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7 Effective Ways To Maintain Weight Loss

Updated on August 19, 2016
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I am a health freak and curious about things that help in living well. I appreciate aesthetics, love to gain and share good knowledge.

Weight Loss

It takes a lot of hard work and determination to loose weight and get your desired body which is definitely commendable. It definitely calls for celebrations, flaunting and enjoying your new found body image. With that comes a challenge to keep things at level they have reached successfully. As they say loosing weight is easier than to maintain it over longer periods or maybe lifetime. That will need a lot of will power and smarts as well. You will need to focus because otherwise all the efforts you’ve been putting to loose weight will turn out to be useless. People loose weight very slowly and gain it very fast. So, read on for some smart ways which will help you stay in your best shape that you have achieved after a lot of hard work.

Weight Loss

Watch That Shopping List

Once you enter the super market’s gourmet, snacks and other eatable section, the sight of those yummy treats, cheese spreads and swiss rolls make you forget everything. You know you end up buying a lot of things in that temptation. And, once these things get a place on your shelf they will most probably be consumed by you. Doing more harm than good, always remember these things are high in sugar, saturated fat, sodium and calories.

Make a conscious habit of ignoring these things. Create a smart grocery list at home including all the good things for food ingredients ( that you love ) or even healthy snacks. Stick to your list and never go stray for eatables stacked up at the store. Picking up a chocolate or chips once in a while ( not every store visit ) is perfectly fine.

Make a list where you will have all necessary ingredients for healthy meals as well as healthy snacks. Eating healthy in between meals will not only add health benefits but also keeps you at bay ( by filling your tummy ) from non-healthy fattening food. Keep those for cheat meal or cheat days. This way you will not only surrounding yourself with good food, which increases the chances of eating healthy most of the time. You will be saving huge bucks too, making it a dual benefit exercise.

Stick To Cheat Day/Cheat Meal Strategy

You know how the cheat day wait kept you motivated when you were on your weight loss mission. Keep this strategy going to maintain the weight as well. Calculate how many cheat days or meals you want to give to yourself and stick to it no matter what. You can keep cheat days for when you want to go out with your friends or family. Or when you have the food cravings an you just want to binge.

For example: If we want to keep the healthy balanced diet to cheat meals ratio of 80:20. For one month that would turn out to be 24 days of healthy eating and 6 days of cheating. You can further break down cheat days into meals. Like 6 days will make up for 18 meals. Take the cheat meals or cheat days whatever suits you.

This should be more achievable than depriving and forcing yourself to eating only healthy food and then breaking the rules ( it's life ) and fall into trap of Oh !! i have broken the rules and am off track now. And then start advancing on that route to weight gain.

Stay Motivated Always

Get a poster of your before and after weight loss picture and post it where you can see it daily. Some positive quotes related to weight loss and screenshots of lovely compliments you have been getting now on your phone’s home screen will also do the trick. This motivation will keep you going and you will watch out for more good stuff ( exercise, healthy eating ) for yourself rather than losing the track and getting back to weight gain.

Get Post Weight Loss Diet Plan

Having a dietitian made ‘diet plan’ is going to be very helpful to maintain that weight. This way you will know what you are going to eat throughout the day without suffering that weird confusion and ending up ordering pizza and that discounted soft drink. A balanced healthy diet plan should always be at your disposal to know that you are eating right.

Healthy Snacking

Surround yourself with healthy & filling foods and you will dream less about those chips and pizzas. Have healthy snack options ready in your fridge so that when hunger pang strikes you just don't have to eat whatever was available ( often non-healthy ), but what you have kept ready beforehand for yourself a super healthy snack.

Do your research and consult your dietitian, figure out healthy snack options you would love to have beforehand. Shop for those ingredients, make them and eat them in times of hunger. While travelling do carry healthy snack options with you. Like dark chocolate, cacao nibs, dried fruits, air dried popcorn, nuts. Again this will save you money, weight and health.

Keep Getting Back On The Wagon

Vacations, holidays, and stressful life situations happen, and no one eats according to plan all the time. That's OK. The trick is to get back on course as soon as possible. Make it a learning experience, not a failure. Remember that you can move on from setbacks, and maintenance is a marathon, not a sprint. When you're losing weight, you think of an outcome and then find a process that takes you there. For weight maintenance, just keep the process going. Further more be mentally ready that you will get off track at times and you have to move back to healthy habits every single time.

Weight Regularly And Have Fall Back Plan Ready

Research shows getting on the scales daily is a very effective strategy for those trying to maintain weight loss. It's not just weighing yourself that's important; it's having a plan for what to do if your weight exceeds the level you want it to be. Know what works best for your body, you must have noticed on your weight loss journey what worked well for your body those extra exercise minutes, or avoiding calories.

In other words, you need to know how to take action promptly if you see those numbers starting to climb, whether that means trimming back on portion sizes or skipping dessert more often.


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