Is Obama suffering because Americans don't have a clue?

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  1. I am DB Cooper profile image62
    I am DB Cooperposted 13 years ago

    A Bloomberg poll shows that most Americans either don't know or don't believe the positive effect many of Obama's actions have had on the economy. Remember that Bloomberg is hardly a bastion of liberalism. Obama's tax cuts on the middle class have done little to persuade Americans that they're not getting pinched by higher taxes. Even people who are in the group that benefited from the tax cuts and stimulus seem to think they are paying more than they really are. In addition, the poll shows that most Americans are misinformed about TARP. The program, which paid hundreds of billions of dollars to the banks, actually did work. Most of the funds have been repaid, and the treasury issued a report this past month stating that the expected PROFIT from TARP would be around $16 billion.

    So, have the Democrats really failed in their policies during Obama's 21 months in office, or are they just failing to communicate their successes with the voters? … -cuts.html

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The latter. The forces of evil have been spending millions to delude the ignorant Tea Bagger rabble. This year's motto: "Things go better with Koch!" McConnell, Boehner and the GOP leaders are saying, in effect, that they are willing to run the economy on the rocks if that will deny Obama a second term.

      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You and Bill Moyer would probably get along great!
        I just saw a segment where he referred to people as "ignorant hillbillies".   So not nice.  I think I'm finally gonna petition Congress for a Caucus for us "ignorant hillbillies" who are indeed much-maligned.

        1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
          Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If the shoe fits.

        2. Ralph Deeds profile image64
          Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Very true. I'm a Bill Moyers fan. Too bad that he retired from PBS.

        3. Ron Montgomery profile image59
          Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          Total load of carp!


          1. profile image0
            Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Ron it's fun to see you today!
            Take it easy on those poor fishies okay??

    2. lady_love158 profile image61
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The higher taxes haven't kicked in yet, well except for the higher tobacco taxes! The health care bill is coming and will crush the American economy if it isn't repealed. That's 2.5 trillion is new spending which will also cut the deficit... where do you think the money is coming from to pay for that?

      1. William R. Wilson profile image59
        William R. Wilsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Obama wants to keep the tax cuts for the poor and middle class, and raise them for the rich.  He's making it easier for working class people to get insurance, he's cut our taxes, and stopped the recession.  He's ended combat operations in Iraq.

        He wants to raise taxes on the rich - back to the level they were in the 90s.  Remember the 90s?  That was a good decade, kids....

        1. lady_love158 profile image61
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Right... so confiscating money from the private economy by force leads to prosperity? Yeah we saw how well that worked with the Stimulus bill, TARP, and the bailouts! Poverty is the greatest in history and has increased under Obama and the democrats watch, forclosure continue to rise and unemployment remains so high there is a group forming called the 99ers... more than 99 weeks without a job! Thanks Obama!

          1. William R. Wilson profile image59
            William R. Wilsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            TARP turned a profit, did you read the OP?  In any case, it was a Bush policy. 

            The rate of job losses reversed as soon as Obama came into office and has continued to slow. The jobless recovery is exactly what economists were predicting - before Obama came along. 

            The current recession, the fact that people can't find jobs that pay more than minimum wage, is due to policies that were in place long before Obama or even Bush - Nixon, Clinton, Reagan...

            But as far as taxing the rich - look back over our history.  During our most prosperous decades we had the highest taxes on the richest Americans.

            It's time for Americans, and the government, to stop being so buddy buddy with the global megacorporations and super rich and start to look after the American people - and Obama has been doing just that with the health care bill and his tax cuts.

            1. lady_love158 profile image61
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Yes! Let's destroy the global mega corporations and take their money! Let's take the money from the evil rich and spread the misery equally! Let's tax everyone 100% and let the government assign resources to the people based upon need!

              You people crack me up! LOL It's those mega corporations taht provide the gret wealth of most people in this country, that provide the health insurance and retirements, that come up with the new products and services that make our lives better!

              But the democrats want to destroy them because they are evil and government of course is good! LOL!

              1. livelonger profile image86
                livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Do you realize that you've invented a bunch of straw man arguments out of thin air and attributed them to liberals?

                I think "conservatives" have a tendency to do that nowadays because they can't or don't want to argue with what liberals are really saying.

              2. Ralph Deeds profile image64
                Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You mean the corporations that are shipping every job they can to China! And the ones that are canceling their pension plans and health care benefits?

                1. lady_love158 profile image61
                  lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah and why are they doing that? Government regulations!

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
                    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Nope. Cheap labor and the absence of safety and environmental regulations in China.

                  2. JOE BARNETT profile image61
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    exactly! they have to pay people here, they don't want to do that. so they move to india and pay $10 a week with no insurance, unemployment etc. continue to call themselves an american company while you or your is unemployed . they get richer.

                2. Reality Bytes profile image74
                  Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  You forget to mention the jobs lost to slave wage prison workers.

                  Major companies are now sending very well paying jobs to the highly profitable prison industrial complex!

            2. Sweetsusieg profile image75
              Sweetsusiegposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              In response to: "The rate of job losses reversed as soon as Obama came into office and has continued to slow. The jobless recovery is exactly what economists were predicting - before Obama came along. "

              Guess you haven't been watching the news have you?  Michigan's un-employment rate is continuing to rise.  But then again since those that have 'run out of benefits' no longer count, it would appear to some that it is going down.

              Our Democratic Governor took a lovely 2.8 million dollar vacation (footed by the taxpayers) to Germany to get prospective companies to come to Michigan our state.  She got a 'maybe' with 1 company (of course that never came to pass) .  I guess it's a good thing her and her family had a nice time... right???  After all we wouldn't want her spending that kind of money not to have FUN!!

            3. profile image51
              Mr. Shemposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              haha what an ignorant joker.. (William R. Wilson) Prove this with statistics. u cant get out with a spend spend spend base policy.. Sometimes we need to suffer the consequences to learn a lesson and move on.  not always looking for the "easy way out" or someone to "bail us out".  Im proud to be an American and I am not proud of our presidents decisions or how he represents this country.  Bow down to no one except God.  this nation was founded "One Nation Under God" and as soon as we took Him out of the equation look what happened.. Remember the Constitution. Our founding fathers knew what it would take to keep a strong foundation for this country.  U, my not so friend, are IGNORANT!!  oh yea and 7 vacations and counting at the taxpayers expense for our lovely president...

