My poor HubRank

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  1. thewebsquad profile image60
    thewebsquadposted 14 years ago

    My HubRank is falling, but why?
    They used to to be as high as 75, but now...not so much. … -Marketing

  2. Sauvignon profile image60
    Sauvignonposted 14 years ago

    My rankings are pretty sad looking, but then again I did just start so hopefully you don't mind having a newbie like me offering input.  I just noticed one thing though, I had someone add themselves as a fan and my score went up. I've been in and out of a few forums and posted a few things, score went up another point.  Did you stop activity for a while?

  3. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image72
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years ago

    Only writing two hubs within two months could have a lot to do with it.

  4. thewebsquad profile image60
    thewebsquadposted 14 years ago

    So Hub score is based on activity? But what if I get a bad case of writers block?
    I mean they are good quality hubs, why should activity affect them

    1. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image72
      EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Their are two different scores; a hub core and an author score. If the hubs are good, then you might have a decent hub score but still have a drop in your hubber score if you don't write regularly.

  5. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    Probably a combination of having only two Hubs and not participating in the site.

    The other question is, is the content original?

  6. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    They jump up and down, I would not worry..
    everything always corrects istself and rns in cycles...
    add updates to keep the knowledge going on your hubs, I find this keeps people I always say, its quality not quantity for me ...for others it just might be the opposite

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      A Hub is not a blog, it shouldn't be necessary to keep adding updates.  By all means, tweak them as you learn more about how to Hub, but updates don't get mentioned anywhere, so Hubbers have no idea you've added information. 

      Quality not quantity is a good goal - as you can see, I write only one Hub a week, if that.  But there is such a thing as a Hub that's too long, so be careful about going back and adding more and more content.  It's better to start a new Hub and link them together. 

      I checked out your Hub on boxers - I found the bold, underlined text really irritating!  It's a shame to spoil good content - I'd recommend you change it back to the normal font.

  7. profile image0
    Rnoble74posted 14 years ago

    I very aptly agree with the bulk of content, as well comments here, as a bit of truth is all here...  I fully admit, I am not posting fully polished posts or rather hubs!  I feel that, my new status here, as well activity definitely play a role; I mean if someone writes something, and abandons the site, how is the score to go up at all?  Down if anything, however, good content of very apt, appropriate, interesting content is a great idea.

    Never pander to some other dope who tells you what, how, when and where you should write; maybe I'm contradicting a bit here, but most of all your heart and subject matter you feel obligated to write about shouldn't change...  Never serve others, never change your views at heart, we respect each other for our differences; I mean we at best should!  There are topics of great void, maybe think on them and write on them, if you think interest and viewership will follow?

    Viewership, fanbase, comments and all such things work in our favor here, even criticism of useful nature!  Also, content of the most top notch English, Grammar, Spelling and all such pertinent areas should never falter from your writing; heck, if you must, draft your material a plethora of times before you feel it fits best, as I plan to do so in my future...  As well, there are infinite sources which only take a computer internet connection, of which offer college accredited courses in all types writing, as I plan to enter extensive schooling in future; think about it all?  Much Peace, All Best, Rnoble74

  8. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    thewebsquad, they do go up and down, so there's that. 

    I looked at your two Hubs but didn't read the one in the 70's, because fluctuations may just be the normal ups and downs, and 70's isn't a bad score.  It did strike me that the second one looks good as far as format and extra things added on to it, but it struck me as not really offering much information beyond the just the definitions of SEO (etc.).   Because it looks good and isn't one that's loaded with English problems, I'm wondering if the score is related to the amount of information offered for each term.  Hubs that are unique and/or offer lots of valuable information usually tend to get better scores.  I could be wrong, but based on the lower-scored Hub's appearance, I wouldn't think it will drop a whole lot lower.


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