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PMDD What Is It? You Can Have Both Bipolar and Pmdd. Update: My symptoms are mostly gone!

Updated on July 20, 2023
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Rosemary is author of six books on mental health and inspirational poetry. She is a motivational speaker and a volunteer peer advocate.

PMDD stands for Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder, a severe form of pms, in only 3-8% of women.

I was diagnosed bipolar at age 16, and later found out, after being off of lithium- the drug given for it, at the time- that my mood fluctuations have not only to do with my bipolar but my period. What I want to share, is that this disorder, Pmdd, is definitely real and very difficult. Now that I'm on better meds, I've noticed that I don't really have bipolar symptoms anymore, I only get moody around my cycle and so it's really important to know more about PMDD what it is and how to treat it and cope with it.

My experience with Pmdd is that it makes an ordinary menstrual cycle much worse, and the symptoms can be extremely disruptive causing extreme irritability and depression as well as physical symptoms such as long periods, that can last seven days, and also physical discomfort.

I do feel I have self control over myself and my emotions, but it is a very heavy 'cross' to carry, so I, again, am seeking out medical help.

I have made an appointment with my doctor to be seen and hopefully get some kind of remedy. I did watch a very helpful video- it was helpful in the fact that it gave me hope, that I could get help for this affliction, that there are doctors who can and will treat it. I will show this video below. I am definitely no expert, but I know the symptoms I have listed above that I've experienced and they are not fun. I hope this helps someone else, discover that they may have pmdd, and seek help like I am.

I believe it is possible to find and use a better method of coping, up to and including diet and exercise. I do know limiting caffeine is important for one and cutting down on sugar intake. The human body is a very sensitive thing, is it not? Thanks for watching the video and your comments are very welcome.


Let's compare the symptoms of Pmdd and bipolar

I feel this is very important, as this illness of women should be more well known and recognized!!!

Pmdd symptoms

  • fatigue,
  • mood changes
  • abdominal bloating
  • breast tenderness
  • headache
  • irritability,
  • depression,
  • increased appetite,
  • acne,
  • over sensitivity to environmental stimuli,
  • hot flashes,
  • heart palpitations,
  • easy crying,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • dizziness,
  • sleeplessness,
  • forgetfulness, and
  • gastrointestinal (stomach, bowel) upset.

PMDD symptoms are related to the menstrual cycle, typically occurring in the second half (luteal phase) of the cycle, and resolving within the first few days after the menstrual period has begun.


Bipolar symptoms

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder with distinct periods of extreme euphoria (mania) and sadness or hopelessness (depression). It's also known as manic depression or manic depressive disorder.

Bipolar disorder occurs with similar frequency in men and women. But there are some differences between the sexes in the way the condition is experienced.

For example, a woman is likely to have more symptoms of depression than mania. And female hormones and reproductive factors may influence the condition and its treatment.

Research suggests that in women, hormones may play a role in the development and severity of bipolar disorder. One study suggests that late-onset bipolar disorder may be associated with menopause. Among women who have the disorder, almost one in five reported severe emotional disturbances during the transition into menopause.

Studies have looked at the association between bipolar disorder and premenstrual symptoms. These studies suggest that women with mood disorders, including bipolar disorder, experience more severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome(PMS).

Other research has shown that women whose disorders are treated appropriately actually have less fluctuation in mood over the course of the menstrual cycle.

The greatest evidence of a hormonal association with bipolar disorder is found during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Women with bipolar disorder who are pregnant or have recently given birth are seven times more likely than other women to be admitted to the hospital for their bipolar disorder. And they are twice as likely to have a recurrence of symptoms.



I have learned that I have both bipolar and pmdd. If I'm not on my meds I get manic, hypersexual and paranoid, and depressed. But, despite being on the meds I'm on, I still get really difficult PMDD. I notice that during my 6 days of bleeding, I am depressed pretty badly and also emotional and cry, and also irritable some of the time. Also, a day before I bleed, I feel irritable and 2 weeks before I bleed, I typically have an irritable day. I have learned to mark my calendar to try and be aware of when this will happen.

This has messed up relationships especially romantic but also friends and interfered with family as well. It's really tough. You need to understand what is happening to you and then have your friends and family understand and tell your romantic partner to track your period...they will be glad they did. Let them know NOT TO TAKE ANYTHING PERSONAL while you are having pmdd. Also tell them to please not provoke you. I get very angry easily during that time.

This subject has become so important to me and my health, that I'm writing a book on it now.

UPDATE!!! A year ago (or more) I stopped having terrible mood swings during my period!!!

I wanted to let people know that PMDD does not last forever.

When I was on lithium from age 16-about 34 or 35, I didn't even notice that I had PMDD which is great. But I'm sure I had Pms like all women do.

After I got off lithium, I felt my emotions much more strongly and was not as numb.

It was later on, after awhile I started having the suicidal ideation around my cycle (and irritability). I would literally stay home 6 days out of the month.

It worked (staying home). To avoid uncomfortable interactions with people as I didn't feel well.

Well, over a year ago, I'm not sure the exact day, I noticed I stopped having severe symptoms.

This is life changing!!!

There IS hope that it gets better. I don't recall how many years I had the pmdd, but it was more than 5.

I am very grateful that this has gone away.

I now realize that pmdd was worse than bipolar because nothing got rid of it.

Not even birth control helped.

I will say again, that now my periods (I still have them at 47) are much more mild as far as mood. I have self control and can be around people almost all of the 5 or 6 days of my cycle.

I may stay home one day because of fatigue.

I am very grateful my life is much better and easier.

As far as bipolar I don't have many symptoms (like irritability or depression) very much. I have anxiety about some things.

But I'm functioning a lot better today.


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