              1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
                Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You might fit in better in one of the religion forums, pal. Somehow I don't think politics and economics are your strong suit.

          2. Jeff Berndt profile image74
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            "so confiscating money from the private economy by force leads to prosperity?"

            It worked pretty good in the 50s and 60s, when the top tax rate was a whole lot higher than it is now.

            Also, remember what happened after the last across-the-board tax cut?
            A big fat recession, and we're only now starting to climb out of it.

            1. couturepopcafe profile image59
              couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              With respect, don't think the recession came from letting me keep a little more in my paycheck.  Probably had more to do with the big war bill.

        2. Jim Hunter profile image61
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "and stopped the recession"

          Too bad he didn't stop the depression.

          1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            He didn't need to stop it; he prevented it.

    3. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "Obama's tax cuts"

      You mean Bush's tax cuts.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image59
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I was wondering what Obama tax cuts they were talking about.

        1. William R. Wilson profile image59
          William R. Wilsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this
          1. Jim Hunter profile image61
            Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Jared Bernstein is certainly an objective journalist.

            Oh wait, he's not a journalist he's an employee of the Obama administration.

            A Keynesian theorist who has never had a real job and is a pawn of organized labor.

    4. livelonger profile image86
      livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Obama is suffering because most presidents are suffering at this point in their presidency, especially those where he and Congress are from the same party. Bush Jr would have been in the same boat if it were not for 9/11 and Americans' tendency to rally around the president during wartime.

      It's easy for the GOP to make a ton of noise (especially since they're getting a ton of money from their corporate and billionaire sponsors), but scratch below the surface and they have absolutely no plan whatsoever to pare down the budget deficit or improve the unemployment situation.

      Obama continues to execute on his plan that he was perfectly explicit about during his campaign, with remarkably few exceptions. I still very much support him.

    5. profile image59
      logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      America is suffering because Obama doesn't have a clue!

    6. Dave Barnett profile image57
      Dave Barnettposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Obama is sufferring (That, being a relative term) because he is literally in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he is in the right place at the wrong time, or, he could be in the wrong place exactly when he is supposed to be, at the exact time he was expected. In any case. It might not be a good thind to be him.

    7. IntimatEvolution profile image69
      IntimatEvolutionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Democrats get an F in Public Relations and Media Affairs.  They have done a horrible job at educating the public, and keeping a positive attitude about the white house in the publics mindset.  They have done a piss-poor job at reporting the facts, and at spin-control.  We deserve to loose those seats in the House, with the way we've been handling the press.  If we can't even get a handle on the media, how can anyone expect the Democrats to match up?  They can't.  I'm sick about it, and angry with my party for doing such a bad PR job.

  2. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 13 years ago

    No.  It is US who are suffering because Obama doesn't have a clue.

    I say make him get a day job.   Minimum wage.  And let him have to watch from the outside while Government officials plan his livelihood behind closed doors.
    Then, he might get a clue.

    1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      brenda - ha ha ha always full of fire! he has done nothing wrong and everything correct. he works to get the most for america. thats his job. some just have sour-grapes and for no valid reason that we can see and they pretty much are unable to articulate one either. so, it just leaves us to believe one thing, that for whatever reason and there's only one left . . .they don't like him! huh brenda?

      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Drat it, Joe.
        There you go making insinuations again.  Just when I thought we could actually argue civilly and even joke a little. 

        While you're correct that I don't like Obama, it has nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his policies and his mindset.  He's far-left liberal.  Publicly, he straddles the fence on some of the social issues, while privately all the while working that far-left agenda into them.  And no I don't like the fact that he uses his own skin color to promote his agenda.

        I don't like Al Gore either.  Nor Bill Clinton.  Nor Bill Moyer.  Nor Ted Kennedy.   Guess what, Joe?----they're all white men.

        I don't like Hillary either.  Guess what, Joe?---she's a white woman.

        So please stop insinuating that my dislike for Obama is because of his skin color.  It couldn't be farther from the truth.

        1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          so then you base your like and dislikes for the president on what you "FEEL" he is doing. you say

                 " Publicly, he straddles the fence on some of the social issues, while privately all the while working that far-left agenda into them.  And no I don't like the fact that he uses his own skin color to promote his agenda."

          so if it's privately that he's working that social agenda, how do you know? i would have seen it too. skin color? he is not looking for some sort of synpathy and if he did that's pretty much all sharon angle is doing, but that's ok.

          1. profile image0
            Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            How do I know?  It's not just "feeling", Joe.  It's plain, visible in his words and actions.  I refrain from spelling it all out here right now.  Haven't you been keeping up on his doings?  Surely you have?   Or do you just blindly accept him as the "anointed one" without even weighing his actions or intentions?

            1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
              JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              i am much closer than you think and i watch his every word and the oppositions too. the opposition speaks with hollow words. health reform- 31 million needed it. the right was out to make him look bad, why?it backfired and made them look bad. then come the lies, he's not born in the u.s.-lies,he's a muslim, he's a christian,he's a socialist, he leads through the ghost of his dead father. he created the deficit, all just ungrounded mumbo jumbo. and this comes from intelligent people. example:two people in a room on fire. obama comes with a hose and puts out the fire. one says thank you the other says he ain't no good cuz he don't walk his dog on saturdays,and the next time he goes to put out a fire, i'm gonna cut the hose. and that is pretty much what you guys look like now. he hasn't failed at one thing but, you want him to.

        2. JOE BARNETT profile image61
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          well you just watch and see if he is doing whats necessary. he is! he should do more, because we have a lot that's wrong. but the know- nothings are foot dragging? why?

        3. JOE BARNETT profile image61
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          ok then the pattern that you show is that you don't like democrats period! even when they pass legislation that will help you. when you turn 65 are you going to burn your medicare card? i don't think so. when you get a new job and you have a previous existing condition. are you going to tell the new company not to cover it? i don't think so. there is no way that you can have the same view or anything in common with be a die hard advocate for a group that works only to remove any advances you have received and only wants you for your vote is nuts!

    2. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You beat me to it by 13 seconds.

    3. lady_love158 profile image61
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What's wrong with minimum wage? You know, at some point you've made enough money! LOL

      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Okay.  Then let him work for $1.75 and tips!  haha
        He's pretty buff.  Maybe he could pole-dance or pop out of cakes at Barney Frank's birthday parties or something!

        1. lady_love158 profile image61
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          If you ask me, that should be maximum wage for all of government!

