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How to manage Obesity

Updated on June 22, 2016

Introduction of Obesity and Overwight

Obesity is a metabolic condition that is characterized with unwaveringly high bass mass index (BMI). This condition is one of the trending metabolic epidemics especially in countries like United States. This condition is usually due to lifestyle but studies now indicate that there is significant genetic relationship with the condition. Individuals who suffer from obesity usually have family history of individuals with the same condition

However, this is one of the conditions that can be managed without intensive pharmacologic interventions. Obesity is common in individuals who lack adequate physical activity. This can be due to the type of lifestyles that people might be exposed to. Most children who come from rich families tend to be at higher risks of developing obesity due to the sedentary lifestyle that the rich live. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the potential; fueling agents that has been noticed in most sufferers of this condition

Moreover, lack of physical activity is often known for accumulation of fat in the adipose tissues and vital organs like heart. Consumption of large mounds of food substances containing high levels of fat increase the chances of an individual developing obesity. However, there is evidence that not only lack of exercise would reduce the development of obesity, but a number of factors must be looked at

On the other hand, lack of physical activity increases the chances of poor blood circulation due to occluded vessels. This increases the chances of developing other medical conditions like heart diseases and cancer. Obese individuals have increased chances of developing other medical conditions. With time, obesity can progress leading to debility on the sufferers.

Additionally, poor dietary control is known for obesity. A number of individuals tend to lavish sweet foods containing a lot of sugar and fats not knowing that these are the potential causes of obesity. Consumption of high sugar-containing foods causes obesity. This is rampant in affluent populations where most of the consumed for is not spent on physical activities. Ideally, accumulation of digested end products results into clogged vessels as well as massive deposition of fats on the muscle and organ tissues

Genetics among other social factors has also been identified as another potential determinant in the development of obesity. It rejuvenates the ability of an individual to develop obesity; however, it is often preventable and does not occur obviously among families. Obesity runs in families since a group of family members are often exposed to similar predisposing factors. This can initiate similar genes in these individuals thus leading to obesity.

Management of Obesity

However, there are various ways that can be used to manage obesity. Obesity can be managed through strategies like physical exercise, dietary modification as well as through pharmacological intervention. There are individuals who have compulsive eating disorder. These disorders are often managed through pharmacological interventions; however, not all obesity cases result from the feeding disorders therefore other strategies can be applied

Another important strategy often applied in case of obesity is the lifestyle modification. Lifestyle modification targets the sedentary lifestyles where exercise and dietary modification are applied. The diets and the exercise can be used to reduce the ability of individuals to develop the condition. Moreover, individuals can be encouraged to avoid foods that initiate the propagation of obesity

In addition, pharmacological interventions have also been devised to help in managing obesity. The interventions involve using of medications that reduce the levels of lipids in the circulations. These medication; e.g. statins, help to reduce the circulating lipids reducing the chances of other conditions like diabetes and cardiac diseases. All in all, the management of obesity remains one important strategy in preventing other medical conditions.


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