The New Black Panther Party again.....

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  1. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Is this hate speech? … ople-Alive

    Even if he ISN'T a Conservative?

    1. junko profile image70
      junkoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No, this is not hate speech. It is a few anger black men who are too few to be taken serious and don't have a following, except conservative groups who used them to make a false point. I think they were found to be less than 5 members, one handicap and one retarded. They were and are non-issues.

      1. JSChams profile image61
        JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        So if we reversed all that and he was white and spoke in the opposite vernacular about blacks it would be hate speech?

    2. profile image0
      HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In the sense that we define "hate speech," of course it is hate speech.  I really wish we didn't attach the word "hate" to other terms, such as crime, thought, speech, etc.

      This is an example of a racist group. Probably not a large group, but any group that makes racist and violent statements should be carefully monitored. Did the FBI formally designate the NBP as a "terrorist" group? I don't really know, but I was thinking they might have.

      These types of groups are catch-alls for society's misfits. There are other groups like this around - all of them are full of worthless human beings for the most part.


      1. umbertoobrian profile image59
        umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I am disturbed by even the words "hate speech."  We used to be dedicated to FREE speech.  Now we want to outlaw words and ideas because they are offensive.  How long before we out law beliefs, philosophies, religions because someone takes offense or objects to them?  "Hate speech" is still speech and the Constitution protects it.  Speech alone cannot be insightment,  there must be circumstances beyond mere speech.

  2. junko profile image70
    junkoposted 11 years ago

    It is what it is, JSChams. What point are you are trying to make?

    1. JSChams profile image61
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That's the same guy who was accused of voter intimidation and has lots of examples on YouTube of his outspoken violent racism yet it gets ignored.

      It really shouldn't.

  3. junko profile image70
    junkoposted 11 years ago

    There is no such thing as outspoken violent racism in this example, stupidity maybe. What would you have done to him and all skinheads? What solution do a guy like you hope for here on hubpages for those type guys? Are you a conservative playing the race card while carrying a liberal persona?

    1. JSChams profile image61
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am a Conservative and race card?????????????????????????
      No I am just tired of every little idiotic thing some dopey Conservative guy blurts out being horrendous but our friend in the video lays out all THAT stuff and liberals turn their head the other way and get mad if someone tries to show it to them.

    2. JSChams profile image61
      JSChamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      See the skinheads are all you ever hear about.
      This guy gets buried.

      1. Shadesbreath profile image79
        Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Why shouldn't he get buried. He's an idiot. Do you see the reactions of the black people passing by and looking on? You can tell they are all either afraid of him, or hoping desperately not to be associated with him in some way.

        And I agree with Junko that you are trying to stir the pot by posting this. That guy is a non-entity. Digging up this sort of thing and trying to invest it with significance is counter productive for everyone. And I'm speaking as a life long Republican when I say that. This kind of thing is why my party can't win elections. It doesn't realize how stupid it looks with these sorts of desperate attempts at sophistry. It's sad. It also proves my party has no real ideas (or at least certainly makes it look that way).

  4. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    There is nothing good coming out of the new black panther party. There is a lot more than 5 also. There was a group of them that gathered here locally. They are popping up all over the country. To me they go hand in hand with the KKK and should be treated the same as the KKK. It's nothing but another ignorant hate group that feeds keeping people down and not helping people move forward.

    1. habee profile image92
      habeeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. They're threatening violence in Tampa. They're the  black counterpart of the KKK.

      1. profile image0
        HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That's an accurate comparison.

    2. umbertoobrian profile image59
      umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well said.

    3. gmwilliams profile image85
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      +100000000000.   I saw this party on youtube and they are indeed making hate speeches against whites, Jews, gays, and others.   This group is akin to the neo-Nazis and KKK!

  5. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Same dude....same racist hate:

  6. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    But that is supposed to be ignored.....why?

  7. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Fine time I get associated with Nazi's because I am Conservative I will remind people...........

  8. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 11 years ago

    The thing about an African American being racist is that history is filled with exploitation by Caucasians. 

    White guys like me STILL have advantages in society, and do not have to deal with the police being immediately suspicious simply because of my skin color, or it being more likely I will be executed by the state.

    It's not right to be racist, but the white majority throughout American history has not treated the black minority kindly.  It's more understandable to be a racist if you are a minority than a majority, because minorities are still not treated equal in this country.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is the biggest load I have ever heard! My ex husband was pulled over 7 times in 2 years and fully searched car and all. Guess what he's WHITE! He got pulled over because he had a band sticker on the back of his truck of a group that was known to do drugs so assumed my ex husband must too. In general black people are treated NO different than any other race in the USA. The majority of police pull over based on some sort of conclusion. Black guy pulls off drug street= pull over, white guy pulls off drug street=pull over. So tired of hearing about how life is still so unfair. It isn't, and it sure isn't an excuse to continue ignorance! "oh poor him let him be angry and racist because you know those white guys were so angry and racist to him" BS. Being better than the ignorant few is what all  people should stand for.