        2. JOE BARNETT profile image61
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          ha ha ha boy i am having a time this morning. brenda you are goin' to hell

  3. Jim Hunter profile image61
    Jim Hunterposted 13 years ago

    "Is Obama suffering because Americans don't have a clue?"

    No, we are suffering because he doesn't have a clue.

    1. pisean282311 profile image63
      pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this


    2. Petra Vlah profile image59
      Petra Vlahposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      With that one Jim I can almost agree, even if it is the first time we see eye to eye

  4. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 13 years ago

    haha Jim we had the same thought at about the same time.

  5. William R. Wilson profile image59
    William R. Wilsonposted 13 years ago

    Jim and Brenda's replies should be all the answer you need, DB.  Someone's definitely clueless in the room....

    1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ha ha ha whew! too funny!

    2. I am DB Cooper profile image62
      I am DB Cooperposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      And they even repeat the things the so-called clueless poll takers were saying. It's like if they tell everyone that TARP failed and health care reform will ruin the economy enough times it will make it true. The only thing it will make true is that American prosperity is destroyed by conservatives in high office, just as it was during the Bush years.

  6. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 13 years ago

    I think Obama is trying to do some good things, but he's in over his head. I certainly don't agree with everything he's doing or has done, however.

  7. I am DB Cooper profile image62
    I am DB Cooperposted 13 years ago

    Now that I read the comments on here I wish I had set up another thread where we could have had a pool going on how many conservatives would just answer with "America is suffering because Obama doesn't have a clue". No discussion of policy there, just taking potshots at the president because he's fixing the problems created by Bush.

    1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      likr i said they can never articulate a reason! it's just sour grapes!

    2. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you don't like the potshots you should have come up with a better thread title, This one was asking for potshots.

      Especially if you mention the "Dolt in Chief".

      You want a discussion on policy?

      Ok, you don't save money by spending it, you don't create wealth through government. You cannot dig yourself out of a financial hole by digging the hole deeper.

      These things are pretty basic facts but they might as well be in Aramaic because the dullard in charge doesn't quite understand it.

      And in response to TARP making a profit or GM paying back their loans in full, it didn't happen, more slight of hand accounting by this clueless administration.

      Paying loans back with more borrowed from the same source may make sense to a Keynesian economist or someone who has been deprived of oxygen for 5 minutes but to the rest of us, its just stupid.

      1. Pcunix profile image90
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Utter nonsense.

        There are many examples where spending a little money early on leads to saving great amounts of money later.  Health care and education are prime examples.

        Wealth?  Is our national highway system wealth?  What about national defense?  The national weather service is another example of creating wealth (a valuable public asset) with public funds. There are many more.

        Of course we sometimes disagree about the value we get for our taxes.  That's a fair argument and all government spending should be fair target for scrutiny.

        But that does not mean that the cries  of "cut taxes" and "government waste" have any place here.   If you want to argue that we shouldn't have programs that benefit this one or that one, fine, argue that - even call it "waste" if that's how you see it.  But be specific and then we as a nation can weight the arguments pro and con and decide what is important and what is not.

        Unfortunately, there really isn't much to cut, but I am all for examining all of it.  I'm not against "sunset laws" that would require positive renewal action. 

        I am against empty noise like "cut taxes", "government waste", "entitlements" and your "you don't save money by spending it, you don't create wealth through government".   That's useless, pointless and very, very wrong.

        1. Jim Hunter profile image61
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You may be right.

          Politicians are getting wealthy from government but then again they are corrupt.

          Can you give me one example of where a US citizen has become wealthy by receiving welfare or Social Security?

          Of course you can't and yes I know that isn't what those programs are about.

          Then show me where any government program has made a profit.

          Any government agency that operates within its budget.

          Show me any government program that costs what the government said it would.

          1. Pcunix profile image90
            Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I have no idea what point you are trying to make.

            When Government has a "profit", we use it to reduce deficits. Are you under some delusion that has never happened? 

            I can give you plenty of examples of wealth created by SS.  Any person who is already wealthy and then receives a SS payment has added to their wealth.  Any person who has nothing and receives a payment has added to their wealth.   What would you do with the latter - let them crawl off and die?

            As to budgets and cost overruns, so? Show me any budget that isn't affected by inflation or unexpected events.

            Yes, there is corruption in government. There is corruption in the private sector too.  Do we want to become communists because business can be corrupt? Of course not. Neither should we abandon government because people pervert programs to their own needs. In both cases, we need oversight, laws, courts.  We pursue corruption, but we never eliminate it. That is just reality.

            So again, Jim, what is your problem? What programs do you think are ill-advised? What problems were they trying to solve and what can you offer to solve them instead? Who knows, we might even agree on some of it.

            The point is that THAT is what we should be doing. Not making empty noises about waste and corruption, but talking about goals and how we reach them.  We all want a better world. We all want fairness and opportunity.  If the Tea Party was about that, I'd be brewing right now.

            But no, it's not. It's about "them". It's about awful liberals stealing your hard earned money to.. To do WHAT , Jim?  To try to educate children? To try to feed the poor? To repair bridges, build roads, fight crime and corruption?  To create a healthier nation? What awful things are we doing with your precious money?  Those are the things we should be talking about and if we agree, we should be banding together to demand change.

            We won't always agree.  I see health care as an important investment that will pay dividends in the long term. You see it as a handout to the undeserving.  I see gay rights as part of a fair and just society, you see it as an attack in family values.  And so it goes. Some things will always cause friction.

            I don't know Jim.  I'm smart enough to know that I don't have all the answers.  An awful lot of politics is experimentation and the results are usually murky and confusing.  But I do know this: government is not the enemy.  Individuals may be corrupt, but our system itself is not. There are people trying to do good with your precious tax dollars, you know.

            Oh, well.  I've blathered on to no purpose, right?  You still see us picking your pockets for our evil communist intent, right?  We aren't people, we are ugly liberals. 

            Have a good day, Jim.  Let's see what Tuesday brings us. 


            1. Jim Hunter profile image61
              Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              "I can give you plenty of examples of wealth created by SS.  Any person who is already wealthy and then receives a SS payment has added to their wealth.  Any person who has nothing and receives a payment has added to their wealth.   What would you do with the latter - let them crawl off and die?"

              I'm not sure if you realize it but you did not give me an example of SS creating wealth. If I give a Billionaire a penny I have ADDED to his wealth but I did not create the wealth.

