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How to Improve Your Scrabble Word Game Vocabulary

Updated on April 15, 2015
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Glendon and his wife have led church ministries, conducted empowerment seminars, and travelled to faraway places on business and vacation.

Edley and Williams suggest that there are four separate skills you will need to develop in order to become a Scrabble expert.

First are the vocabulary and word-finding skills. Second are the over-the-board playing skills, particularly during the endgame. Third are the skills to evaluate your opponent’s game strengths and weaknesses and to use that knowledge to your advantage. Fourth, but certainly not the least, are the emotional skills, or attitudes.

If you wish to reads up on all these area then you may click the Amazon capsule and purchase the book EVERYTHING SCRABBLE; THE DEFINITIVE BOOK ON SCRABBLE. I will in this article share a summary of the first step: Improve Your Vocabulary Skills.

Scrabble Word Game Vocabulary and Word Finding Skills

The Scrabble expert writers Edley and Williams guide the reader into how to learn new words.

1. They suggest you begin by learning all the two-letter words. My 1994 edition mentions 94 words but the online list Scrabble Pages site lists 113. And with consummate ease Facebook Scrabble offers the list of 124 pictured above within the game for free.

2. Once you have mastered the two-letter word you move on to the hooks to make three letters. Such as BA which makes ABA, BAA…all the way to BAY.

3. Once you have mastered the two-to make-three-letter words you are now ready for the three-to-make four-letter words. Are we there yet? No.

4. The next recommendation by the experts (buy the book) is that you learn most of the four-letter and five-letter JQXZ non-bingo words. This is where you decide if you just want to glide through the Scrabble world as a casual genius who has a fair vocab or decide to really become a scrabble expert. Do you have the time? The motivation? I have a healthy respect for the people who do but I am not there yet.

5. Next on the list, master some common scrabble winning combinations by learning high frequency six-letter stem lists. Learn the SATIRE, SATINE, and RETINA six-to make-seven-letter words.

6. RE and UN word lists. This will help you a lot with challenges. Again this is not applicable in a game like Facebook Scrabble where the online Scrabble dictionary automatically rejects phony words.

7. Next our experts suggest that the player with ambition to become a Scrabble expert should master the five-letter words with one or more 3-point or 4-point tiles (BCMPFHVWY) such as HAKIM or FAKIR.

8. Finally, on your way to earning expert status at Scrabble tournaments you must first master the words with multiple vowels. Words like APOGEE, BUREAU, and OEUVRE.

If you still feel lost after all this, go buy the book. Or enjoy being a perennial beginner! Or just keep scouting around the internet and keep reading articles like this.


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