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How to control your emotions?Makes your life happy and stress free

Updated on November 14, 2013

“Do not let another day go by where your dedication to other people's opinions is greater than your dedication to your own emotions!” Steve Maraboli

I was once very short tempered and would always indulge in petty arguments with my only daughter. I was convinced that I was always right and that my daughter was always wrong. I would lengthen my arguments till I was exhausted.

One day, I just sat down and analyzed myself. How much of good or bad qualities did I have?

  • I was confident
  • I was friendly
  • I was empathetic

But I was also very emotionally prone which negated all the good characteristics I had.

‘I will be in control of my emotions’, I told myself, and to this day I have kept my word. I have changed so much that my daughter is surprisingly pleased to see her usually emotionally charged mother, very soft spoken and reasonable.

Do not be slave to your emotions

When you are slave to your emotions, you have no control over it. You dance to its tune and make others unhappy. Different types of emotions cause different type of reactions from you. The most unwelcome emotion is your anger.

Anger hurts others

When you are angry in a mild form, it does not hurt anyone, but the sad thing is that anger is never mild. When you are angry, your emotions boil over and you totally lose control over your reasoning power. Words come with a force of a hurricane and lashes out hurt and resentment to destroy relationship.

Pause for a while

When you feel anger, leave the place from where your anger originated. Pause for a while before you utter words and that second is enough for you to think twice before saying the hurting words that came gushing forth. Breathe in deeply to feed your angered mind with fresh oxygen and you feel yourself unwinding.

You should have a certain amount of mental detachment to win over your anger. When you become too involved, your emotions run high and when something happens to upset your emotions, you flare up.

Never cry at the drop of hat

Another emotion you should control is your crying. Though crying is normal, it does show you as a weak person. Why should you cry when there are always solutions to your problems? When you feel weakened emotionally and want to cry, do it in privacy.

When you are with others you should practice control over your crying. Brace yourself to face any situation. Even when you are undergoing tremendous stress in life, never buckle down. Face it bravely and you are surprised at your capacity to tackle problems.

Depression destroys life

Depression is a destructive emotion which destroys your life as no other emotion can. When you are depressed, you do not listen to reasoning and it makes your life completely miserable. You shut yourself in your own negative world and you are convinced that you will never succeed. Such negative thought cloud your mind and you cease to think with clarity.

Night is followed by dawn.

Night is followed by dawn and as in nature, so also in your life, you too will see happiness and goodness in life. Those who suffer are the children of god and he never lets you down. When you work with hope, you will succeed one day.

‘Emotions are temporary states of mind. Don’t let them permanently destroy you’-Christyle

Hope, self confidence, honesty and hard work always pays. When you can control your emotions, you control your life. Your mind is such a pet which does what you want it to do. So order you mind to control any negative emotions and make it your friend to do things which make you successful and flourishing.

© 2012 mathira


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