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Aromatherapy an Alternative Health Treatment

Updated on February 1, 2014

Aromatherapy Utilizes Olfactory Scents

The Aromatherapy Method

Aromatherapy is medical system alternative treatment built upon theories and practice. Aromatherapy is used as a “Mind-Body” medicine designed to enhance the mind's capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms. It utilizes Olfaction, the act or process of smelling in its medical system. The sense of smell is one of the five basic humans senses that include: smelling, hearing, seeing, tasting, and touching. These senses form the harmonious balance that connects our bodies with the universe. The sense of smell is part of our chemical identification system called “Chemosenses.” The nose, mouth, and throat all play a role in helping our brain interpret what we smell. And in turn help to determine the taste of things we eat. Quantum Physics discuss the importance of Protons in informing the mind about the environment using Chemosenses to tell about his or her universe. . All the substances around us release proton molecules. They are in the air, in foods and flowers. The brain uses these proton molecules to identify the olfactory scents. The scents determine the difference between flavors. Of course our other senses play a part in determination of texture and temperature, but without scent, the knowledge about flavor would be lost and familiar flavors of fresh apples or chocolate would be harder to distinguish.

Aromatherapy utilizes volatile liquid plant materials, including essential oils and other aromatic compounds of plants, to stimulate Chemosenses to relax or stimulate the body functions. Potent oils are mixed with a soybean, almond oil, or diluted with alcohol or water, and rubbed on the skin, sprayed in the air, inhaled or applied as a compress. They stimulate the limbic system and emotional centers of the brain with Chemosenses to affect change. They activate thermal receptors on the skin that act as natural antibiotics and fungicides. Aromatherapy practitioners state that Aromatherapy relieves arthritis, fights bacteria, improves circulation, cures shingles, relieve depression, strengthens immunity, enhances memory, and, can heal wounds. Aromatherapy is an alternative companion to Western Medicine because it helps lessen a patient's discomfort following surgery. Aromatherapy like all alternative medicines continues to evolve. Recently, Christine Wildwood, Author of the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy suggests a cleansing Aromatherapy Diet.

The Aromatherapy Healing Diet consists of a 7-day course. First 1-2 day have a fruit fast, Followed by two weeks of eating raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, spring water, juices and herb teas to detox / clean your body. Then for the next week, consume a pure or whole food diet with little to no dairy products, and no more than 1 cup of coffee or 2 cups of tea a day. Now you have completed the detox, adopt an Aromatherapy dieting routine. This diet routine allows you to have a feast 6 out of 7 days. Eating any and everything you like including cream, chocolate, fizzy drinks, coffee. But on the 7th day, you must fast on fruit to clean your liver. Like all dieting routines, this diet is difficult at first. Christine's book is available at most bookstores.

How to make Aromatherapy oils.

Aromatherapy tips


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