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My Near Death Experience

Updated on March 31, 2018

Make of it What You Will

There is much debate about the whole Near Death Experience is it real or is it an hallucination. I am not going to enter into this debate as many more able people have written about this aspect already.

Instead I am going to share with you my own NDE and some of the effects it had on my life, make of it what you will, I know I have.

This is me at about the same age as when the accident occurred

My brother and I on holiday. This was taken at round about the age I was when the accident occurred.
My brother and I on holiday. This was taken at round about the age I was when the accident occurred. | Source

This is my NDE

When I was eleven years old the school that I went to was about two miles away from where I lived. I had a nice two-wheeled bicycle, which meant that I could do the journey to school in about fifteen minutes.

I loved school but I didn’t like the school dinners so I use to cycle home at lunchtime and have my lunch at home. This particular day I had had my lunch and I was on my way back to school.

I rode my cycle through the small terraced streets and I stopped at the junction with the main road. As I was waiting for the traffic to clear so I could turn right onto the main road. I was a little pre occupied with the little shop on the opposite side of the road. I was debating whether I had time to go in and get some sweets.

I had just made up my mind that if I hurried I would have time. I checked the road and started to ride my bicycle across the road. I was about halfway across when I saw this car heading straight for me. Where it came from I don’t know, all I knew that it was heading straight for me.

At this point everything seemed to go into slow motion. I was peddling as hard and fast as I could but it felt like every second was taking about a minute. It felt like I was inching slowly across the road. It was like I was cycling in treacle. I could see clearly the face of the man driving the car. The look on his face was one of shock.

The man’s facial features like every thing else were only moving in slow motion. I could see him almost lifting out his seat from standing on the car’s breaks.

Hovering ten feet off the ground

The next moment I was no longer on my bicycle. Instead I was hovering about ten feet off the ground trying to see what was going on. There was a crowd of people all gathered round something that I couldn’t see. It didn’t seem at all strange that I was in this peculiar position floating 10 feet above the ground.

I thought I don’t have time to stand around here I have got to get back to school. So I went into the shop. The man behind the counter was talking to a lady about the child that had been knocked down by a car outside. I thought well that’s what all those outside are looking at then. I tried to get the shopkeepers attention but he acted like I wasn't there.

Again I thought I better get back outside and ride back to school. I went outside and I could see lots of people still crowding round something. I recognised some of my schoolmates in the crowd so I went over to where they were.

Remember I was still hovering 10 feet up above the ground. It still hadn't dawned on me that this was not my usual mode of travel. I got near my schoolmates and I could hear them talking. I heard one of them say my name they were saying that I was dead, that it was me who had been knocked down.

Revelation time! Floating ten feet above the ground is not normal

For the first time I realised something strange was going on. I went cold from head to foot and I became very frightened. I moved over the top of the crowd I looked down and there I was lying on the road.

I then saw a friend of my mother’s she lived in the house on the corner of the road that I had come out from. I saw her walk from her house she was carrying a blanket and a pillow. They put the blanket over me as I lay in the road and the pillow they placed under my head. Now I was beginning to feel really scared. I suddenly realised that floating above the ground was abnormal.

I knew now why the man in the shop and my schoolmates ignored me it was because they couldn't see me. My body was lying in the road not moving and I had some how come out or been knocked out of my body and was floating about.

How I got out of my body I didn't know, I was beginning to panic, I didn't know what to do.

Liquid Love

It was at this moment that I became aware of a being, that seemed to be very big and made of light. The light that the being was made of, was very bright, but I could some how look at him and not hurt my eyes.

This being just held my hand and said “Do not worry, your time has not yet come. Just wait with me a little while and then you will go back.” His voice seemed to be like liquid love and I heard it not with my ears but somehow with my whole body.

His voice was rich and deep and warm and so comforting and it seemed to fill my whole being. I held his hand and I felt so safe and secure.

There was no fear in me now; in fact I couldn't have cared less if my time had come. I was not at all sure at that moment that I wanted to go back.

I think that if you asked me at that moment to did I want to go back in my body now I might have said no. I didn't get a choice. If I had to choose, back into my body or go with this wonderful being, I think I would have gone with him.

While this wonderful man of light was holding my hand I was no longer in a hurry to go anywhere. I was content to stand holding his hand, I felt safe content and full of joy and peace.

I was back again

Then all of a sudden I seemed to be falling down what seemed to be a long tunnel. Then I was back again in my body, looking up at faces, looking down at me. A ripple of relief went out as I opened my eyes and looked up at them all.

The lady who knew my mum had put a hot water bottle under the blanket and I could feel its warmth. People were telling me to lay still. Then the ambulance arrived and I was carted off to hospital.

My injuries were not great; I had a fracture leg and a bad concussion. I was out of hospital in a few days and back to school as soon as they took the cast off my leg.
That day changed me. It made me a little more careful on my bicycle. But the real change was that I knew from that moment on that I had an allotted time.

Psalms 139:16 (Living) 16 You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!

I knew that no only did I have an allotted time but I also had things to do with that time. I knew that God numbered my days and that I would not go one minute before it was my time.

I knew now that when that time came it would be fine with me. God is perfect and so are all His ways. God has plans for my life and they are good plans. That being was right my time had not yet come.


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