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Obama Knifes America's Poor and Sick in the Back!

Updated on March 15, 2010
Obama to poor & sick people:  SCREW YOU!
Obama to poor & sick people: SCREW YOU!

I just finished watching that sorry, traitorous speech given by Barack Obama about health care.

He is nothing but a coward and a traitor to the American people.

He came out in the beginning of his campaign loudly proclaiming that he would make sure all Americans had health care by supporting HR 676. Three months later he had flip-flopped, and was promoting a plan which favored health care insurance companies instead.

And his speech ran true to form. I knew as soon as I heard him proudly announce that he would "hold insurance companies accountable", that he would knife us all in the back.

And I was right.

There are 49 million people in this country who are going without medical care because they can not afford health care insurance premiums. Many have lost their homes, and are jobless, homeless, and destitute. And many Americans are dying because they can not get health care.

Obama's solution? TO CHARGE THESE PEOPLE A FINE FOR NOT HAVING HEALTH CARE INSURANCE AS IF WE WERE CARS! In fact, he even stated that everyone would be required to purchase health care insurance like they are required to purchase auto insurance, or be fined.

Now how in the world are these destitute, jobless, sick people going to be able to afford to purchase health care insurance? Much less be able to pay the exorbitant fines imposed by a fascist and greedy, money-grubbing government! What sense can this possibly make, to further victimize the very people who are already being victimized by being forced to go without medical care because they can not afford it?

Oh, yes. Obama has it all figured out.

He will hold insurance companies "accountable". (That's a joke! I'd like to see how he proposes to regulate the insurance companies - they sure couldn't "regulate" the SEC, the big banking companies, nor the auto manufacturers, could they? They took our bailout money and awarded themselves multi-million dollar bonuses, invested all our money in China and outsourced factories to other countries, further worsening our collapsed economy and annihilating our jobs, didn't they? Did they save one homeowner from foreclosure? No, they did NOT help one single American! You call that "holding them accountable"? Yeah, right!)

He will prohibit them from denying health care to people who have pre-existing conditions. He will improve communication between health care providers (ie: computerized invasion of medical records privacy!) and he will make it even HARDER for us to protect ourselves from the abuse, medical negligence and malpractice done on poor Americans by greedy, opportunistic doctors than the Bush administration already made it.

And he will also ensure that health care insurance companies enrich themselves even FURTHER by requiring that ALL AMERICANS purchase health care insurance from these thieving, monopolistic entities who have appended themselves like bloodsuckers onto the American people and the health care delivery system.

Ask yourself this: What will they do about the poor and indigent among us who can not afford to purchase a health care plan? And who can not afford to pay a fine of thousands of dollars for not having this insurance? (And, who, naturallly, will continue to GO WITHOUT MEDICAL CARE BECAUSE WE HAVE NO INSURANCE AND NO MONEY!!!!)

What are they going to do to these people when they don't pay their fines? Sick people, poor people, who have no money, and who are doing without medical care. What will they do then?

You can bet your last blood pressure pill it won't be help them get medical care!

Our government intends to do no less that incarcerate these poor sick people and FURTHER victimize them.

I am ASHAMED of the US government.

I am DISGUSTED with the greedy, selfish, heartless, lying creeps who run this country.


We are not cars. We are human beings. And how are people going to pay for fines if they can't afford the health insurance in the first place? Why are people going without health care in the first place? Because they can't afford it. DOH!!!!!!! Obama has slipped his traitorous knife right through the ribs of all poor Americans.

These greedy corporate opportunists are not happy with the trillions they have stolen already. They're not happy with having ruined our economy, and having taken away our homes and our jobs. They want every last single dime from the poor and down trodden in this country. And they will get it any way they can.

There must be a revolution in this country. We must get rid of this fascist government and start all over again with one that truly represents the will of the people - a government that puts the welfare and the well-being of America, and all Americans, before the welfare of corporations, international bankers, and big money.

We have people dying in this country because they can not have medical care, nor proper diagnostics, nor their medications. And I will be the next one of these who are dying.

Medical care is a civil right. Not a privilege for those who can afford to pay for it.

Obama just sentenced me to death.

I can't afford to pay for health care insurance.

I am too sick to work.

I am already doing without health care and all of my medications.

And now on top of that, I will be required to pay a fine and be incarcerated when I can't afford to pay it.

We as Americans should be ashamed of ourselves. Because we have allowed this fascist government to turn us all into valueless, powerless slaves with no rights at all.

When will Americans ever wake up and realize what is happening?


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