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Is Gluten Good or Bad?

Updated on July 11, 2023
Kenna McHugh profile image

Kenna works with doctors and natural healthcare professionals. Her experience as a fitness instructor helps her share positive health tips.

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

Gluten sensitivity symptoms are super popular now. We see "Gluten-Free'' or "GF'' on grocery store shelves and labels on such glorified food. Most of us probably don't know what "gluten-free'' means or how gluten food affects our lifestyle.

The medical field uses the term "celiac disease,'' which means a person who has a super gluten sensitivity so much that it affects the immunity system of their intestinal tracts.

The leading expert on a healthy and gluten-free lifestyle, Alessio Fasano, MD, authored Gluten Freedom.

The book contains current and latest research and facts on gluten. The author defines what "gluten'' is and how it can adversely affect the body if it is sensitive to the wheat protein.

Dr. Fasano's book seems nothing like other gluten books. You will find this one easy to read, inspirational, and motivating. It is never monotonous or scholarly boring. You will discover wheat as a tale unraveling the mystery of
signs of gluten sensitivity.

"Gluten sensitivity can affect all body systems and generate a wide variety of symptoms. Gastrointestinal symptoms can include diarrhea, bloating, cramping, abdominal pain and constipation. Behavioral symptoms can include “foggy mind,” depression and ADHD-like behavior. Other symptoms include anemia, joint pain, osteoporosis, and leg numbness."

— Dr. Alessio Fasano, The Tender Foodie Interview

Gluten Sensitivity vs Celiac Disease

The book contains recipes, case studies, and other valuable information about changing your diet. The idea is to live a healthier life if you are wheat-sensitive, gluten-sensitive, or have celiac disease. The author even explains the differences between gluten sensitivity, wheat sensitivity, and celiac disease.

I found this information helpful because my chiropractor tested me for allergies and told me I am allergic to wheat. I thought wheat and gluten were one of the same--they are not. I would not have known that if I hadn't read the book. Gluten is in wheat but is not the cause of being allergic to wheat.

Celiac disease is the most important one to diagnose.

The hardship the disease can cause the body is awful. A celiac disease test is the best way to achieve a celiac disease diagnosis. The book does suggest it might be a smart move if you want to eliminate gluten by yourself and see how you do.

The author suggests eliminating gluten from your diet altogether. If you feel better and do better, then it is the right action. Some call this self-prescribe but make sure you do feel better. Many people eliminate gluten from their diet for no reason when they might have another health issue misunderstood as a "gluten" problem.

Because it is "the thing to do," have you cut back on eating gluten or taken it out of your diet?

See results

Define Gluten Free

Gluten Test

A woman walked into the clinic using a cane, was tested for gluten sensitivity, and was found not sensitive to gluten. Wrong. The patients on their own decided to eliminate gluten from their diet, and within weeks, their symptoms went away. One such case study was a woman who walked into Dr. Fasano's clinic with a cane. Using the clinic's tests for sensitivity, he couldn't find any problems relating to a wheat or gluten diet. The doctor's clinic suggested she try a gluten-free diet on her own and see what happens. She came back a year later with the clinic, pleased to hear she ran a marathon.

Gluten Freedom is a book worth discovering as another solution to gastrointestinal problems that lead to other health problems caused by wheat or gluten. With all the gluten-free products available now, why not give it a try to see if you feel better.

In an interview with The Tender Foodie, Dr. Fasano reports, "Research from the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research indicates that it (gluten sensitivity) affects approximately 18 million people or six percent of the population."

Gluten Free Foods

Grocery stores have quite a few selections of gluten-free products since it is popular with the general public. Some manufacturers may have gluten-free and GMO-free flours like peanut, almond, and oat flours.

Peanut flour might also be in some high protein and low carb foods. Coconut flour is another gluten-free flour you can use for baking if your kids are allergic to peanuts.

Know Your Body

Keep in mind giving up gluten or wheat doesn`t mean all your health problems are solved. The author contradicts himself in the book when he says eliminating wheat or gluten is terrible without a doctor`s supervision.

You know your body, so be your counsel, and learn what is right for you.

© 2015 Kenna McHugh


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