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Stop Diabetes Now

Updated on May 17, 2019
Kulsum Mehmood profile image

Kulsum Mehmood is an Eye Consultant in a Private Eye Institute. She likes to write and can cook delicious meals.

Stop diabetes now

Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the blood sugar gets elevated either due to deficient formation of insulin or by defective utilization of insulin at the tissue level. The first condition is called as type 1 diabetes and the second condition is called as type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is characterized by elevation of blood sugar levels( hyperglycemia), increased thirst (polydypsia), increased hunger(polyphagia) and increased urination(polyurea).

Type 1 diabetes is usually present in the children wherein the hormone insulin which is secreted by the islets of Langerhan of pancreas is deficient. It has now been found in the surveys that diabetes in children is increasing gradually so that more and more children are now being affected by type 1 diabetes. The etiology may be either genetic or obesity in the childhood. This has led to an epidemic of diabetes. The world over as many as 200 children under the age of 14 will develop the disease every day.

People who are overweight have a much higher rate of diabetes. The condition affects just about every organ in the body. It reduces blood flow to various organs of your body leading to heart attack, stroke, impotence and amputations of legs and feet. Diabetics are more likely to develop damaged nerves and kidneys, are more prone to infections and are more likely to die of pneumonia or influenza. Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in people ages 20 to 75. Women with untreated diabetes are at higher risk for pregnancy complications.

Recent studies indicate that diabetes may even raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. People with borderline diabetes are more likely to develop dementia. One study suggests that the higher your blood sugar, the greater your risk of dementia as you age.

The good news : There are ways to lower your risk, as mentioned below.

Stop diabetes now !

There is no cure for diabetes, but it’s often preventable – and even reversible. What you can do is :

Losing even five kilos of your body weight can make a difference. Being overweight increases the risk of premature death from all causes.

Daily exercise reduces blood sugar, helps you lose weight and can even prevent heart disease – the leading cause of death among people with diabetes. Walk briskly for 20 to 30 minutes a day and you can discourage the development of this dreaded disease.

Reduce your daily fat intake. When you eat less fat you eat fewer calories. This prevents obesity and limits increase of blood cholesterol and the complications such as stroke, peripheral vascular disease and heart attack.

Avoid intake of bad carbs These include sugar, white flour and rice, and sweeteners used in some soft drinks and processed foods. They are low in fibre, so they are absorbed quickly, causing blood sugar to rise. This stimulates your pancreas to produce insulin. Repeated surges of insulin may make your body resistant to it, which causes more to be made. This may lead to diabetes.

Consume plenty of good carbs. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy. All are rich in fibre, which makes you feel full, prevents overeating and helps keep your blood sugar steady.

Keep stress low. While in stress, your body produces hormones that make blood sugar rise. Chronic stress can cause insulin resistance, which in turn may promote diabetes. So prevent stress as much as you can.

Importance of good control of Diabetes

All diabetics are susceptible to certain problems affecting the eyes, kidneys, arteries and nervous system. These problems are called “the complications of diabetes”. These complications may be quite serious for some diabetics while others are hardly affected at all.

To give yourself the best chance of avoiding complications :

Try to achieve the best possible control of your diabetes – this is vitally important.

Proper diet control, regular exercise and therapy as determined by your doctor, is the only way to achieve good control of your diabetes. Regular check-ups by your doctor, and monitoring your body weight, blood sugar levels will help to stabilize and control your condition and prevent the development of the various complications of diabetes.

An essential part of good diabetic control is keeping an accurate record of all tests performed. Results should be discussed with your doctor at each visit.

A well controlled diabetic feels better and lives a long, healthy and productive life.

Tips for the diabetics :

As a diabetic, you can lead a normal life provided you carefully follow your doctor’s instructions regarding diet and medications. You also need to take simple precautions, because you are more susceptible to infections.

Personal hygiene :

Bathe regularly and thoroughly, at least once a day. Apply talcum powder frequently to areas of the skin prone to excessive sweating. Bathe feet daily, dry them thoroughly especially between the toes and dust them with talcum powder, or swab with alcohol. If you see any scratches or ulceration, see your doctor.

Avoid injury :

Small cuts, even abrasions should be dressed immediately. Shave with utmost care. Be very careful when cutting your finger and toe nails. Cut them after a bath when soft, using a nail cutter. Do not try to cut them very short. The nails should be cut in line with the toes.

Foot care :

Never walk barefoot even in your home. Avoid tight shoes which may cause corns. Shoes should be broad at the tip so as not to jam the toes. Do not try to cut the corns and do not apply corn caps. Consult your doctor instead.

If the circulation of blood in your legs and feet is disturbed or impeded, the results can be very serious, and you may even lose your feet, so follow these simple rules :

Massage your feet regularly. Take a regular walk to improve circulation. Wear warm stockings in cold weather. Do not wear socks with tight elastic bands. Do not wear underpants that are tight around the thighs. Do not cross your legs when sitting for long period of time. Do not tie bandages too tight.

Warning signs :

Inform your doctor immediately, if you notice any of these :

Feeling of numbness or coldness in feet. Tingling or burning sensation in feet. Cramps in the calves. Change of colour – deep red or purple – in toes or toe nails or in the skin.

Diabetic Retinopathy showing Retinal Haemorrhages which can lead to blindness
Diabetic Retinopathy showing Retinal Haemorrhages which can lead to blindness

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2008 Dr Kulsum Mehmood


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