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Lose Weight and How to Keep It off for Good.

Updated on April 6, 2015

How to lose weight is probably one of the most popular searches in terms of self-help. There are hundreds of different diets on the market. While some of them are truly effective, or at least in the beginning, most of them have one thing in common: The yo-yo effect.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off for good then you should program your body to do so naturally without any synthetic help or the help of fat blockers, diet food or some other weird new fad. Learn how to speed up your metabolism in addition to filling your nutritional gaps. Discover what food can further give your weight loss goal more kick and learn what foods will slow down your metabolism even if they claim to contain no fat or sugar.

Body Toxins

Toxins are our enemies and they slow down body functioning. Most of us here in the Western World do have an overload of toxins in our system. Cleansing out these toxins is your best way to start a weight-loss plan especially if you are extremely overweight. You don't need to do a juice diet to cleanse out your toxins. A simple ph-friendly meal plan will get rid of toxins and fatty tissue deposits the right way. Your digestion will work a lot better. Every body system works a lot better, and your plan to lose weight will become much more effective. Besides if you focus on changing your eating habits versus trying to be on a diet, you won't lose muscle tissue but fat and build-up. Learn about a gentle body detox.

As I mentioned earlier, you don’t need any pills to help you block fat. Fat if eaten in the right combination will help you lose weight. But what we need is nutritional supplemenation because it will provide us with necessary nutrition speeding up our metabolism and continuously neutralizing our body. As we have less toxins in our body, more nutrition can be absorbed, and this nutrition can further help us lose weight, become healthier, gain beautiful skin and hair and boost our emotional health as well. For that reason it is important to create natural and healthy meals supplemented with nutrition that is high in alkaline.

Foods that help you lose weight

Drink plenty of water before and after meals, in between and during sweating. Keep your body hydrated. Water is important for your digestion, your brain health, your tissue health. Your body is made up of about 60% water. Drinking plenty of water will help you lose weight and will further flush out toxins.

Drink 2-3 cups of green tea. Green tea is full of antioxidants protecing your body. Furthermore it speeds up your metabolism a great deal, further helping you flush out toxins. For green tea to be most effective it should be taken without adding sugar.

Eat plenty of fruits, especially apples, pears or citrus fruits. They are high in alkalines which means they give your body further strength to get rid of toxins. Fruits are also high in fibers which promote good digestion.

Eat plenty of green vegetables. Broccoli, for instance, increases your metabolism, or green leavy vegetables. But don’t neglect other very valuable vegetables. Make sure that you always choose fresh and if possible organic products. If you have a farmer in your area consider buying some products from him.

Eat lean meat and fish in moderation. You don’t need tons o fit. There are other healthier sources to gain protein and certain building blocks such as b6 or b12.

Grains and nuts are very good. Moderate amounts of almonds are a wonderful snack. They speed up your metabolism, increase digestion, protect your body against free radicals and are filled with minerals to neutralize toxins.

Foods to avoid

Stay away from processed foods such as chips, pizza, frozen dinners, cookies, etc. They contain so many unhealthy ingredients not helping you at all in your efforts. Don’t forget salad dressings. Don’t buy them, make them yourself. They are simple, taste good and are even much cheaper.

Avoid sugar. The only sugar that you should be consuming is the sugar naturally contained in fruit. Sugar is very high in acids and won’t help with your metabolism at all. Furthermore, it will lower your immunity. Opt for honey if you need it once or twice.

White flour is processed and not healthy. Stay away from breads made with white flour. Choose whole grain breads but limit your consumption as well. Pasta is another white-flour product to avoid.

Sodas which are filled with sugar don’t help you lose weight. Don’t consider diet sodas instead because the ingredients found in diet-foods actually slow down your metabolism and can cause cancer if taken in large quantities. If you would like to drink anythiing else besides just water or green tea you can fill your glass with one part of natural no-sugar added apple juice and one part of pure water.

Alcohol will help you gain weight as it slows down your metabolism. Furthermore, it is very acidic promoting the collection of toxins. So stay away from alcohol or limit its consumption.

How to speed up your metabolism

Eat five times a day

Eating five times a day is essential in keeping your metabolism active. The fewer meals per day the slower your metabolism. If you hear your stomach grumbling you can be certain that your metabolism isn’t active. So if that happens eat an apple or a pear, for instance.

Exercise 2-3 times a week

Exercising is important because it helps your speed up your metabolism. Strength training in particular is beneficial for your muscles as it makes them strong and firm protecting your bones, and a little bit more muscle helps you achieve a desirable body and burn fat. Besides sweating is important as it further eliminates toxins.

Get at least 7 hours of sleep

Staying up late and getting up early will slow down your metabolism. Always go to bed at a time that will guarantee you 7 hours of sleep.

Avoid Stress

Stress is our enemy because it helps us gain weight, especally around the waist. If you know that you are dealing with lots of stress, seek ways to reduce it with either yoga, massage therapy or ancient breathing exercises, for instance.

Get nutritional supplements

Today our food just doesn’t contain the nutritional values like it used to. Essential fatt acids, vitamins, minerals, aminoc acids, etc are necessary elements to keep our health balanced. These nutritional values can fill our gaps and help us lose weight more effectively. Use wholesome supplements that can be best absorbed and metabolized by our body.


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