              "So again, Jim, what is your problem? What programs do you think are ill-advised? What problems were they trying to solve and what can you offer to solve them instead? Who knows, we might even agree on some of it."

              Based upon the first quoted paragraph I doubt we will agree on anything. I live in the real world where wealth is created by people doing extraordinary things and you think the government creates it.

              "But no, it's not. It's about "them". It's about awful liberals stealing your hard earned money to.. To do WHAT , Jim?  To try to educate children? To try to feed the poor? To repair bridges, build roads, fight crime and corruption?  To create a healthier nation? What awful things are we doing with your precious money?  Those are the things we should be talking about and if we agree, we should be banding together to demand change."

              "try to educate children"

              Don't try, actually do it. When we have a problem with education the liberal answer is to throw more money at it. Why don't we get rid of those teachers who are not doing the job assigned, we don't need to reward bad teachers with pay raises we need to get rid of them.

              "We won't always agree.  I see health care as an important investment that will pay dividends in the long term. You see it as a handout to the undeserving.  I see gay rights as part of a fair and just society, you see it as an attack in family values.  And so it goes. Some things will always cause friction."

              I am in the health care industry and see better than you what the problems are. Mandating someone have health care isn't the answer. There are other ways to reform health care, simply imposing the will of the federal government on us isn't reform. States regulate the insurance companies under their jurisdiction, let each state have an election to open up trade across state lines and you will see the rates go down, Competition is the answer.

              1. Pcunix profile image90
                Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                How interesting.

                In other posts, you've said you don't make much money. Here you tell us you are in the medical field. A low paid person in the medical field, but you you know better than I?  Something doesn't add up, Jim.

                As to creating wealth, very few activities ever do anything but shuffle money around.  True creation is a fairly rare event, so I do not know why you keep harping on it. 

                You still have the delusion that the government is someone else. You CAN vote, can't you? You do know where to send a letter to your reps?  WE are the Government, Jim.  Government jobs are often even more important than private sector jobs - another reality you ignore.

                The solution to education isn't letting local bozos teach their children Creationist crap, Jim. That's why we need Federal involvement.

                1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                  Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  "In other posts, you've said you don't make much money. Here you tell us you are in the medical field. A low paid person in the medical field, but you you know better than I?  Something doesn't add up, Jim."

                  I have never said either way how much money I make, you should be more accurate, if you are able.

                  Pay varies by a large margin in the medical field, I am living comfortable but certainly not as comfortable as a physician.

                  After reading the above paragraph again I would like for you to prove that I have ever said how much money I make.

                  1. Pcunix profile image90
                    Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    You implied, Jim.

                    But as we all know, you are always the man of mystery, choosing your words so very carefully so that you can always deny actually saying what everyone thinks you said.

                    We don't know if you are a man, a woman, white, black, old, young, rich, poor., You are a a false person, that's all we know for sure.  As I have said before, it can be very difficult to know what to think about fakes lie you.

  8. woodamarc profile image44
    woodamarcposted 13 years ago

    No matter who ends up in office... The social engineering toward socialism started long before Obama got into office.  The question is... Are we too late to reverse the damage?  Or is it even possible?  Our nation is so addicted to socialized programs.  How long can our tax dollars support these expanding social programs before further erosion of our economic base?  So many questions, so little time, with so few solutions.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The damage has been due to the absence of effective regulations, not because of too many regulations.

      1. Neil Sperling profile image60
        Neil Sperlingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        LOL - I'm in Canada and I see you guys heading to where we have been for some time. Our tax freedom day is mid june - yours mid april...... soon you will be mid june too!  There ARE too many regulations - regulations, required permits etc, are all there to create more public funded jobs - they serve little if any value........ soon you will need a permit to fart - after all it is methane gas production.

  9. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    It's very typical bagger stuff..I won't say Republican, because these Baglicans give real Repubs a bad name.

    They are evil Ralph...really evil.
    And their MO IS to blame Obama for Repub mistakes...that is obvious.

    Here's what a Bagger is doing here in my state of Mass:

    He was a cop, and ignored and then covered-up for his cop friend to molest a couple of teenaged girls.

    Now the Baggers on my local site are saying that it was the girls parents fault for letting the girls be out at night.

    ....NO mention of the crime, NO mentionof his part...JUST blaming the parents.

    Much as they re-wrote the history books in Texas.
    They say something, and that makes it so. Period.

    Beckles has been doing this forever. Using his chalkboard and glasses for effect.

    But it's all bullcrap...all of it.

    They are protecting Big Money. And they want more of yours. That's all it is. ALL of it!

  10. Jim Hunter profile image61
    Jim Hunterposted 13 years ago

    "And the ones that are canceling their pension plans and health care benefits?"

    Who cares about pension plans when we have that lovely democrat gift of Social Security?

    Health care benefits are just that, benefits. Companies being required to provide health care who cant afford to will just drop them in favor of the upcoming public option.

    Looks like the plan is working, just a little too soon for Obama's liking.

    Imagine that, something else he screwed up.

  11. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    It's not socialism they want , it's fascism.

    Obama is trying to put the breaks on it, and you people are telling him you don't want him too!! You WANT fascism!!

    1. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, we want freedom to choose our own health care freedom from more taxes to create wealth. we want to stop the growth of government and the control it exerts over us.

      Yep, fascism....roll

      1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        you couldn't pick your insurance before anyway. thay had regions like drug dealers and when you moved to another  part of the state or another state you had to get, whatever was there and you couldn't use the insurance you had been paying for.

        1. Jim Hunter profile image61
          Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          Where do you live?

      2. Ron Montgomery profile image59
        Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        roll  roll

  12. lady_love158 profile image61
    lady_love158posted 13 years ago

  13. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    "Vote republican, they'll create jobs (in China) and cut spending (on everything a community needs to function)

  14. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

    I don't think Obama is suffering, the people who want Obama to suffer are the ones suffering, bec. to wait so that things will get worst is just time consuming activity, isn't it? I bet they want the economy down etc, so that they can just prove their point. You can't put a good Pres. down!

    No matter what polls, economic indicators will show, still to those who never like him, all things are bad.

    1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
      Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "I bet they want the economy down etc, so that they can just prove their point."

      Indeed. I've written about this in the recent past.

      1. Druid Dude profile image60
        Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Obama is under fire because : He is a dem, because he is prez., because he is black, because people don't like his name.

  15. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago


    Who is stopping you from choosing your healthcare?
    Only thing stopping you in the past was inability to pay....we have MORE freedom now, because it isn't tied to the amount of money in your pocket. IE: people don't need to die because they are poor.

