Jumpstarting Creativity

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  1. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    This forum topic is for following the prescribed exercise to jump start your creativity:
    Every morning as you wake up, before you do anything else, even open your eyes, take in a deep breath for five seconds, hold it for five, then let it out in a whistle for five seconds. Do this five times. Note the first things that come to your awareness through any or all of your senses. When you get up, write these things down or make song lyrics out of them, or draw them. Set them aside.
    When your work day is done, go back and look at what you recorded and write, compose, draw, dance, or otherwise express yourself using the impressions you noted that morning.
    Repeat every day for a week. Use this forum to post the results here and share with other hubbers.

  2. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    New prompt:
    if your life was a canoe, what would you throw out to make room, what would you pack, which river would you choose to navigate, and who would be allowed to ride in your canoe with you? Do you have a paddle or did you go hi-tech and fix an outboard motor onto it? Post your traveler's guide journal entries here and share with others. Everyone is, after all, in the same boat.

  3. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Using the canoe metaphor, a young writer I worked with recently had a breakthrough in his path to recovery from a dysfunctional family. During a section where he was dialoguing with himself as a child, a "Shadowy Guy" emerged and wanted to have a conversation. The guy was perceived busy at his favorite obsessions: women and money. When he was finally cornered and questioned as to why he could not control his impulses, he relinquished his title to the writer, handing him the torch, as it were. He claimed he was the guardian of the soul, and only now did he trust the writer with the care of the soul. He then went away to "die", in a literary sense, which was a transformational process. Upon dying, he declares, "See, nothing really ever dies. Now I'm with you forever. Remember passion. Remember me."

  4. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    This is a great introduction to Carl Jung and his shadow-self theory. After reading this article, try to see if you can identify your "shadow self". Examine, as recommended, the relationships the shadow is attached to to begin your forensic research. Start with a story, real or made up, of a crime committed by an unknown assailant. Have your literary detective begin interviewing suspects and others at the scene and try to form a profile of this shadowy suspect. http://hubpages.com/hub/Carl-Jung-and-t … troduction

  5. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Your daily Hubpages horoscope: whoever you are and whenever you were born, every day I'll post a suggestion for you to follow. For tomorrow - eat one thing you've never had before, or if you're really brave, eat one thing you hated from your childhood.

  6. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Horoscope for today:
    do one thing today backwards - that is, in the reverse order of how you normally do it

    1. Dave Barnett profile image57
      Dave Barnettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Get a loaded gun. One bullet. Spin the cylinder once. Place the barrel in your mouth and squeeze. Your creativity has been stimulated (or not) and you have something new to write about (or not) They say "write what you know" Kissing death must be inspirational on some level. Never tried this, but let me know if you try it. I'm curious DISCLAIMER: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. This should only be done by a trained professional!

  7. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Having faced death in the form of loaded guns aimed point blank at me, I can say I agree it will stimulate you, alright. Facing death either puts your soul at peace and you find you have nothing to say, or, you feel that you have nothing to lose in saying everything you always wanted to say but were afraid to.

  8. kalixao profile image60
    kalixaoposted 13 years ago

    Today, pretend it is raining if it's sunny, and sunny if it's raining, or snowing when it's warm, and warm when it's snowing, just for five minutes. Sit on your porch or in your yard and enjoy the weather. See if it makes your neighbors smile.

    1. Glenn Raymond profile image61
      Glenn Raymondposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My wife read this one over my shoulder and she want's me to tell you, this is how she comes up with poetry when she cannot think of anything else.  She says, it is a lot like talking about the weather to break an icy pause in a conversation.  It breaks the icy pause in her brain. 

      For me, I am a very visual person.  If I do not see it, I find it difficult to write about it.  Thank you for putting some very interesting posts on the forum.

      1. kalixao profile image60
        kalixaoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You and your wife are more than welcome. Please throw in your two cents here, because I think this could be a funny and thoughtful little forum. I'd like to see if the little horoscopes and pieces of advice truly help and really pan out for people. Visual people, especially, might benefit from the more sensory approach and suggestions. And there's an old massage technique I posted that I use, called dao chi, on hub daochii, you and your wife might appreciate. Here's the technique reposted here (if Hubpages will let me)

        For either men or women, begin by giving your partner a more or less full body massage, but at each nerve point ask a harmless question, such as the following:

        at collarbone and pectoral, ask what's your favorite ice cream?
        at side of ribs ask who was your first crush?
        at lower abdomen, ask what's your dream vacation?
        at thighs (top) ask what was your most embarrassing moment?
        at thighs (inner) ask what's your favorite texture?
        at knees, ask what's your favorite scent?
        at ankles, ask who do you admire the most?
        at thighs (back, after rolling partner over), ask what's your favorite taste?
        at buttocks, ask what's your favorite sport?
        at lower back, ask what was the best holiday you remember?
        at ribs (lower back), ask where would you live if money were no object?
        at shoulder blades, ask who do you trust the most?
        at back of neck, ask what's your favorite color?
        roll partner back over after finding their most responsive area and gently massage the area, move hands down to area just above the front of the pelvis, and work from front of pelvis to inner thighs
        For couples, here's the rules: if it gets overtly sexual, the partner cannot initiate a sex act, he/she can only receive it, depending on what the massaging partner is comfortable doing/giving. the passive partner may not inhibit his/her response or that of the partner's and must reciprocate (no rolling over and going to sleep this time).
        For other partners, sometimes arousal can occur, but instead of denying it or acting on it, try to move the energy in sensations to different areas of the body. This transforms it into surprisingly original and creative responses in the mind.


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