      1. umbertoobrian profile image59
        umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Well said, again.

  9. JSChams profile image61
    JSChamsposted 11 years ago

    Oh I keep forgetting.....double standard is in the political correctness manual. Along with getting a pass for standing at a polling place with a blunt instrument threatening people. That's just because his ancestors wee treated unfairly. Next time I will just lean in and let him take a shot with it.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not just ancestors...

      I also said it was wrong.  No one should be physically intimidated when exercising their constitutional right to vote.  All I am saying is, it's much easier to understand one side more than the other.  Neither side is right.

      1. Shadesbreath profile image79
        Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        No, no, no, no, no! History should just unravel instantaneously and we should be able to vault right into a Disney state the second a few people say the words "Oh, I see what happened now." What the hell is wrong with you? It's like you are all, "Read a book, spend some time recognizing the complications of a nightmare over three hundred years in the making and yet only seventy years (ONE living generation) 'fixed.'"


        Who is going to put in that kind of time or intellectual energy? Please.

        You're so crazy. You liberals you.

        1. profile image0
          Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this


          It's kind of like, if we used to live in a society that subjugated women to slavery.  Then, some men who were within the system, and most women rebelled against it and said slavery was wrong, and then people complained when that fact was brought up.

          The generations from that past are not that far removed.  If you were 20 in 1860, owned slaves, fought on the side of the South, and lived to be 80, you would be alive in 1920.  Let's say your kid lived to be 80 also, and he was born in 1860.  He would then be alive up until 1940.  Let's say your kid has a kid in 1900.  1900 plus 80 is 1980!   So the grandson of a slave owner that lived in 1860 could conceivably be alive to vote for Reagan in 1980.    You can quibble with the math, but it is still a very close connection any way you slice it.

          You see how close the actual time frame is with the generations.  These beliefs are passed onto children.  They soften over time, but the fact remains that the slave owner raised a child who then grew up to have another child and raise it, who would in turn vote for Ronald Reagan.  Only three generations removed.

          There are a lot of racist people who simply conceal their views.  If the grandson of the racist who voted for Reagan had a kid in 1950, he would be 58 in time for Obama to run.  And who does Obama have the lowest approval rating among?  YOU GUESSED IT.  The older generations.

          Racism is not even close to being dead.

          1. Shadesbreath profile image79
            Shadesbreathposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Not sure I'm following you with the Reagan thing, but I think in large parts, particularly how culture and time work, we agree.

            1. profile image0
              Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Common ground is definitely a plus!

          2. profile image0
            HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Sooner - that's not a close connection. We can't reasonably judge anyone by the actions of anyone else. We are far removed from the days of slavery. Americans today can't even begin to comprehend the pervasive thought process from back then.

            Nothing about our nation or our citizens is the same. We all need to move forward and quit looking backward.

            1. umbertoobrian profile image59
              umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Well said.

  10. dianetrotter profile image61
    dianetrotterposted 11 years ago

    I rarely hear of New Black Panther Party.  The Black Panther Party disassociates itself.  When I hear about them it is through media because of someone they threatened.  Treat them like any other gang.  When they make threats they need to be arrested.

  11. SoManyPaths profile image58
    SoManyPathsposted 11 years ago

    @peeples, you are extremely wrong.
    Have you lived in major metros before? Are you even Black or a minority?
    Study after study has been done proving blacks are always more suspect than a white person. 20/20 and many programs. The evidence is overwhelming. I have to question who you are associated with now.

    Equal??  Jeez. You may be in the 1% that believes that.
    FWIW, the Nazis and Skinheads are large organizations whom have committed horrendous violent acts and exist in different countries. The panthers are only in America are really small and have not done hardly any violent acts, (if any) they just talk.. Many don't take them seriously since Blacks have gotten prominent positions in politics and business. In general, "we" all know racism exists at some level and in certain areas more than others.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am multiple minorities. I am a woman for starts. I'm of mixed race for second. And that mixed race is the "new" "bad race" of America. I was also raised in multiple all black homes by wonderful black families. Racism exists in EVERY group of people and hate is in ALL people. How often do we hear "Come to America speak english" "wetbacks taking over the country" all directed at my race! I never said racism doesn't exist. How can it not when that's what everyone seems to want to dragggg out. I am not talking about other countries I am talking about here in the USA. Where people say it's ok to be a racist because "he started it". When people grow up and realize that continuing it is as bad as starting it the mind set will change but as long as people keep up this "poor me" mentality it will never get better. Forming a hate group to stand for "equality" is ignorant! NO ONE should take the black panthers seriously nor the KKK or skinheads. Oh and FYI major metros have the largest levels of low income people. Low income people are more apt to be pulled over by the police. Oh and please don't believe everything you hear the media tell you.

      1. profile image0
        HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Perhaps it's your diversified upbringing or something else, but you sure seem to make good sense.

