title of a recipe book I have been working on. It is great that I have the opportunity to test some of the recipes here. This one is: simply delicious fried potatoes! | Source

By Mirna Santana

This is an excerpt of an ebook to be published soon: Eating gluten free is easy: My favorite recipes"

What is gluten?

It is a protein present in certain products mainly grasses such as wheat, rye and barley. This protein has a molecular structure/consistency that allow you to make the dough shape and perhaps that is why we like it so much. Anyways, not all grains have gluten though.

Amaranth, buck wheat and rice, which is also a grain-- have long been recommended as components of gluten free diets.

What is gluten sensitivity or allergy?

"Gluten sensitivity is a systemic autoimmune disease with diverse manifestations" --says M.Hadjivassilou and colleages in an article published in the Medical Journal Lancet Neurol in 2010. These researchers said that gluten allergies or sensitivities to gluten are manifested in the form of gluten intolerance symptoms such as abnormal immunological responses in genetically susceptible individuals. However, the symptoms also extend from the bodily or physical symptoms to the neurological and behavioral components. Some researchers still disagree regarding the neurological effects of gluten thus this issue is subject of current investigation.

If you suspect that you may have this condition ask your doctor for a serological test. And if you are almost sure a biopsy may be required. If one physician does not listen to you and think you are neurotic, look for another. This is a common condition yet it is one that escape the diagnosis--sometimes until it has worsen. Listen to your body and use prevention means even if you are not diagnosed with the condition. Stress management is very important for all people and even more important for people with celiac disease.

What is Coeliac disease and other symptoms of gluten intolerance:

The condition is known as coeliac disease , or gluten-sensitive enteropathy , which is only one of the manifestations of gluten sensitivity.

"Celiac disease is actually a multisystemic disorder that occurs as a result of an immune response to ingested gluten in genetically predisposed individuals." Serological markers have been developed but the gold standard of diagnosis remains duodenal biopsy. Compliance with a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet is the cornerstone of management, improving symptoms and reducing complications of the disease.--MM.Niewinski J Am Diet Assoc. 2008

Hey, but there is more...if you think this is not in my family--and thus, don't care too much about the ''other sensitive individuals'' know that it is not only genetics. Researchers have found some evidence for environmental factors.

What are the symptoms and related conditions:

Bloated stomach, or as a kid would said painful tummy, diarrhea, headaches,skin conditions such as rash, weight problems under/overweight and behavioral problems. All of these symptoms may or not may be easy to connect to celiac disease.

By the way, I promise you a recipe: here is an easy one.

German Style Skillet Potatoes!


2-3 potatoes + vegetable oil+sage+dill (optional)+ pepper (not optional)+ onions+salt(optional) + 2 garlic cloves.

Boil the potatoes but do not allow them to be soft. Cut the potatoes in pieces of similar sizes. Now in a skill (iron pan) stir fry the pieces of onions until they begin to become transparent. Add the pieces of boiled potatoes and continue stir frying until they are golden. As soon as you add the potatoes also add the sage, dill and minced or chopped garlic . When the potatoes are golden retire the pan from the heat source and add salt and pepper to taste!

Happy eating! See your gluten free diet and good eating, eating delicious and health food. It is easy!

© 2011 MSantana


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