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Roman Chamomile: the plant's physician

Updated on February 4, 2015
Image courtesy of Takashi(aes256) @Flickr
Image courtesy of Takashi(aes256) @Flickr
Image courtesy of jfl1066 @ Flickr
Image courtesy of jfl1066 @ Flickr

Anthemis nobilis - not your every day daisy!

Said to give Roman soldiers courage in battle, and a clear mind, the chamomile plant was also thought to heal any plant around it, hence the title of "plant's physician", according to aromatherapist and author Roberta Wilson. Those same Roman soldiers also carried it with them to use on all injuries and illnesses.

The name "Roman Chamomile" is not a reference to the use of the oil by Roman soldiers, but rather a nod to the area it is indigenous to.

Interesting fact: The Roman Chamomile plant smells like apples!

Have you used Roman Chamomile essential oil?

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Properties of Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile has a floral, sweet, herbaceous aroma.

The oil is obtained by steam distillation.

The main chemical components of Roman Chamomile are Isobutyl angelate and isoamyl angelate

Has a calming effect on the skin, the mind, and the body.

Health benefits of Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile is a soothing essential oil. It promotes a general feeling of calmness, helpful if you are sad or worried, it also helps to support monthly discomfort for many women.

If you experience tense muscles, this wonderful oil can be massaged onto the body, it supports a healthy respiratory system, and Roman Chamomile helps to relieve digestive discomfort.

Continuing along that soothing theme, Roman Chamomile may also help with skin conditions. Try it on itchy skin, as well as oily or irritated skin.

Roman Chamomile will help to support healthy gums, and is a catalyst when removing toxins from the body.

Got a grouchy kid or a crying baby? Try diffusing Roman Chamomile!

Image courtesy of .through my eyes. @ Flickr
Image courtesy of .through my eyes. @ Flickr

Emotional benefits of Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile has some sedative-like properties that help to calm and relax. It can be used to benefit your mood, ease worries, and support you through sad times. It may help with nightmares, or night terrors in children, hence promoting a good night's sleep.

Roman Chamomile may help get you through your next performance review! It can help soften any criticism you may receive, as well as removing thoughts of self-doubt. It nurtures and soothes, and may help you regain composure due to hysteria or grief. It can also help you to regain control, and release the grip of those who control you.

Due to it's soothing and calming effects, Roman Chamomile is one of the ingredients in doTERRA's Serenity blend.

How to use Roman Chamomile

Roman Chamomile essential oil is rated as GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) by the FDA, and therefore can be taken internally. Take Roman Chamomile oil in a capsule to rid the body of intestinal parasites.

Apply the oil directly to any areas of concern.

Diffuse into the air to take advantage of Roman Chamomile's calming properties. Roman Chamomile helps the body to access serotonin, which is why it works so well as a calming agent.

Mild enough to use topically for children, use it in a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil. Essential oils should never be put directly in the ear canal. You will get just as much benefit from placing a drop on your finger and running it down behind the ear, down the jawline.

Blends well with:

  • Lavender
  • Clary Sage
  • Geranium
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Frankincense
  • Basil
  • Coriander
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Majoram

Other uses for Roman Chamomile

Help your kids drift off to sleep with an after-bath massage using 1 drop each of Roman Chamomile and Lavender in a non-scented lotion.

Inhale Roman Chamomile to boost confidence.

Add it to your hair conditioner.

Add to your facial moisturizer for silky smooth skin.

Add to hot water when you're out of chamomile tea.


Avoid the use of Roman Chamomile during pregnancy until labor starts. Then, it will be helpful.

Roman Chamomile is a vasodilator (it opens up veins, promoting blood flow). Avoid using it in the two weeks leading up to surgery.

Roman Chamomile essential oil by doTERRA
Roman Chamomile essential oil by doTERRA


The information shared in this hub has not been evaluated by the FDA. The products and methods recommended are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease, nor is it intended to replace proper medical help.

Kindly understand that essential oils work to help to bring the body into balance - thus helping the body's natural defenses to restore homeostasis. Essential oils are not used to "treat" medical problems. Thank you for your sharing with others.


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