        Kudos to you.

      2. umbertoobrian profile image59
        umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Large metro areas also have the greatest crime rates, under performing schools, more pollution, more unions, more government and highest concentration of political liberals.  Are we to make specious connections between those also?  What would that read like?  How silly some ideas can get.

    2. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And may I ask what you mean by "I have to question who you are associated with now."

      1. umbertoobrian profile image59
        umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        There are some who cannot see or who will always react with hostility when the issure turns toward "race"(what ever that means).

      2. junko profile image70
        junkoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Institutional Racism in society as far as employment, Financial access, Housing and Education deals with the powers the Black Panthers never had. The only power the Panthers and minorities have is words which is classified as Racism, don't mention racism or it's affects, if so, you are racist. Racism implies power and most minorities have no power, anger is all they have.The hate filled words spoken by this anger man are not like sticks and stones. The silence of lambs that deal and mass killings without a word should be feared not the Black Panther Party, maybe the Tea Party.

        1. profile image0
          HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Racism implies weakness - not power. Those who are insecure and those who begrudge others their lifestyles are not strong. I'm not sure why you think the Tea Party is to be feared. They're just a group of like-minded folks - not violent, and not advocating violence. And they're multiracial (think Herman Cain.)

          Most white supremacist groups are just like the NBPP - loud, stupid, angry, weak and ineffectual. But the world's not big enough for hatred like that and no matter what color the members are - bad behavior should be denounced by all. 

          When the Tea Party starts advocating killing others based on their race, you might have a case. Right now, the NBPP is doing that and we should summarily condemn - not make excuses for - that kind of talk.

          1. umbertoobrian profile image59
            umbertoobrianposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            The greatest risk of violence is from those aware that they are a small group.  Brigate  Rosse, Bader-Meinhoff, Simbianese Liberation Army and (Obama's favorite) Weather Underground, were all small groups full of hate and willing to employ violence.  No one would think the KKK is a peaceful protest movement why would they accept that the NBPP is just a bunch of windbags.  Don't all violent movements befind as shouting societies - the Nazi Party began that way.

          2. junko profile image70
            junkoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Howard, Institutional Racism cannot be applied by the powerless race ,only the race in power. HAVING THE POWER TO MAKE LAWS AND POLICIES AND GIVE OR TAKE FREEDOM IS NOT ASSOIATED WITH MINORITIES. Understanding cause and affects is not making excuses. The Tea Party, advacates death of spririt and hope for millions which will lead to violence and death for many Americans of all races as did the Civil War and the American Revolution. Keys words used has already caused separation of the races.

            1. profile image0
              HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I have to tell you, Junko, I've not heard anything of the kind from the Tea Party, although they're not my cup of tea (pun intended). It looks to me as though the Tea Party is comprised more on a fundamental religious and conservative - rather than race - basis. In my community, a local black youth group went door to door to garner support for the Tea Party. They even called themselves the "Tea Teens." But, they are members of a large fundamentalist local church. I donated because they're such cute kids and I like encouraging taking a stand - even if I don't agree with the specific stand.

              The Tea Party isn't anything of any power, but (at least here) they didn't cause any problems. And that youth group is also very active in helping in the community. The kids organized a clean up of yards after a storm left the city full of broken branches and one young lady just left for Standford, on a very impressive scholarship. The neighborhood threw her a going-to-college party.

              I don't know where you live, but I'd like you to consider that it's not the same in other parts of the nation.

        2. peeples profile image93
          peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Hate is Hate. It doesn't matter what or who that hate comes from it is all the same. That should be the moral of the story. Like it or not, hate towards blacks, whites, hispanics, asians, irish, homosexuals, the poor, the rich, the 1%, the 90%, it's all the same. It is equal. Hate groups should be treated the same no matter if they are a white group, a black group, a religious group, or any other group. When people can't manage to make a difference in the world without isolating themselves and others into these clusters it is truly sad.

          1. junko profile image70
            junkoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            The first and second amendment, are untouchable. There is no way to change hate speech and violence in America, and not touch those two amendments.

  12. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 11 years ago

    One might mentally substitute a white guy into the picture with all the same content and imagine what the media would do with it from there.  "Racism" in the USA only works one way as does the reference regarding "hate speech" order to fit the official definition, it must come from a white guy who then is deemed "dangerous and ignorant".  In this case, too many in our society lean on the excuse that it is all right for an angry brother ignored by society to take out his anger in this method.  They give legitimacy to something that is nothing less than punk attitude displayed with the hope of gaining attention and hopefully achieving a sense of importance from that attention.  ~ WB

    1. junko profile image70
      junkoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well.... he got attention...importance.... well in this forum for sure. "Mentally substitute a White guy" it is what it is Wayne.

  13. Reality Bytes profile image74
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    The NBPP does not deserve the attention they receive.  Without the media stirring the pot, they would be nonexistent to the people!


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