    Tax cuts create wealth? AHAHAHAHA--Where are all those jobs that were created from 2000-2008, with ElBushbo's tax cuts?

    They went to other countries....where's the loyalty lie?

    Yeah don't want gvt control, except when it comes to women's reproductive rights, immigrant , or gays......

    And it always makes me wonder...why is it you don't mind giving huge amounts of money and control of your life over to big business?

    You scream about taxes, but not  the COST of everything? Why?

    Because Big Business+ Gvt= fascism...your baby.

  16. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Oh nooooooooo! His economic policies are helping the country!!!!

    This just in:
    "Economic growth accelerated a bit late this summer, according to new government data, even as the nation remained stuck in a pattern of economic expansion that is too slow to bring down joblessness.

    Gross domestic product expanded at a 2 percent annual rate in the July through September quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday, matching economists’ forecasts. That was a slight improvement from the 1.7 percent growth rate of the second quarter and the fifth straight quarter of expansion."

    God only knows where our economy might be in another six months!
    One less thing to complain about (although you still will).

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image62
      prettydarkhorseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Proofs -- and click each and learn the actual data

      unemployment, employment data --

      Economic indicators are positively increasing

      1. lovemychris profile image76
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Which is why they have to stop him...NOW!

        Or their gravy train will RUN OUT.

    2. habee profile image92
      habeeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Great news! Maybe more jobs will start opening up soon.

  17. Pcunix profile image90
    Pcunixposted 13 years ago

    Reality check for the clueless conservatives: … ded-voters

    1. livelonger profile image86
      livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      They don't like reality checks.

      1. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yeah, Reality Bytes lol

    2. Ron Montgomery profile image59
      Ron Montgomeryposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If it wasn't reported on Fox, it is not reality.

      1. Pcunix profile image90
        Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I forgot that.

        Last night at poker, someone said "Did you know that when you sell your house you will now pay a 3.8 percent sales tax?".  That was followed by "More Obama thievery" and "The Democrats are just completely off the wall!"

        Of course they got that from an email and it's not true.  But they all believe it.

        They believe anything.

        Example of the email: … your-home/

        I emailed some of them the Snopes page on this nonsense when I got home - got no response, of course.

    3. Kidgas profile image62
      Kidgasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is evidence that the OPs assumption is that the Democrats have been doing a poor job of communicating the facts with people.  I was younger then, but it seemed that President Carter had a similar issue.  Elections seem to be about emotion and mood (instead of facts and true discussion) and right now it seems that most are fed up with politics as usual.  As such, there has been a backlash against many incumbents.

  18. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 13 years ago

    I support the assertion made by the original poster.  I believe that most Americans, or at least a sizeable percentage of said population, have very little to no understanding of the history and ongoing evolution of this nation politically, socially or economically, though they may try to demonstrate otherwise....

    For many, it feels much better to mock, smear, and belittle...joining the "rah rah, wink wink, you betcha" crowd than to seek information and build perspective for themselves...

    For many of these aforementioned types of persons....somehow they were absent over the eight years of Bush/Cheney.....

    While great minds think alike, so do the not-so-great.....and this ongoing forum thread is proof of this...

  19. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    If he was far left, we would have singler-payer, be out of Afghanistan, no bank bail-outs, DADT would be history, and gay marriage would be legal everywhere.

    He is a pragmatist. And he doesn't brag, or we would know more of the real good he has done. His ideas on education are superb imo, and I like Arnie Duncan own state got Race to the Top money...and he increased the Pell grants here too. Also got rid of that stupid system of allowing Banks to mediate college loans...making them Rich, while putting students in life-long debt. He also says If a teacher isn't performing--get rid of them!

    Superb and smart. That's my president!

  20. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Foot draggin on A LOT of blocking Obama from subpoena-ing the Cheney Haliburton find out what happened on that oil rig. Uh-oh!

    McConnell is blocking Obama's subpoena you wonder why? i don't.

    Same reason ole Bush and Cheny testified about 9/11....but NOT under oath.

    Oh what a tangled web.....

  21. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Covert Operations
    The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama.
    by Jane Mayer

    Read more … z13oSHhYwb

    This is the true story.

    A vote for the Tea-Baggers is a vote for the final corporate take-over of what's left of America.

    Are we going to just give it to them???

    1. Dink96 profile image60
      Dink96posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Not as long as I can hold a voting pencil!!!!

  22. Dink96 profile image60
    Dink96posted 13 years ago

    Yeah, I'm with DB.  I miss Karl, Cheney, Blackwater, in fact, I miss Dick, Don Segretti, John Dean, John Mitchell, the whole lot of those nice, kind, clean-cut, All-American boys from back when.  Would sell their own mother's soul (and their mother country's) to make a buck.  Those were the days.

    When Obama took office he had to take his position at the dike (or levee)  that Bush had his finger in.  It wasn't any one president's fault, although Clinton did have a pretty clean slate when he left and Bush loved spending our $$ once he made it into office.  "Hey, fellas, look at this!"

    No President is a messiah.  Read American history.  It's all there.  It's just repeating itself.  Obama is doing his best.  The US didn't completely come out of the Depression (with over 20% unemployment) until WWII geared up the factories. 

    Our parents (and grandparents) were the ones who really had it tough!

  23. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    That article on the Koch brothers is quite an eye-opener. It confirms and gives names, dates, and amounts, to things we've only assumed.
    On the one hand, they are doing good with their money.
    But man... they're doing soooo much bad with it at the same time.
    You can really see how their hands have worked the puppet strings, creating those "Indians" they need to make their ideas seem populist.
    All I can say is I hope the Supreme Court decision gets overturned. It's a death sentence to free elections.

  24. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    I'm afraid for America Mighty Mom.

    It is no joke that they want a corporate take-over. Of what they haven't got their hands on already.

    That's why they don't want people to vote..because there are way more of us than them. And they know it.
    That's why they have to resort to billions of dollars on manipulating adds.

    If only people could see what they are doing....we are heading the way of Argentina in the 90's, and that would be tragic beyond compare.

    Or maybe Mexico, with the elite behind gated walls and hell-on-earth everywhere else.

    We'll deal with it either way, but dammit--it doesn't have to be that way!

    Smarten up America!

    1. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "Smarten up America!"

      We are.

      Buh bye democrats.

