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How to recognize Game Video Addiction

Updated on March 8, 2024
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Video game Addiction

The video games most children play constantly open another window to a different world.

A child addicted to such games becomes tired and spends long hours at the computer.

They do not eat on time and have dark circles under their eyes. The moment the child begins playing a game, it is impossible to get the attention of that child.

The individual is in a different world.

Focus is not within the household and this can be a problem if not stopped immediately. I know of an individual who spends ten hours with little breaks in between the video games played.

This is the most annoying experience to have with an addictive video gamer!

It is difficult to get the child away from that computer. He will not stop playing the game. When he is asked to stop playing, he says ''I will just now,'' or’’ I will go to bed earlier tonight. ''This is often heard from the child, but he fails to keep up to his word.

Online video games are downloaded to the computer or bought. Keeping this hand away from the process is not a simple task.

Too much conflict is used in conversations, making the child and parent feel like they are at each other's throats.

Sometimes the stress built up from college allows for this kind of behaviour. Getting away from loads of college work or studying makes the child feel free.

It is a stress buster, but the continuous playing of these games can be very addictive.

While playing these games all day, or for many hours one becomes withdrawn from social life. Eating at different times, just as when one is addicted to drugs or alcohol.

· The younger group is more vulnerable to video game addiction.

The addiction provides a certain amount of comfort.

· Look out for the following symptoms of video game addiction:

Most children play video games. When adults play video games and lie about it, that is an addiction. It is uncontrollable when one has started playing video games.

You will notice changes in moods such as anxiety, depression, and when not playing video games. The individual becomes restless and wants to be at that computer only then would they feel satisfied.

Anger sets in and when you try to get them away from the video game, they feel frustrated with you. Parents can feel they are in the wrong in such situations.

The person buys many different video games and will be the happiest when playing these games. It is like nothing or no one matters around such individuals.

Conversations of the video game, especially when in other conversations are another symptom that should not be ignored.

The individual will often speak of the video game and feels good talking about this is a sign of having an obsessive mind about the game.

There is often an excuse to play video games.

There is no control over the time spent playing the video game. Assuming they have two hours of playing the game, the two hours do not feel enough and can go on for ten hours, or more without a time-out.

When the gamer has started a video game, everything else is not important and time is never efficient.

They neglect their personal lives and live in that room all day.

An individual can be defensive when asked to stop playing the video game. The lack of sleep and change in the pattern of sleeping are disturbed allowing for such complications.

Many hours of playing video games allow the brain to be overstimulated and this leads to insomnia.

The lack of movement or sitting for many hours in one position makes the individual tired and sleepy. Yet the individual will not listen to their body's symptoms and will go on playing the game.

Video game addiction can be treated like you would treat drug or alcohol addiction.

An idea to beat the habit of video games is as follows:

  • Try to work out the hours one has played the game for the whole week.
  • If you are shocked by the hours played, then STOP immediately.
  • An addict plays video games for twenty-four hours or more per week.
  • If you are in this position think about how you are wasting your precious time.
  • Finding out more about the chosen game will put you off from buying it.
  • No surprises are waiting for you from the actual game.
  • The game will sound boring to play after reading through the details on the cover.
  • Play with friends and avoid playing alone; this will allow you to stop when your friends do not want to play anymore.
  • Time for video gamers is never enough, and time will be reduced when playing video games.

Do you think video games are shown to increase brain power (volume of grey matter) or to improve hand-to-eye coordination?

The vision, reduce stress, and depression, or improve your decision-making skills and keep you happy in old age?

If you think that video games can improve you as a person you are wrong on that note.

It is like when some individuals say ''Red wine is good for heart problems,'' and then you get those who will have more than a bottle of wine a night, thinking it will help them with their heart condition.

Brain activity is increased when playing video games and this makes the individual feel less restless.

It takes willpower to stop playing video games. If you do not have the willpower you are doomed.

Everything in life can be a pleasure if you do not abuse your time by being active with a certain activity. The real pleasure fades when individuals start to make the activity the only focus of the brain.

The lack of studying shows when your child is going downhill in studies too little time to spare for proper learning or homework is not completed daily.

Little chores around the house and keeping their room tidy are not promises to keep.

'I will do it'' or 'I am going outside soon,'' are all spoken but not spoken of with a clear mind the game has taken over their minds leaving them with arguments and lots of frustration to live by.

It depends on the individual.

If the person playing a game does not know when to stop, that is difficult to handle in some situations. In many cases, the issue could cause problems with the rest of the family.

Males play video games more than females.

It is normal for males to have addiction more than females. Live different a life that you can enjoy and avoid video game addiction.

People around you tend to lose communication and that special connection you have with family, and friends slips away in time.

The bad habits picked up from a friend can ruin a good child's nature, but you should not always blame another for what your child is doing wrong.

Every individual has a mind of their own.

When the individual is older, they should show responsibility and if they are younger video games should not be allowed.

Control is required to prevent a child from going in the wrong direction.

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Video Game Addiction Affects Many Families

Do you think video games are shown to increase brain power?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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