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5 Ways to Recover When You're In a Bad Mood

Updated on November 16, 2011

Whether they creep up on you through a series of small jabs and losses or slap you upside the head like a huge, tepid herring, bad moods can really mess up a day. To make things worse, nobody is spared from their mirth-crushing wrath. Even if you feel splendid today, you could feel horrid tomorrow.

Unpleasant moods may be inevitable, but, as with so many things, admitting that you are in poor spirits is the first step toward recovery!

Here are five simple things you can do to pull out of that funk and get on with being the dashing hero of your secret internal narrative:

That it does, amigo.
That it does, amigo. | Source

Take a Big Swig of Perspective

The first thing I do upon realizing that I am in a bad mood is assess my situation in the larger scheme of things.

Am I alive? Am I healthy? Am I injured? Am I in danger? Am I nourished? Am I safe? Usually, no matter how bad of a day I have had, the answer to all of those questions is a big resounding (if begrudging) "yes."

When you're feeling down, consider the wider scheme of things. You might be feeling bad at the moment, but that's just the moment. As they say, this, too, shall pass.

Besides, it is inevitable that bad things should happen. S#!^ happens. But good stuff happens, too. So just slog through this and let the good times roll.

Look At Hilarious Photos and Video

You probably want to punch me in the neck for even thinking of suggesting something so obvious, but funny images are the perfect antidote to a bad day. They're free, harmless, hilarious, and just the thing one needs to forget about one's troubles.

Besides, I want an excuse to share some a couple classic lolcat photos. I mean, they're the chicken soup of the internet, for the love of blog!

Bon appetite, Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Click thumbnail to view full-size

Listen to Your Body

You know how sometimes babies cry because they've got a poopy diaper or a stomach ache? Surprise, surprise... adults do the SAME THING. If you're feeling crappy, it might be because...

  • You need a nap
  • You're dehydrated
  • You're very hungry
  • You're too hot or too cold
  • You need to sit down and rest
  • You need to use the bathroom

... so ADDRESS THOSE NEEDS! You'll be surprised by how big a difference some basic bodily care can make.

Boy, just the other day, I was walking the streets of Harajuku, ready to kill myself just to put an end to the misery, and then someone suggested I nab a sports drink from a nearby vending machine. Just seconds after my first swig, I was happy as a clam, smiling and bouncing around like a drugged bunny! After that point, I made more of an effort to keep fed and watered, and I've dealt with far fewer mood swings.

Howsabout some impromptu pole dancing?
Howsabout some impromptu pole dancing? | Source


You don't need extra help to enjoy a boost of endorphins. All you need to do is move around!

If you're feeling crummy, consider...

  • Going to a walk
  • Dancing
  • Taking a class at a gym
  • Taking a scenic bike ride
  • Doing some yoga or Pilates

Even if the workout doesn't help you feel better, you'll still have exercised! So at least your body will be better off.

And guess what... studies have shown that regular exercise could lead to a better self-image, which may augment your moods over a long-term period!

Think Of Others

Now, I try to avoid thinking of anything aside from my own selfish pleasure, but when I am in poor spirits, I find that doing a good deed, helping others, or even sending a kind email or thank you note will work wonders on my mood.

Perhaps it is that this exercise makes one switch one's focus to external events and people and not one's own suffering that makes it so effective. Or perhaps doing something good for once gives an ego boost sufficient to shift one's mood up a couple gears.

I honestly don't care why this works. I just care that it does work. So if you can tolerate a bit of benevolence, try...

  • Donating to a charity
  • Buying flowers for a family member
  • Leaving a small basket of goodies on a neighor's front porch
  • Writing a thank you note
  • Sending a kind email to a friend with whom you have lost touch

... To get out of that grumpy ditch you've been wallowing in.

What's your go-to bad mood cure?

See results

What Works for You?

These things help me out a lot when I'm in a bad mood. I hope they make a difference for you, too!

If there is something else that you do to buck up in times of grumpiness, tell me about it! Share your bad mood fixes and tips in the comments.

And.... Erm... If none of the proposed bad mood cures in this guide or the comments below make a difference for you, just remember to not shoot the messenger!!!


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