  25. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Did any of you read The Gulag Archipelago?

    When Stalin's police were carting the author away on a train, taking him to the Gulags--because he was an intellectual--he said he wanted to scream out to people, "Can't you see what is happening? Somebody help me!!"

    That is how it feels now.

    They dress like Nazi's.
    They beat people up just for disagreeing with them.
    They have people hand-cuffed for asking questions.
    Intellectuals are derided and laughed at.

    My grandfather escaped Stalin--now look what his grandkids are experiencing......

    Heil Palin!

    1. Pcunix profile image90
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      They see, but they don't care.  They don't care because they are afraid.

      Obama spoke nothing but the truth when he made that comment that incensed so many:

      "So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

      These are not sophisticated people.  They are frightened people and manipulators like the Kochs and Murdoch play that to their own advantage.

      On the other side of it is the obvious fact that liberals and Dems do avery poor job of countering all that.  This Business Week article is a good overview of that: … -cuts.html

      True, we have some people who are just ideologically opposed to anything but economic anarchy, but as was quoted there: "The public view of the economy is at odds with the facts, and the blame has to go to the Democrats,”

  26. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 13 years ago


    Ever wondered why no one ever came forward from Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. Not one person has ever come forward from his past.


    Who Is
    Barack Obama

    This should really be a cause for great concern. To those who voted for him, you have elected the biggest unqualified fraud that America has ever known. Sort of adds credence to the idea of The Manchurian Candidate thing happening here!

    George Stephanopoulos, of ABC News. said the same thing during the 2008 campaign. He too was a classmate of Obama's at Columbia class of 1984. He said he never had a single class with him.

    While he is such a great orator, why doesn't  anyone in Obama's college class remember him? And, why won't he allow Columbia to release his records? NOBODY REMEMBERS OBAMA AT COLUMBIA ! Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there, but none remembered him.

    Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political  science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983. In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don't have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia .  EVER!  Nobody recalls him.

    Root adds that  he was also, like Obama, "Class of  '83 political science, pre-law"  and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that." Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him. At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me.  No one ever heard of  Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was.  The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New York, the macha who knows everybody,  has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."

    Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia , provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friend while at Columbia . … column-one

    NOTE:   Root graduated as Valedictorian from his high school, Thornton-Donovan School , then graduated from Columbia University in 1983 as a Political Science major in the same class that Barack Hussein Obama was supposed to have been in.

    Some Other Interesting Questions..

    Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002? Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by Court Order?

    It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases. The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is never reported to have lived.

    No wonder all his records are sealed!

    Does all this seem strange to you?

    1. Pcunix profile image90
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The only logical response to that blather would get me banned.

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No it wouldn't. The response is this: Burden of proof.

        The burden of proof rests on the accuser. Show me proof that nobody from Columbia's class of '83 knows Obama.

        Once you've got actual evidence, then we can talk.

      2. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Awww,the truth does sometimes cause these angry feelings when one is forced to confront it!

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Does it really? I know, let's try an experiment. You start telling the truth, and we'll see how we react! tongue

          1. JOE BARNETT profile image61
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            ha ha ha they can't tell the truth, hilariuous!

          2. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Experiment complete.  When confronted with the TRUTH you just ignore it.

            Thanks for letting me take a part in your Sociology experiment.

            lol lol lol

        2. Pcunix profile image90
          Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Even the most sloppy research would reveal that you have not spoken truth at all.

          1. Reality Bytes profile image74
            Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Once again!

   … /cover.php

            He changed course junior year when he transferred to 
            Columbia. “I realized I wanted to be in a more vibrant, urban environment,” he says. As a transfer student, he didn’t receive housing, so lived off campus in various makeshift arrangements, such as living in one bedroom of a three-bedroom apartment, and renting a sixth-floor walk-up with slanting floors on the East Side, “just north of gentrification,” as he describes it.

            As he pursued a political science degree, specializing in international relations, Obama says he was somewhat involved with the Black Students Organization and participated in anti-apartheid activities. “Mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study,” he says. “When I transferred, I decided to buckle down and get serious. I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.”

      3. Jim Hunter profile image61
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Whats the hold up then?

  27. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Came across this :

    "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare - Michael A Hoffman II."

    Haven't read this, but plan to....this has all been a psy-op.
    It's insane, and people buy into it.

    You can tell just because of posts like reality's.

    Rather than deal in substance, they deal in specualtion/illusion.

    Keep your eye off the ball....look over here.....classic majician trick!

    And, as we all know, who claim to know the Bible....there have been Majicians GALORE since the beginning of time.

  28. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    You would know wink

    1. Reality Bytes profile image74
      Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes unfortunately I do!

  29. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 13 years ago … /cover.php

    He changed course junior year when he transferred to 
    Columbia. “I realized I wanted to be in a more vibrant, urban environment,” he says. As a transfer student, he didn’t receive housing, so lived off campus in various makeshift arrangements, such as living in one bedroom of a three-bedroom apartment, and renting a sixth-floor walk-up with slanting floors on the East Side, “just north of gentrification,” as he describes it.

    As he pursued a political science degree, specializing in international relations, Obama says he was somewhat involved with the Black Students Organization and participated in anti-apartheid activities. “Mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study,” he says. “When I transferred, I decided to buckle down and get serious. I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.”

  30. Dink96 profile image60
    Dink96posted 13 years ago

    This is again falling into that long dark hole that is darker and deeper than the Chilean miners found themselves in.

    Hey, DB, how did you get yourself outta that tree?  Or was it just a clever ruse?!  LOL!!!

  31. LillyGrillzit profile image79
    LillyGrillzitposted 13 years ago

    People generally cannot even name the VP. When Jay was on the first time, and he did his little "man on the streets" gig, he often asked questions that required a minimum knowledge of local and federal who their Senators, Representatives, Secretary of State, and yes even VP. Nine out of Ten couldn't answer with any assurance, and certainly no knowledge gained from study of facts.

    Apathy and the Koch's with the most money are the winners. MSNBC has a great piece on what the Tea Party and "Progressives" plan for Congress and America's future. They choose people who think that education is bad, and that are ignorant enough to believe they were chosen to lead...

  32. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 13 years ago

    No mention of Obama attending any classes.  But he can sure cook up some good chicken curry!

