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5 Amazing Components of Ganoderma and benefits

Updated on January 12, 2017

Ganoderma Lucidum- The powerful fungus or mushroom

The name Reishi, Lingzhi or Ganoderma is known to the people around the world. It has its own golden history of healing. Unique species of red mushroom which are considered more powerful than Gingseng are efficient to supply most of the nutritional constituents to human body. Its scientific name is Ganoderma Lucidum.

Know The Miraculous Herb Ganoderma Lucidum

  • The Red Mushroom popular in china as traditional medicine
  • Also called Reishi or Leingzhi
  • considered Mushroom of immortality
  • More than 200 active constituents help to maintain overall health and longevity
  • Ability to help the human body function more effectively, efficiently and optimally.
  • Contains largest variety of cellulose, lignin and xylan, the digestive enzyme.
  • Regenerates liver cells.

Power Behind The healing tendency of Ganoderma Lucidum

Ganoderma Lucidum, the popular miraculous herb is known as the silent healer. The power behind cleansing, balancing, regulating, building or healing and rejuvenating is the presence of more than two hundred active constituents that may be divided as five most amazing and vital components.

  1. Polysaccharides - The Cleanser or Detoxifier
  2. Organic Germanium - The Balancer
  3. Adenosine - The Regulating agent
  4. Triterpenes - The healer or builder
  5. Ganoderic Essence - The Rejuvenator

Let us discuss these components and their roles in maintaining overall health.

Ganoderma Lucidum Growing On Wood
Ganoderma Lucidum Growing On Wood | Source

Polysaccharides- The cleaning agent

Ganoderma Lucidum contains a whole range of Polysaccharides. Polysaccharides play the significant role in cleansing, neutralizing and removing toxins from the body.

Works Of Polysaccharides-

  • Healing Ability - Polysaccharides have tendency to strengthen the natural healing ability of the human body. It too, helps to improve immunity.
  • Cellular Enhancement- It prevents the growth of abnormal cells and strengthen the cell membrane. Polysaccharides in Ganoderma Lucidum prevent degeneration of tissues.
  • Oxygen Carrying Capacity- Polysaccharides play significant role to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of Red Blood Cells.

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Organic Germanium- The balancing agent

Ganoderma Lucidum contains Organic Germanium, that is called the balancer due to regulating ability of biological processes in the body. It contains Organic Germanium more than any other medicinal herb.

Works of Organic Germanium

  • Brain and Nerve function - Organic Germanium, the constituent of Ganoderma Lucidum has tendency to improve the functioning of brain and nerve.
  • Balancing electrical charges - It regulates the electrical charge balance in the body. Organic Germanium also removes abnormal charges from the cells.
  • Supply of oxygen -Organic Germanium improves oxygen supply in blood.

Adenosine- The regulating agent

Adenosine (Nucleotide), one of the vital constituents of Ganoderma Lucidum is the regulator of the energy transmission in the cells. It also helps to improve neurological functions and the circulation of blood.

Works of Adenosine

  • Neuro-Protection - Adenosine in Ganoderma Lucidum helps to keep the brain and the nerves calm.
  • Regulation of Cellular energy - Ganoderma's adenosine regulates the cellular energy in the human body. It also regulates metabolism and energy transmission.
  • Controls blood lipid level - Adenosine controls the blood lipid level. It controls the amount of free fat to maintain weight.

Immune Boosting by Ganoderma Lucidum


Triterpenes- The Building agent

Ganoderma Lucidum is the richest source of Triterpenes, the builder component of the body. About more than hundred varities of triterpenes is present in it. Due to the complex molecular structure, triterpenes has tendency to regulate the gastro-intestinal and endocrine functions. It too, exhibits adaptogenic properties.

Works of Triterpenes

  • Control of cholestrol level - Triterpenes have tendency to control the cholestrol level in the blood. Reducing the level of cholestrol it helps to prevent cardio-vascular diseases.
  • Maintenance of digestive system - It helps strenthening and maintaining the function of the digestive system.
  • Endocrinical balance - Triterpenes, the constituent of Ganoderma Lucidum maintains and regulates endocrine balance.

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Reishi Mushroom Powder Red 1 Lb Bulk Herbs Ganoderma Lucidum
Reishi mushroom powder sold by Mood and Mind

Ganoderic Essence - Rejuvanate to make younger

Ganoderic Essence is called the rejuvenator because it helps detoxify and nourish skin, the largest organ and protector of body.

Works of Ganoderic Essence -

  • Natural Skin Protection- Ganoderic essence prevents cellular damage from free radicals. It detoxifies and nourishes skin enhancing the natural defense from toxins. It helps in speeding up cell regeneration to beautify the skin.
  • Prevention of Wrinkles- Ganoderic essence acts as anti-oxidant and helps to prevent wrinkles. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to protect skin from ageing and damage.
  • Beautification and Rejuvenation - To beautify skin cellular level nourishment is compulsory. Cellular nourishment need detoxification and nutrition. Ganoderma rejuvenate tissues fulfilling its requirements.

Benefits Of Five Amazing Components of Ganoderma

Constituents are the pillars of its healing power

Ganoderma Lucidum is undoubtedly the powerful medicinal herb that is popular among the people for thousands of years. It has lots of health benefits. But it has become clear that the above mentioned five components of this herb are the pillars to make it powerful.

Actually Ganoderma is a red mushroom known as chinese traditional medicine it is most often used in the treatment of asthma and liver disease. It is also considered as an alternative treatment for cancer due to its ability to nourish and regenerate cells.

Disclaimer- The article is for the purpose of education or knowledge in depth . Before medicinal use contact to qualified physician suggested.


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