How would you want your Medicine (hub)?

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  1. Digital MD profile image85
    Digital MDposted 9 years ago

    I have started here for a week and I have focused writing articles on the health section, especially in medicine. As I search the written topics and hubs, I saw that there are already many covered and saturated topics. Honestly I do realize that it's pointless to repeat the same hubs. In essence, what can websites like medscape, webmd, and emedicine combined not answer? I also saw most of them simply enumerate the disease, mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment. Rise, and repeat ^ the nth disease. I wanted to offer something else.

    So I thought that I will rather put in effort to write about real cases, of patients and not entirely on the whole disease per se. Maybe, just maybe, it will suit the taste of readers better since the hubs I will be making are about real lives of real people. Also, I put in derivatives and analyses on how medical practitioners arrive at a diagnosis, a treatment plan, etc.

    I was wondering if you guys think this is a good path for now? (Well of course, the comments and page views on the hubs are objective criteria) But I thought maybe I could get an input from the community on how I can improve. What is lacking? How can they be improved? Have I reached my goal of offering something else than the usual? Is it full of jargon, or at least somehow easily understandable by those who don't know medical terms?

    Feel free to browse my first few hubs (which took more time to write from what I expected.) Please be 'gentle' with your critique! LOL.

    Thank you guys! Looking forward for a productive stay here.

  2. LeanMan profile image79
    LeanManposted 9 years ago

    While it is a noble quest you have to ask yourself the following question that Google employs when evaluating the content of your hub - Would you trust the site?

    Your keywords / titles are very much aimed at the top level disease - so why would Google give a "mere" hubpage preference over WebMD or any other medical authority site?

    If you want to write about what it is like to have a disease then do that - "What is like to have emphysema?"  or "My life with a wonky bladder" etc. Use the Google keyword planner to find searched for phrases that you may be able to rank for that are not being targeted by the big boys.

    However you may still find that you are flogging a dead horse! But good luck

    1. Digital MD profile image85
      Digital MDposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the suggestions. I've been experimenting with adwords and Google trends with the titles too. I'm taking my time learning the ropes.

  3. relache profile image73
    relacheposted 9 years ago

    If you are truly trying to create quality medical content, why are you writing it here?  The site has extremely poor medical credibility with Google, especially as they view HubPages as a content farm.

    1. Digital MD profile image85
      Digital MDposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Well, to tell you the truth I have not really given much thought about it in terms of Google's reference to hubpages as a non-authority site on serious subject such as Medicine. When I saw the site, and I had spare time because of the holidays --  I pratically jumped in and started drafting. Only now did I learn about the SEO, Google Panda, and the nature of the site in general. All I wanted was to provide insight on the cases I have encountered and share some knowledge to bridge the gap with medicine, in particular in which people see it as a "pure science" infused with my personal takes on the different topics in the field.

      Maybe in a few weeks or so,  I'll be i experimenting too for less serious medical-topics for hubs later on after I publish my pile of drafts and I think the hubages is good venue for hybrid types of articles. Also, I'm not really much of a writer/blogger type (this is my first time trying this out) so I'm still at the state of trying things out and seeing the impact of the pages I will be creating.

  4. Bisigo profile image56
    Bisigoposted 9 years ago

    Please write good article,so far it is different nothing spoil!

  5. psycheskinner profile image84
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    Rather than medicine per se have you considered writing on patient advocacy topics?  Like how to find the right doctor, how to know you have the wrong doctor, questions to ask you doctor when they want you to take a new medicine, how to help a vulnerable relative while they are in hospital etc?

    1. Digital MD profile image85
      Digital MDposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Great Idea! Maybe I'll try it some time. Definitely putting that on my to-do list. I do think that may be an ideal topic to explore on.

  6. Kylyssa profile image90
    Kylyssaposted 9 years ago

    A series by a doctor explaining what to expect for an assortment of conditions would be amazing.

    People want to know how a condition will affect their lives and the two minutes a doctor talks to them just doesn't cover it or stick, sometimes because they're reeling under the diagnosis and still processing what it even begins to imply. The nuts and bolts articles are good at first when, say, the person is first learning about what their diagnosis means. But it eventually hits the point where all the information you've got is a cluster of symptoms and a list of affected organs. People want to know what they can expect in their actual lives.

    1. Digital MD profile image85
      Digital MDposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My thoughts exactly. People see doctors (or medical practioners in general) as robots with eyebags running their white coats jumping form patient to patient. I cannot speak entirely of the whole profession since of the demands of the job itself may play a factor in this.

      Anyhow, those were what some of my first set of hubs ere all about. More of elaboration of how practitioners end up with Diagnosis X or Symptom Y. Once I have the chance, I may try to delve deeper on patient stories, and how we see it from the perspective of both the healthcare provider and the patient.

      Thanks for the idea!


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