    Alumni Corner

    Barack Obama ’83, My Columbia College Roommate
    By Phil Boerner ’84 … mni_corner

    I came to college as a middle-class guy from Bethesda, Md., where I’d lived from fifth grade through high school. At Oxy, we attended some of the same social events and had late-night philosophical discussions related to our college reading or to current affairs. We attended rallies on campus where we were urged to “draft beer, not people,” and discussed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, apartheid in South Africa, the hostages in Iran and the Contras in Latin America. The crowd we hung out with included men, women, blacks, whites, Hispanics and international students. Barack listened carefully to all points of view and he was funny, smart, thoughtful and well-liked. It was easy to sit down with him and have a fun conversation.

    We both transferred from Oxy to Columbia in fall 1981. Barack had found an apartment on West 109th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus, and suggested that I room with him. Our sublet was a third-story walk-up in a so-so neighborhood; the unit next door was burned out and vacant. The doorbell didn’t work; to be let in when I first arrived I had to yell up to Barack from the street. It was a railroad apartment: From the kitchen, you walked into Barack’s room, then my room, and lastly the living room. We didn’t have a television or computers. In that apartment we hosted a number of visitors, mostly friends from Oxy who stayed overnight when they were passing through town. Barack was very generous to these visitors. As a host and roommate, he sometimes did the shopping and cooked the chicken curry.

    Barack has said that he spent a lot of time in the library while at Columbia and one reason for this was that our apartment had irregular heat, and we didn’t enjoy hanging out there once the weather got cold. The radiators in our apartment were either stone cold, or, less often, blasted out such intense heat that we had to open the windows and let in freezing air just to cool things down. When the heat wasn’t on, we sometimes sat with sleeping bags or blankets wrapped around ourselves and read our school books. We also didn’t have regular hot water and sometimes used the Columbia gym for showers.

    I remember often eating breakfast with Barack at Tom’s Restaurant on Broadway. Occasionally we went to The West End for beers. We enjoyed exploring museums such as the Guggenheim, the Met and the American Museum of Natural History, and browsing in bookstores such as the Strand and the Barnes & Noble opposite Columbia. We both liked taking long walks down Broadway on a Sunday afternoon, and listening to the silence of Central Park after a big snow. I also remember jogging the loop around Central Park with Barack.

    One weekend I invited Barack to meet my grandparents, Elizabeth and William Lytton Payne ’46 GSAS, at their summer place in the Catskills, which we called “the farm.” I took Barack to meet some neighbors on the mountain; everyone seemed to like him pretty well, whether they were die-hard supporters of Ronald Reagan or extreme liberals. While at the farm, Barack joined the routines there, which typically included a few morning hours doing chores, such as clearing brush and sawing firewood.

    After that first semester, we had to move. Barack tried to find an apartment for both of us, but was only able to find a studio for himself. I was able to house-sit in Brooklyn Heights. Barack and other friends came and visited me there a few times; we typically watched pro basketball or football on TV, or went out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. He was amused by my beginning banjo playing (I’m much better today!). Hanging out, we could get pretty emotional about sports, food and injustice. I remember one time when we were out walking he took the time to ask a homeless guy how he was doing, so even then he was concerned about others.

    Through different living arrangements in Astoria, Queens; Bay Ridge, Brooklyn; and all over Manhattan, we stayed in touch and remained friends for the rest of our college years. He got to know my girlfriend from Arkansas, who is now my wife. Since I last saw him in 1985, we have exchanged a few letters and photos. He left for Chicago, and I eventually settled in Sacramento.

    Barack wasn’t thinking about becoming President when he was in college; he wanted to be a writer. Barack is a good man — some might even call him a saint for tolerating my beginning banjo playing. Based on my six years of knowing him in college and the years immediately after, I can vouch that Barack is a man of character, and I trust him to do the right things when he is President.

    1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
      Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Okay this is just awesome.

      RB asks:

      "Ever wondered why no one ever came forward from Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc. Not one person has ever come forward from his past."

      And then he posts a narrative by one of Obama's roommates, full of anecdotes about their time sharing an apartment and a friendship while they were in college.

      Now, I didn't major in Math, but I'm pretty sure that counts as "one person" coming forward from his past. But that's no longer good enough for RB.

      He says:
      "No mention of Obama attending any classes.  But he can sure cook up some good chicken curry!"

      This is what we call "moving the goalposts," folks.

      It's a clever debating tactic when debating folks who aren't going to catch it, but it's not what you'd call intellectually honest.Though full points to RB for posting something true for a change, even if he doesn't see it as evidence that discounts his "ever wonder why nobody has come forward from his past" rhetoric.

      1. livelonger profile image86
        livelongerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You know, Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate doesn't exist until it's been demonstrated for the 4,248th time. Up through the 4,247th time, it's still a fake, and forwarded email rumors are a higher order of evidence...

      2. Reality Bytes profile image74
        Reality Bytesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What I posted shows that people do remember Obama around the Columbia campus.  It shows a somewhat indigent young Che follower probably squatting in some of these apartments.

        I cannot find evidence of anyone who knew Barrack at Columbia classes?

        There are three Muslim Pakistani radicals that claim to have known him?  But??

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image74
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "It shows a somewhat indigent young Che follower probably squatting in some of these apartments."
          It shows nothing of the kind.
          Thanks for playing, though.

          "I cannot find evidence of anyone who knew Barrack at Columbia classes?"
          When I was in college, I roomed with several guys I never had a single class with. Huh, I guess they must've not been taking classes, since I never had a class with them. I mean, yeah, the one guy was a psych major, and the other guy was a business major, and the other guy was a Computer Science major, and i majored in English, but clearly, since none of these guys and I ever had a class together, they must not have been taking classes. They fooled me good, I guess. roll

  33. Jim Hunter profile image61
    Jim Hunterposted 13 years ago

    "The solution to education isn't letting local bozos teach their children Creationist crap, Jim. That's why we need Federal involvement."

    The federal government has failed miserably at educating children.

    And just as predicted you think they should continue.

    1. Pcunix profile image90
      Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Because they haven't failed.  States have failed. I believe education is far too important to leave to local morons. I also believe it should not be funded by property taxes - my children received a far better educational experience than their inner city peeers did.  That's not right and it's not good for our future either.

      We need Federally funded, standardized education and it should continue right through college for those who are able. Again, my kids benefitted from my ability to pay, but equally deserving kids with poor parents had to compete for scholarships.  It's not right.

      1. Jim Hunter profile image61
        Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "my children received a far better educational experience than their inner city peeers did.  That's not right and it's not good for our future either."

        Educational experience?

        Do you mean they received a better education or was it just a pleasant environment?

