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Natural Induce Labor: Acupressure

Updated on December 8, 2016
Acupressure and Inducing Labor
Acupressure and Inducing Labor

Inducing Labor Through Acupressure

Having a baby is a great feeling, especially knowing that the baby is coming close to being born. But when the doctor feels that medically induce labor is in the best interest, you may want to consider natural labor methods. There are many mothers that prefer natural labor induction over being medically induced. Being induced medically has its negativity, some might feel it’s too intense. The use of prostaglandins suppositories is directly inserted into the vagina every few hours and Cervidil suppositories are inserted every 12 hours. Prostaglandins are used to help stimulate the cervix to “drop” the baby in order to induce labor. Medically induced labor is usually a last option for those looking to have induction done, obstetrician usually recommend the use of natural induction as a first approach to induction. Acupressure has been around for thousands of years, these are pressure points used by Chinese physicians to stimulate certain response to respond to specific health conditions.

Acupressure for Induction

Acupressure has been known to be able to induce labor through a series of pressure points. But from many who have used this method found that it was able to help with pain and induction. Acupressure can help relief pain from labor and also shorten the delivery time; it has been very effective as a nursing management technique for women in labor. Acupressure is a safe way to a naturally induce without any chemical intake. And soft and gentle method compare to others makes acupressure quite a favorite among midwives. It is similar to acupuncture except it is with fingers and thumbs and not needles. The point of pressure varies from the lower body to the upper body; each part of the body has a pressure point for different functions. The acupressure techniques are fairly easy to do and the only challenge is locating the pressure point. The way to usually tell if you have found it, it's to apply pressure and when the location is right it will feel like you are applying pressure on a sore or bruise. Most of the pressure point may require a partner to accomplish, when holding the pressure points it will be tender and even painful but afterwards it should feel relaxing.

This should be done with deep breaths for a more relax feeling, or after a hot bath. Being relax is important before beginning the acupressure session. The fingers and thumb are important on how it will hold the pressure point and rub in a circular motion. The fingers and thumb should hold like a clamp, ex. the ankle, the fingers behind the pressure point and the thumb applying pressure and moving in a circular motion. All the acupressure techniques should be applied for 1 minute, than break for 30 seconds and re-applied.

Spleen 6 (3 to 4 finger width above ankle)
Spleen 6 (3 to 4 finger width above ankle)
Bladder 60 (Behind ankle bone and before Achilles' Tendon)
Bladder 60 (Behind ankle bone and before Achilles' Tendon)
Bladder 32 (Finger width above the depression)
Bladder 32 (Finger width above the depression)

Maternity Acupressure Points

Below are some maternity acupressure points that can help.

  • 3 to 4 finger width above the inside ankle bone a little towards the back (Spleen 6)
  • The area below the ankle bone right behind the Achilles' Tendon is another (Bladder 60)
  • Pinky toe, apply pressure to both pinky toe for 1 minute (Spleen 6)
  • The webbing between the thumb and pointer finger is a pressure point (Hoku)
  • Where the spine runs into a depression into the buttocks, a finger width above the depression is the pressure point (Bladder 32)

The Benefits of Acupressure

  • It’s natural
  • Reduce morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting
  • Reduce Cesarean rates
  • Helps reduce labor pain
  • Increase dilation
  • Keep relaxation at its max
  • Increases the rate of a natural birth being on time
  • Turn a posterior baby

Acupressure For Inducing Labor

Why Acupressure?

There are reasons why this would be the method appreciated. Other methods may be too intense or painful. Acupressure does not only help with induction of labor but also helps with relieving pain during labor. It’s a process of massages and relaxations and it is possibly the best way to handle labor with rest in mind. I hope all this will help those looking into this.

Note: This is to be used after the 40th week.


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