America is dying and you could care less.

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  1. Stump Parrish profile image60
    Stump Parrishposted 13 years ago

    Our Government lies to us on a daily basis. Our elected officials have placed themselves above the laws of this country. Our police forces kill and main American citizens and the courts turn them loose with pay. Our armed forces kill hundreds of thousands of civilians and think nothing of it. Our government is more concerned with corporate profits than the health and well being of the citizens they pretend to work for. American citizens are facing rising gas prices, education costs, and we allow our government to spend billions of our unaccounted tax dollars for whatever bullshit war they feel like starting. The America that our founding fathers created is no more, it was killed by the very people we trusted to move it forward. Our healthcare system has it's own death panels that on a daily basis condemn those who have paid into it for years, to death in the name of profits. The sad thing is that very few Americans actually give a shit. Most Americans are to busy worrying about whether or not a gay person lives on their block or is perhaps wanting to marry the person they love.

    Sit back and enjoy the next few years people. You have worked very hard to get us to where we are today. You can rest easy now, the country you were born in is no more. Your pettiness and childish bullshit has seen to it. Whats really more important here, whether or not there is prayer in school or that America survives. Keep whining and complaining about the little insignificant problems and ignore the demise of the country you claim to love, Too bad you dont care enough about it to save it. C
    Please by all means continue to blame the Republicans and the Democrats for our problems. It's easier than placing the responsibility where it really belongs, in your lap. You and those who you know are responsible for the destruction of this once great country. Pat yourself on the back and get back to the American Idol show.

  2. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    I don't feel we're to blame stump. We have been set up by a small cabal, who know us inside and out.
    They are coming down to the home-stretch now.
    They're not even bothering to hide their degradation.
    ---See, we know them too.
    Hopefully, their gluttony will get the best of them. They may just sink from their own weight!!

    Let go, Let God. It's all playing out as it should.

    1. Stump Parrish profile image60
      Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I just dont know anymore, take this wikileak situation. Our government has been torturing an American citzen for 7 months now. Manning hasn't  even been to court and has been in to solitary confinement the entire time. What is he guilty of? Exposing the corruption and disregard for our laws by our elected officials. Most Americans don't have enough sense to see that they are being lied to and when this is pointed out to them what do they do. They condemn the messanger. American people less than 40 years ago stood up to our government and stopped an illegal war in Nam. Today they sit on their rearends and cheer for the criminals responsible for this one. Our Armed forces are killing thousands of civilians every month and Americans sit by and say...well they all muslims and we know that means they're terrorists. We the people condone this action and prove it with our silence. I hope everyone out there sleeps a little better knowing that 25 innocent children were killed in the name of American freedom tonight. Our government lies to us very day, we know they lie to us and we pretend otherwise dont we? We must enjoy it as we keep relecting the same people over and over. Obama wants to improve our food system. As it stands right now the FDA can not force a recall of tainted food that is known to be killing people. A large portion of our elected officials want to keep it that way. Millions of Americans will agree to this because the party they belong to tells them to. Americans forgot how to think for themselves and they proudly display this fact for all to see.

  3. profile image0
    kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years ago



    1. Stump Parrish profile image60
      Stump Parrishposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      well that wasn't a comment I expected. lol


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