        Why are the inner cities so bad? Doesn't the Federal government control that too?

        1. Pcunix profile image90
          Pcunixposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Probably both.

          Have you ever been poor, Jim?  I have.  I have also been quite a bit better than that. Right now I'm somewhere in the middle.  But poor I sure remember.  It isn't a lot of fun.

  34. Ralph Deeds profile image64
    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years ago

    Do you Tea Baggers want to know what the top Republicans think of you? Read Frank Rich's OP-ED in today's NY Times.


    ONE dirty little secret of the 2010 election is that it won’t be a political tragedy for Democrats if a Tea Party icon like Sharron Angle or Joe Miller ends up in the United States Senate. Angle, now synonymous with racist ads sliming Hispanics, and Miller, already on record threatening a government shutdown, are fired up and ready to go as symbols of G.O.P. extremism for 2012 and beyond.

    What’s not so secret is that some Republicans will be just as happy if some of these characters lose, and for the same reason.

    But whatever Tuesday’s results, this much is certain: The Tea Party’s hopes for actually effecting change in Washington will start being dashed the morning after. The ordinary Americans in this movement lack the numbers and financial clout to muscle their way into the back rooms of Republican power no matter how well their candidates perform.

    Trent Lott, the former Senate leader and current top-dog lobbyist, gave away the game in July. “We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples,” he said, referring to the South Carolina senator who is the Tea Party’s Capitol Hill patron saint. “As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.” It’s the players who wrote the checks for the G.O.P. surge, not those earnest folk in tri-corner hats, who plan to run the table in the next corporate takeover of Washington. Though Tom DeLay may now be on trial for corruption in Texas, the spirit of his K Street lives on in a Lott client list that includes Northrop Grumman and Goldman Sachs.

    Karl Rove outed the Republican elites’ contempt for Tea Partiers in the campaign’s final stretch. Much as Barack Obama thought he was safe soliloquizing about angry white Middle Americans clinging to “guns or religion” at a San Francisco fund-raiser in 2008, so Rove now parades his disdain for the same constituency when speaking to the European press. This month he told Der Spiegel that Tea Partiers are “not sophisticated,” and then scoffed, “It’s not like these people have read the economist Friedrich August von Hayek.” Given that Glenn Beck has made a cause of putting Hayek’s dense 1944 antigovernment treatise “The Road to Serfdom” on the best-seller list and Tea Partiers widely claim to have read it, Rove could hardly have been more condescending to “these people.” Last week, for added insult, he mocked Sarah Palin’s imminent Discovery Channel reality show to London’s Daily Telegraph.

    Read the rest of Frank Rich's fascinating piece here: … ef=opinion

  35. Evan G Rogers profile image59
    Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

    i think the title of this post is the reason why the democrats will never stay in power.

    "Is it because everyone who disagrees with me is a jackass that no one agrees with me?"

    ! the true liberal spirit!

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Karl Rove and Trent Lott and the other GOP insiders and big money men are the ones calling the Tea Baggers jackasses. Frank Rich is one of the most insightful political analysts in the country.

      1. Evan G Rogers profile image59
        Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I was just pointing out that the actual title of this series of posts is exactly the same thing as saying: "Obama is awesome, and Americans are idiots for disagreeing with me". You can be as insightful as you want, that's still what it says.

  36. mikelong profile image60
    mikelongposted 13 years ago

    Jim...the Federal government, outside of Indian Schools perhaps, has never taught children..

    I can't think of a single federal elementary, middle, or high school throughout our nation's history...

    However, having served in the sigint world, I was trained (on the federal level) in diverse intelligence gathering techniques, among other things....and they did a very good job...

    With that said, our public education system is failing because there is a desire amongst many conservatives to see it fail...

    Our public school systems were amazing until desegregation came.....and from then on it has been in decline as the dominant society has retreated to more exclusive schools/disctricts, or to private schools..

    Being that I am a tutor working with youth k-12 through the LAUSD, I see how publishing companies produce increasingly useless "textbooks" that teach less and distract more while each new edition costs more...  A case in point was the math book the student I worked with yesterday was issued.... Many teachers, as well, fail to engage and energize their youth....

    While working a school photography job a few summers back I had the opprotunity to work in schools from Malibu and Santa Clarita to downtown Los Angeles.... The way the students at schools like Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Los Angeles are treated compared to those in S.C. and Malibu differs entirely....

    Instead of being barked at like they were animals or mindless beings, the students at the mostly "white" schools in Malibu and "white flight" communities like Santa Clarita get treated with great trust..... I've seen it with my own eyes....I've experienced this disparity between one community's schools to anothers through my own k-12 and community college education.....and then came UCLA...

    The Federal government is not the problem with is rather the ill-intentions of many social conservatives and economic elites (who are typically one and the same) towards those they deem "less worthy" of quality education...

    And these same cronies are backing GOP/teaparty each election.... 

    By the way, Jim, without the Union...without the NLRA of 1935, the standard of living that the American middle and many of the upper class enjoy would not is on the NLRA that non-union based labor laws were founded....and without them there wouldn't be as many well paying non-union jobs around...guaranteed. 

    I don't think the plight of the pre-NLRA working class is something that we need to revisit....

  37. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    The thing is, you can't fight meaness with kindness. Obama tried to be kind. They spit on his face.
    I remember like yesterday when the Repubs took control in 2000---I was watching it on C-Span. John Kasich banged the gavel down on his desk and screamed: "We are in charge now, you don't HAVE a say!"--that is how they govern. And now you see Bohner saying, "This is not a time for compromise."

    They are NOT decent people. They do NOT want to "work with", they want to dictate.

    And we already HAD this crap for 8 years!!!!!

    Plus, there is mighty lot of racism still exisiting in this place. Mighty lot.

    Because--how else do you explain a Senator screaming YOU LIE at a President??
    How else do you explain the repubs not voting for a policy that was THEIR idea??

    It's UGLY. And it's just disgusting that so many people want UGLY back.

    And, just so you know--I always considered Republican ugly. Since Reagan. Ugly in mind and spirit. And I cannot BELIEVE it is even being CONSIDERED to be back here again after we just got rid of it.

  38. BobbiRant profile image61
    BobbiRantposted 13 years ago

    View the documentary: "Waiting for Superman" Then tell me how dumb Americans are.

    1. Ralph Deeds profile image64
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I want to see it, but I've heard it's biased toward charter schools.


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