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Weight Loss Without Effort: Eating Food as it is Found in Nature

Updated on October 7, 2012

Easy Health and Weight Loss Through Simple Natural Diet

Articles about the latest discoveries about food are everywhere. Headlines rage: the ten best antioxidant foods, the ten best foods to help you lose weight, the ten most nutrient-dense foods and so on


So many weight and health problems could be solved so easily with simple natural food diets. A well-known veterinarian practiced as such for many years. His basic job was noticing health problems in animals. He said the vast majority of these problems were solved with proper diet. This vet then decided to go to medical school. On graduating he thought he would be focusing on diet to solve health issues in the human population. That is not what happened. He considered why this was...why would the medical professionals not focus on diet as the veterinarians did? The answers are obvious: the doctor is practicing according to the AMA requirements, the doctor wants repeat business, the doctor owns stock in Pfizer, Merck, Roche, or whatever, the doctor believes in poisoning the body with prescriptions, the doctor does not believe in the ability of the patient to care for their own diet even when informed and so forth. Bottom line is there is just no incentive for the doctor to focus on diet ---of what monetary benefit is a healthy patient to the doctor?

The author of this hub was speaking to a friend suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The friend said they had the arthritis under control but was vigilant about not taking too much medication.

The subject of food came up and the author asked the friend about whether she ate much wheat and the friend said that she lived on a lot of wheat including wheat thins, wheat bread, and sandwiches made with whole wheat bread. This friend was surprised to hear that perhaps her diet was contributing to her arthritis. She asked why her physician had not brought this to her attention. The she thought and considered that if she could improve her well-being with proper diet there would be no need for her to visit the physician and the physician would have to find another patient.

Weight Loss Through Raw Foods

Switching topics a bit, the weight loss challenge would not exist if people ate food as nature created it. Neither would many "modern diseases".

Every raw food in nature comes equipped with it's own enzyme to help digest this particular food. Enzymes are unique to each food and they come in shapes with unique chemical conformations to help digest specific foods. Here's the kicker: cooking ruins the shapes of these enzymes. What this means then is that the body has to come up with enzymes to digest the food. Enzymes come from the pancreas. The pancreas is overworked in digesting cooked food. The body is made with only so many enzymes. After they are used up the body needs help digesting the food and here is where diabetes comes in . Insulin is needed to help digest the food.

The reader may be waiting to read about weight loss here. Dear reader--weight loss will occur if you eat raw foods. Your body will be well. Many diabetics will probably not need metformin tablets or insulin injections

Common Ailments Fixed With Foods

A friend described her arthroscopic knee surgery complaining that her health plan had not begun for her to have prescriptions for pain. The author asked if she liked ginger and had ginger in her spice cabinet and said if she were to put a teaspoonful in water, hot or cold, and maybe her choice of flavoring like honey and lemon juice the ginger would alleviate the pain. Sure enough. The friend no longer sought prescription pain medication.

Blood pressure? Try celery. Blurry vision? Try omitting all additives from your diet for a month.

When clogged arteries? Do a google search. How about serrapeptase? How about raw nuts? The author is a biologist, not a doctor. Nature has provided for our good health. Headaches? Try eliminating additives. Raw natural food is the best medicine.

Make Diet Easy With Raw Food

So many diet books, so little time! They aren't necessary either. Americans seem to eat staples like bread and cooked foods and supplement their diets with raw salads smothered with dressing not realizing how much damage they are doing by not following a simple diet with no additives consisting of diverse raw foods.

And for those who think raw diets are boring, if you live near a Whole Foods, go in sometime and see if the almond torte is there made from raw ingredients. They used to sell it for maybe $5 a slice. It is worth every penny for flavor and good health.

So the message is not to be concerned about cooking for health. Eat raw for health. Raw will save the pancreas and provide amazing stunning good health. More examples: celery for blood pressure, nettles for allergies, brazil nuts for muscle spasms, coconut milk for thirst.

Please share your experiences as there are so many observations to be made.

Below is a link to a famous documentary telling how eating raw for 30 days cured diabetes.


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