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Life's Little Annoyances

Updated on April 28, 2013

As one gets older, maybe I'm only speaking for myself, their nerves can only take so much of other human beings before they have a major meltdown. Pet peeves lurk everywhere high and low. I just thought I’d take the time to recognize what annoyances drive me up the wall. Hopefully I’m not alone.

The Nose Laugher

If this is you I apologize but laughing was not meant to come out of your nose. There are things living in there that we do not want to see come out or even imagine coming out. So if this describes your laughing style carry a Kleenex with you for the safety and respect of others.


This is dedicated to those that enter a room saying, “Huh?” You weren’t even in on the conversation that was being discussed before you entered the room. So what makes you think that the laughter or discussion that you walked in on involved you? It's as if they didn't catch what you just said even though they weren't apart of the convo. I don't get it.

Corn Chewer

In the movies the only thing I want to hear is the movie. I don’t want to hear your popcorn chewing because your mouth is wide open as you pop each kernel in your mouth. And when I look back at you, that doesn’t mean right on, keep up the good annoying. It means pipe down. Pop and chew with your mouth closed please. It’s only courteous.

Loud Talker

Guess what? I don’t care that your mother thinks you’re irresponsible because you left your child with someone else because you’re sick. First of all, the whole store doesn’t need to know that nor do we care, so lower your voice. Secondly, I don’t want your nasty cold either so go spread your germs elsewhere and take your phone with you. At this day and age, you’d think people will realize that phones have microphones and the person on the other end can hear them just fine without them yelling into the phone.

Germ Spreader

The above draws my attention to those that are sick but still choose to come into work anyway. Just because you decided to take NyQuil the morning you go into work does not mean that your cold has dissipated. You are sick and potentially passing on whatever you have to the next person. Guess what, I don't want to have to stay home sick and lose out on my income because you want to spread your little green men (germs) around the place just so you won't lose out on yours.

The Facebooker

“I cooked dinner.”, “I pet the dog.”, “I just went to the bathroom.” Who cares?! I don’t. And guess what, chances are very high that all the friends you have on Facebook don’t care either. Please stop going on and on about little tid bits of nothing. You are not Paris Hilton, Demi and Ashton or any other super star that everyone has an interest in and wants to know every little detail about. And even then, I still won't care.

How To Handle These Annoyances

As I get older, my tolerance for these annoyances get shorter and shorter. Perhaps I just need to be on medication. I’m convinced of it. Until I get the meds I need, here are a few ways to deal with life's little annoyances:

Accept What You Cannot Change

This is one I have to really come to grips with. You can change yourself and what is yours but you cannot change another human being or their actions. It is out of your control so deal with it.

Take Yourself Out of the Equation

In the case of the popcorn chewer, though I threw darts at them with my eyes, it did not help so I merely moved to a more pleasing seat in the theater. Rather than get into a verbal conflict I took myself from the annoyance and enjoyed the rest of the movie.

Ignore It

With the Facebooker, I choose to ignore their comments. It only stresses me out, for reasons I can't explain, so I just don't look at them. My next step will soon be to remove said person from my friends list. This action is fast approaching.

Laugh At the Situation

With those that come into a room uttering, Huh? I just laugh. What they are doing and why is beyond me so all I can do is secretly laugh at them as they questioningly enter and carry on with the conversation.

Hopefully with these few tips you can let those annoying things roll off. It's really not worth being annoyed by them. If you had bigger problems you'd be more focused on those. So just chalk your silly annoyances up to having a blessed and trouble free life.


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