World Ending?

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  1. ylime120 profile image60
    ylime120posted 11 years ago

    I don't believe that it will, or if it does, hardly any scientist would tell us.

    So what do you think?

    Will the world end?

    Will it be predictable?

    Will it never happen, even if others try and deceive the world?

  2. jacharless profile image74
    jacharlessposted 11 years ago

    Technically, every scientist I have ever listened to or read papers from, all say the world will end. They seem to think it is predictable. Theories vary from giant asteroids to meteor showers to the inevitable supernova of the sun.
    After years of trying to find a way off-the-planet, should something like this happen, they now realize there is no definitive destination available and unless technology takes a massive leap in the next 50-100 years, they will have no way of ever finding another planet out there like ours. Just getting outside of this solar-system has taken 100 years. Reaching the next is no less than 50 light-years {6 trillion x 50}.

    Quite the conundrum.


    1. janesix profile image59
      janesixposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The nearest sun is only 4 light years away.

      1. Druid Dude profile image61
        Druid Dudeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The nearest sun is our own (light seconds away) Suns go nova or burnout, other objects collide with earth and result in mass extinction, finite resources necessary to life can become totally depleted, and the polar anomalies being studied on the earth could result in a breach of our magnetic shield, bathing the planet in deadly radiation from our own star. If people keep predicting the end...eventually they will be right. The question isn't if, but WHEN?

      2. jacharless profile image74
        jacharlessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Even so, 6 trillion x 4 is still 24 trillion kilometers.

        The sun is 150 million kilometers away and looks like it's right non top of us.
        One thousand billion, or one million millions, is one trillion.
        Therefore, nearly impossible to travel to the next solar system.

        1. Druid Dude profile image61
          Druid Dudeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          WITH our present tech. Telescopically observation of the most distant galaxies seems to suggest that the furthest ones are moving in excess of the speed of light. Recently we detected sub-atomic particles that it has been observed, may also be traveling faster than light. With fiber optics, our communications now travel at the speed of light. Something which was once considered an IMPOSSIBILITY. Nearly impossible isn't impossible. Trying to write a novel along these lines. Slow work. Lots of things to consider to make it publication worthy.

          1. jacharless profile image74
            jacharlessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Cannot disagree with that.
            Presently, using rather low frequency light optics, we are able to communicate instantly, as well as the theory of "outer space" being the "oldest" of light is moving faster, suggesting "innner space" is slowing down.
            One question I have always pondered is "where" in relation to that out-edge is our system located; what about above and below this system, galaxy.

            And yes, the sub-atomic particle one. My fav. It makes very good sense that the smaller universe mirror the greater, or better said the greater mirrors the smaller. Because the smallest measurable unit of energy is still greater than the largest measurable one, is from and why the greater is even possible. One interest idea about it moving faster is because of the appearing-disappearing trick energy does especially when two different units collide and out pops a third -totally different from the other two. Could the two colliding merely be going slower or speeding up and upon intersection, just enough to cause the faster 'invisible' unit to slow down, making it appear? But then, where did the others go. Fun to think about: the peek-a-boo of energy.

            My odd theory that the property actually changes from projective or reflective to neutral, which explain the visible-invisible result. Things that speed up-slow down tend to expand-contract, like breathing. Is the universe actually breathing? If yes, why is the center slowing and the outer expanding.

            Either or, the technology humans have is limited to the elements here, elements used to build the mechanisms of observance. That is the greatest hindrance. unless we can find a way to use pure hydrogen as a mechanic, without converting it to electric, I don't think there is any way technology can advance.


  3. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 11 years ago

    I think the sun is approximately 5 billion years old, which is about half its lifespan, so we have another 5 or so billion years to go before the sun turns into a red giant.  I'm not worried about the world ending any time soon.

    1. Druid Dude profile image61
      Druid Dudeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Alpha Centauri is slightly more than four light years away...sorry, no earth like planet there, at least that we can tell, but we're still trying to get a clear picture of our own star system.


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