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Diabetes and Cancer -- Get a Second Opinion!

Updated on December 22, 2012

Choosing a Doctor Who's Not Owned by Big Pharma

If I Had Diabetes and Cancer, I'd go looking for another doctor. Most people would give up. In fact, they actually surrendered a long time ago when they first turned their fate over to a conventional medical doctor.

I'm sure your doctor is a well-meaning person. The problem is that, while he or she took the Hippocratic Oath and promised to do nothing that would harm you, your doctor was trained by schools that are highly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, which took no such pledge. Big Pharma, which I'll call them because it's easier to type, is a business. Like most businesses, they are mainly in this health business for the money.

Your health is secondary to Big Pharma

Your doctor is further limited by what the rules of the medical profession decide is the proper treatment for whatever disease you have. And guess who sits on the policy advisory boards of the AMA and your state medical licensing commission? That's right: people with financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

So, your doctor -- like it or not -- is put in the highly paid but uncomfortable position of being basically a sales rep for the Big Pharma. He -- or she -- doesn't have much choice. Keep in mind your doctor has huge overhead expenses, college and med school debt, and is expecting to be paid well for his time, so he goes along with the program (in most cases).

This is why the conventional protocol for treating someone with diabetes and cancer are very much directed by Big Pharma to make as much money from your conditions that they can.It is more profitable for them to "manage" your diabetes, than it is to tell you how to once and for all get rid of the diabetes symptoms, so that is generally what they do.

What Are You Worth To Your Doctor?

The lifetime value to a doctor of managing a case of Type-2 Diabetes is approximately $750,000. The fee for an office visit where the doctor would need to spend more than the typical 8 minutes with you, explaining how you could eliminate the diabetes symptoms with a healthier diet and a daily half-hour brisk walk might pay him $75. Which do you think he's going to choose?

Because your doctor assumes that you would not be willing to change your way of eating -- and most people aren't -- you are not likely to hear much about the full-strength method whereby you could knock this sugar-metabolism problem out for good.

Instead, you, like so many before you, will be placed on a gentle path that leads slowly down to a variety of the really bad consequences of living with diabetes. You will generally be an obedient patient and do just what the doctor tells you (except maybe late at night when you raid the fridge when nobody is looking) -- and over the years you will need more and more medications and maybe some surgeries, too.

I am hoping you are the exception to the way most Americans are conditioned to accept a diagnosis of diabetes and cancer. I am looking for people who, like me, want to do whatever it takes to enjoy the best health, if only someone would tell us what that is.

Hopefully, you don't have diabetes or cancer yet. Perhaps you know you have the risk factors for both and you are looking around for something better than the dismal standard of care that leads most diabetics down that gentle path of doom I mentioned earlier.

Because the risk factors for both diabetes and cancer are so similar, and there are aspects of diabetes that will contribute to cancer's growth and spread (and vice versa), wouldn't you feel better to know you had chosen a doctor who could show you how to knock out the diabetes, rather than merely manage it (thereby giving any undiscovered cancer a chance to grow)?

If so, I'd like to introduce you to a group of medical doctors who take a refreshingly different approach to helping you regain your health -- or, ideally, show you how to safeguard it before you ever lose it to diabetes and cancer.


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